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Show .y.v.v.v.v.v.vv.v.v.v, 5 HOUSEHOLD 9 IRRIGATED LANwa. History of Warwick Castl. The visitor who has been charmed Improper Method of Drying th Hair with the glamor of Warwick Castle . Causes Earache. will be glad to know That the beautiful One reason why women are trou- and brilliant countess owner 1 soon bled with earache more gdcerally than to furnish a history ol that picturesque men ls their method of drying the and venerable pile. hair after a home shampoo, said a doctor. They dry It with a fan, which EDUCATIONAL. la quite properbut thejway they use the fan Is entirely improper. Instead of wielding that so as to send ths wind through the strands of hair they manipulate it in such fashion that they blow a regular gale right into the ear, and the consequence is that for several drs after the shampoo the cleansed locks clothe a head that ls ' the seat of a mighty assorment of sches and pains. If, Instead of tbe ears, the hair Itself were made the center of the artificial cyclone, the drying process would be effected more THE UNIVERSITY DF KOTRE DAME quickly and a severe attack of earache NOTRB DAMB, INDIANA. averted. FULL COURSES IN Ctaaslce, Bcw DANCER IN HOME SHAMPOa Home for Thousand In Idaho. The American Flls Canal A Power Company's beautiful tract of Irrigated land, located between Blackfoot and American Falls, In Idaho, 1 now open to settlers and Investors for selection, .-- . mns K Jhe climate Is fine, the soil rich and fleet A' v.rio.. ' deeP water abundant, price low, piand. I term easy. For full Information write As oak in Its many and vailed flu Curtis & Sweet Co D F Mie is so very fashionable Just now. j.ans. Walker block. Salt Lake City. Utah. an explanation of the efteeu of the ser-eral slants iniy be of (merest, as So' Strangs Freak of Fortun. A few years ago when Czar Alexanmany of them are so closely allied a to confuse the uuinlated. der 111. was alive, and hi family In- eluded three son, it almost seemed thin sunn of medium beyond a doubt that the .succession to llog oak is oak a slight the throne was secured to hi descend-tingcolor, giving quarter-saweof gieeu. It is alum? the same auU, and that it could hardly pass to density as weathered oak. but of a hi brother or nephew. However, the green tone instead of brown, like! eldest son, now reigning as Nicholas ' II , though married, is the father ol weathered oak. Brown Flemish is not unlike Apt-- daughters only; the Becond son it werp, but of a tuueh sponger brown dead, and the third 6on, now twentytone. This fs one of tlie(inost popular fhe years of age. Is unmarried said stains of the hour. It is quite perinan apparently content to remain so. ent and produces a tery artistic effect. - - - - 1 $100 REWARD rnmm e $100. readers of this paper will be pleased to leara fln'sli for thatThethere t at Irani one dreaded disease that Oak is Uut unlike black Flemish, but Stience been ahl- - to cute in ail ttaauiet, and C atar"h C atsrrh 1 t re t the ml) ls Zien a tiiiirt of hln lDbteau Ot (ltNpjj use cuie tow HtU known t the medical fraternity v sianh a a tvns.muuonal black The gun-met- , h- -s c being treatment diseaao, regimes HaU'a Catarrh Cure h Blaek Flemish is a finish, especially when it is desired to much-admire- ITealth and beauty are the glories of perfect womanhood. Women who suiter constantly with weakness peculiar to their sex cannot retain theu? beauty. Preservation of pretty features and rounded form is a duty women owe to themselves. When women are troubled with irregular, suppressed or painful menstruation, weakness, leucorrhoea, displacement or ulceration of the womb, that bearing down feeling, inflammation of the ovaries, backache, bloating (or flatulence), general debility, indigestion, and nervous prostration, or are beset Lilli such symptoms as dizziness, Vaintness, lassitude, excitability, irritability, nervousness, sleeplessness, melancholy, all gone and feelings, blues, and hopelessness, they should remember there is one tried and tfuo remedy. Lydia E. linkhams Vegetable Compound removed such troubles. iihiitm d ns cessive physical and mental strain. I was unable to secure proper rest, also lost my appetite, and I became so nervous and irritable too that my friends trembled.and I was unable to attend to my work. Our physician prescribed for me. but as I did not seem to improve, I was advised to go away. I eould neither spare the time nor money, and was very much worried when, fortunately, one of my club friends called. She told me how she had been cured of oi arian troubles, and how like my symptoms were to hers, seven bottles of your medicine cured her, and she insisted that I take some. V. I did so, and am glad that I followed her ; i' Y advice. Within six weeks I was a different - '"''iiVNk. '' woman, strong and robust in health, and have . been so ever since. A number of my friends who have been troubled with ailments peculiar to our sex have taken your compound, ami have also been Miss Elizabeth gr atly benefited. Pfhsideut of the St ItuthVCourt, Order or For270 Loomis St, Chicago, 111. resters, Catholic. What is left for the women of America, after reading such letters as we publidL, but to bolle. Dont some of you who arc sick and miserable feel liow wicked you are to remain so, nuking life a burden for yourself and your friends, w hen a euro is easily and inexpensively obtained? Dont you think it would pay to drop some of your old and Try Lydi.i Ik Iinkliams Vegetable Compound, prejudis which Is better than' all the doctors for cures ? Nirely the exiierienee of hundreds of thousands of women, whom the Compound has cured, should convince all women. Follow the record of this medicine, and rememlier that these cures of thousands of women whose letters are constantly printed in this paper were not brought nWut by something else, hut by Lydia E. IMnkliams Vegetable Compound, the great Womans liemedy for Woman's Ills. Those women who refuse to accept anything else a e rewarded a hundred thousand times, for they get what they want- a cure. Moral stick to the medicine that you know is the Best Write to Mrs. Pinkham for advice. - produce an efleet of great weight. It gives a piece of furniture a substantial appearance. Its black tone combines admirably with reef wall covering and bangings. r inity Malm liite, although light green. U ILorl h not too intiusive. This Fs aiTeeP-- by bouse of lords was re- many people of very good taste and ls hls umbrella with qUIcd to qmta popular, estieeially for stalling Me of the deposlt attendants. Tbe umbrella not to be found afterward and j was the owner brought an action In court , , , s ns dark as black yro can oa l0 recover jts value. He was success-Flemisor bog oak, and is of a given fu, aDd v,ag awardf,d 5. But this tinge instead of tliu blue of tbe .tag a violation of sanctuary which finish. the lordhancellor would not tolerate. the plaintiff and bis attorNatural oak Is, of fouise, the natural Summoning ney to the bar of the house, he only color of the wood with repeated coats retrained from committing them both of varnish and a rubbing dowu after to on their making a humble prison each. Ikilndelpkla Record. apology and rsfundlng the amount they bad gained. Moffett 1otttto. Select souie sutmd jmtitlees of equal SUGAR hr TIMBER PRESERVER. size, wash t'ein thoroughly, and bake them until they are cooked in a well Experiments Show Value heuted oven, (ut a small piece from of the Process. the top of each and carefully remove Among new uses to which sugar has the Inside, t iking care not to break recently been put ls in the preserve the skin; add some butter (allowing a tion of timber. Much Interest has liberal quantity) and milk to the potato, been aroused by the announcement, pass it through a masher ami beat It as the result of a prolonged series of until It is light and creamy; season It experiments, of a method of so treat weii with celery salt, pepper and nut- ing timber as, to secure even from meg, and add aotne lieaten egg (the soft wood a largely Increased tough latter may bg .omitted). Replace suf- ness, and hardness. The treatment ficient of the potato to lihlf fill the j to which the timber Is subjected is, skins, pressing It firmly against the j roughly speaking, that of saturation sides w ith the handle of a small spoofl, and fill tbe middle with a delicately flavored mince, made either of xbickeul evaporated at a highVemperature. or veal; put a small pie-of butter (The result is to leave ttl pores and on the top of each potato where the ' Interstices of the wood filled in with oioning ls. then scatter with browned solid matter and the timber vulcancrumbs, nud place in a quick oven ized, preserved and seasoned. Tbe nafor about ten minute. The mashed ture of moderately soft wood, it is potato which lsleft can be utilized fat claimed, la in this way changed to a potato rissole or little loave. tough and hard substance, without brittleness, and alBO without any ten SfrMB of BibmiIi Met dsney to split or crack. A preity screen for a bedroom or HARMONY LOST FOR EVER. summer cottage may be carried oat vv Ith the aid of several yards of dotted Brussels net. The Bitw-sel- s Unfortunate Occurrence That Caused Insanity of Musician. net Is first gathered top and lot-toon stout linen thread and then Among the lot of inmates at the stt etched tightly on thp screen by asylum the most conspicuous was a means of tiny brassdtendiMl nails. It man. who sat by ths winmay also lie found desirable that the dow drumming hls fingers excitedly on frame of the sereon should M enameled the window sill, as if playing a piano. cream color unless it Is of some light What was tbe cause of hls aberration? I asked of tbe keeper. Hls ls wood. The effect when finished Is a peculiar caseA vns the answer. light and pretty. He ls musician, He was In Hackensack It Clran. Whlt Gooitn. once, playing the With the present vogue of while, piano. Mosquitoes were thick; they any tl. ing that wUl help keep It as It go on hls mnslc sheet and he should lie will lie welcome. Javnlk played the mosquitoes for water is u preparation that ls invaln notes. The harmonies resulting were 'able for removing stains from whitt more beautiful than any he had ever goods, and It can be made at home, heard before. He became enraptured, another good feature. Pour a quart tut tbe mosquitoes flew away and a of cold water over a quarter of a repetition was Impossible. Ever since pound of chloride of lime. Allow It to then he has been seeking for the settle and pour off the clear water. A combination, but cant find 1L It was pint of liquid soda should be added, th lost chord. and the mixture kept in a blue glass CHANGE bottle, tightly corked. , " .'Trh't S5Q00 FORFEITntmlif w pro e XgriUj letter ths vsnnoi forthwith pm4n il, vkMdi will tnati Its abao'kfe KeniminevA. k HflSnsin kediuiu ALL nit eignstare LfftB HALLOWS COLLEGE r- - SALT won Eoarcers Mil 10 . LAKE CITY. UTAH. and Dag Scalars CONOUCTtO VTH MARIT FATHER Commercial and : nssicl courses J. filivn, 8. - - ' d long-haire- d unob-servedl- y ScIpiu-tlri- c For further ticular apply to RET. gun-tnet-- cream-colore- par- 1, frnifaL. Perfumes Bad for Singers. Great singers never wear boutononce nieres, says a stage manager. offered a white rose to Jean de Reszke. He turned down my offer. Why,' he TODTH said, 'I wouldn't wear that rose for $50. It might make me hoarse, and Im go"The Only Dentifrice of It tcrnatlon! BKRSHjL&DV Then he exBeputaUoa. ing to sing i plained that all singers know that Standard 52 Years the inhalation of the perfume of flowFiSW'5 er haa a had, effect , on .the vocal - RECIPES r chords. All flowers of perceptible odor are shunned on this account by proBanana Cream Slice three ripe tans-n.-tfessional singers. The' vlelet ' Is esla the effect for its pass through a sieve, adil email pecially avoided, box crushed strawberries, worn of all. reserving part of jult-e- ; beat together lightly and Wlnftlowt BootHing ttyrap. Mr. set oil lee to cook Serve in glass cups KEELF.Y TREATMENT, lntltuted ISSS. For children teetbiny, softens toe gums, reduces Tie EammsUvn, AllsyspstiL cures wind oobo. feeufcotUu j, ie only htsbty endoned CURE, fcqustly with swtetened whipped cream to effeciosl in Touv end Old An. which has been added the jiilce of Legal Technicality. 1 THE KEELEY INSTITUTE, A Chelsea (England) hospital Is strawberries. Serve very cold. This SALT LAKE CiTT. UTAH. 34 W.SxTieifltlt delicious. mourning th loss of a bequest of Boll your potaPotatoes Adalns $6,000 through a legal informality. Ths testator signed hls win In hls bed- toes, then crush them. To every two potatoes add one egg, one tablespoon-fu- l room, and ths witnesses thoughtlessly of Hour, one tablespoonful of lard, carried it Into another room before of sugar and a IHtle signing 1L thus making the document one teasjKionful ' laTt" ' WurkJhis' nilxlwe well togethf f, Invalid. d balls, and fry shaping Into Mary Proctor, who writes of Five these iu lsiiling oil. It Is Important Hundred Little Worlds In the August that the olh should b already boHing 8L. Nicholas, Is a daughter of the great when the potato balls arejiut into 1L Proctor, the astronomer, and ls living RELIABLE ASSAYS. Maple Cream Beat the yolks of four New . at in York City. She ls ....SUS 4 . 6oM and Sllvar present Beit (Ulv r. lop'r.. US a small woman, exceedingly quiet, al- eggs until light, then add slowly, while land tMeetitt mail oa aamplaa Prompt mtnnu irraeneeeHOa ar- - most shy in banner,' but has proved hearing constantly, a cup of Thick, hotoaaven. ooco. a successful lecturer and writer in nmi.le syrup. Stir and cook the mix0$dtn Assay Co, the field where her father won dis- ture-i- u a double boiler until it Is thick 1 tinction. When Answering Advertisements enough 10 coat. the blade of a silver knife. Halva half an ounce of gda- This Mention Paper. Kindly King's Preference in Ties. Hue winked la half a cup of cold water 32. 1803. King Edward perhaps wears as many and dissolved over boiling water; stlf W. N. U., Salt Lake-N- o. different types of necktie as any livthis Into the custard and when thorls ing man. His predilection, however, mixed turn Into a basin set in oughly toward ties that have been mad from cracked lee. Stir until It begins to iti KiTavtMtteod. UN timi &yrap. some spotted material, preferably dark thieketr and then fold la one and one-hajUft 1b tis. Hold by with spots of a light gray or whit .t.waqiirtj.-tr.'mgypints of cream whipped to a froth. " ' npon IL Turn lnto a faucy bold and set on ice ; to harden. mium - i If- Drunkenness Cured fair-size- I i lf i . t -- -. -- - - r.' e first-handed- h Case of this Prominent Chicago Woman Should Give Everyone Confidence in Lydia E Pinkharas Vegetable Compound. Deab Mbs. Pink ham : It afford me great pleasure, indeed, to add my testimonial to the great number who are today praising Lydia 11. liuk-liarVegetable Compound. Three yeara ago I broke down from ex- Letters, vmotci History, JeurmulM., Art, Sell wee. Pharmacy, Law, Civil, ilactiaaicai sad faiem trirai fcnftneartnz. Architecture, 1 borough Preparatory end Courses, Komis Tree to ail etudmti who have sees rlstaS the studies required for eduueeloa toto the ' Sophomore. Junior or Senior Veer ot aay ol the CoHeriate Couferi, keume to Kent, snoderete cherts to students over teveiiteeo prenennt for CoiieelaM Coaraea A limned number ot Lendidetea tor ibn KocJe aientirel eiete will he received at .eecial retee. bt. Ldwarda Halt, tor bora under tl rearVia erlque in the eorapleteneaa of tie equipment, 1 he olt h Veer will ooea September S, IMA Calalocuee rre. Addrvea P.O. Bos 2SS. KP.V. A. MORRISSEY. C. 8. C., PreeldenS. Oldest Harvard Graduate. Ninety-fivyeara old, the oldest living graduate of Harvard university, a grandson of the revolution end son of the war of 1812, is the proud record of Rev. Joseph Warren Cross, of Lawrence, Mass. In addition to all health this he can boast of first-ratand a clear memory that recalls sto- . ries of the revolution he received Rev. Mr. Cross haa figured In tbe public line, having been a member of the Massachusetts legislature and a "member of the constitutional convention that created the constitution of Massachusetts. A QuitCoee and Get womans Welt. coffee experience Is in- For two weeks at a time teresting. 1 have taken no food but skim milk, (or solid food would ferment and cause-suca pressure f gas end sue. a distress that I could hardly breathe at times, . also excruciating pain and heart palpitation and all tbe time 1 was so nervous and restless. From chllhood up I had been a coffee and tea drinker and for the past 20 yeara I have been trying different physicians but could get only temporary relief. Then I read An article telling how some one had been cured by Jegvlng off coffee and drinking Postum,' and it seemed so pleasant Just to read about good health I decided to try Postum In place of coffee. ' I made the change from coffee to Pojstum- - andsMch chacge..there ls ip me that! dont feel tike' tbe same person. We all found Pottum delicious and like it better than coffee. My health now is wonderfully good. As scon as I made the shift from coffee to Postum I got better and now ail of my troubles are gone. 1 am fleshy, my food assimilates, the pres-gurQ ln tbe chest and palpitation are all gone, my bowels are regular, have no more stomach trouble and my headaches are gone. Remember I did medicines at wll just left ofi E0t coffee and- - drank - Postum steadily. Name given by Postum Co., Battle Creek, Mich. Send .to the CO. for particular by -un the mall of extension 735 coekacontest for money $7,600 h - - Vises. - . : Woman Carries Big Policy. Mrs. Leland Stanford it said to car ry a larger amount of Insurance than any other woman In tbe world. Hei milpolicies amount to more than a lion dollars. nt ACADEMY 8T. MARY'S NOTRI OAME, INDIANA On fell WmI btf Nttr Dam Uftivervity. tWAuilfttliy nd bM (.totally lurfttod. Conducted lif th luster of tbe Hny Croa C hrtr$4 Kd. Ka I yiufV tieiiL fht rtftftrt Theretuh ClsssioeL Srteatifie lb4 Comut11 Cfctmifttrv a4 FhsnBsey. Coi $uo4 UfMte Decreets FiepereUry Depertaaent trelni for Or pupil epeeUI oouegUte cm pita Tb Uomtery Mum UeoBdort t of tb bout CuotorvBiartM. Th Art n Neltd AHfcb'wt, Mibmb triFt ftf cbildre ttoder tv)v yrnr. YhjtxmX C dUur $ dlrvritjua of JF1 lit of Tnuttlmf, h te )! r4uiof ittfN for fluinf Santa f HifiRworftBforlleof itefuln. 16 eocMumt Cheap Passenger Rates Via bM rfowiU of lb Bceo(to(d th A4tny An Route OfveiloB of BddlikitiBi bunding vlih llviciFute euipniFnt. KodFrU omL Kvc1um4 To Boston, Baltimore, Minneapolis, ft'RF bmin bopimbr8vh. MnUoa iht ppt. or BO d operlol oftnnaMoa ipP'f to Detroit, Atlanta and other points. For Ths cirtyw Directress el ST. MARYS ACADEMY, C. F. Warren, particulars, address Notre Dame, Indiana. General Agent, A. T. & 8. F. Ry., 11 Dooly Block, Salt Lake City, Utah. V FOR BUSINESS Peter an Unlucky Nam. The Christian name of Peter has never been fashionable among mon-arcEngland, for example, - haa never had a monarch baptized as Peter, and In other countries ,tbe Peters have been unlucky. Peter, or Pedro, L, emperor of Brazil, abdicated after an uneasy reign, and hi son, Pedro II., was driven to Europe by a revolution and died in Paris In 1891. Pedro the Cruel ot Castile end Leon was slain by hls brother In single combat Peter tbe Great of Russia was guilty of of frightful excesses; hls grandson, Peter II., reigned only three, yeara and died of smallpox at the age of fifteen. Peter IIL wae dethroned and strangled by conspirator.'1 Peter L of Servla haa already a brutal massacre behind him. Stops the Cough and Works Off the Cold TRAININQ TKI ATTEND SALT LAKE Business Collego . eLT LAKl CITY. UTAH. Heat ef wH la Frtrollmant laat year rablnet HoKlirptn.GreShorUiaiiS.Va l RmniantSly, naald Trivwriltnf, Hu. nr a, Mathematloa. Law, eta. ealeu atioav, Efilllit, . Opea U yeart fall Irrm lein Kepteipber seeared illueu-atetraa Pesltleas catalosoea ter sraduataa SAINTS UNIVERSITY CITY. UTAH. LATTER-DA- Y -- . SALT LAKt Woe-InTwenty Couree: Helentlflo, Claaa'eal, Mrbe1e Klndrrf .rtra, Dvaienlte Arte, i Art. Ull Enetnrerine. PeiiU-a- HHkkeeplo. Shorthand, Trterapiy. LlvU Law.eta. bit buililln, pracMeiu(pria, I4SI (tadebth, Irons faculty of forty central lorattoa, motlera method, therou.s work. trrbnloal trainlns hr Include two dempb-i- j Write for circulars bu-leolleyaa that ra op. a all year, term hcn beptnubar S. J. U. PAUL Ph. D .PaaatDaay teat-hern- , Laxative Dromo Quintas Tablets. Price 25a, ADVICE TO WOULD-B- BELLES. E Two Important Points Whtch Should Never Bs Forgotten. Yes, my dear, one eould lay down rules for the charming of tbe other sex. said an old but very successful belle to a debutante who in spite of beautiful face is, it must be admitted, a failure as far as popularity goes. (Ardent adorers she has, but of temperate admirers and men friends she has none.) One could lay down rules, one hundred and three ot them, all good rules, too. But there are two that Pd remember If I wore you, and you can afford to let the others take care of themselves. Tbe first ls when talking to a roan never run down another woman. The second and even If yon forget the first, please remember the secon$, is never praise another man I Plsot Cure rsnnot bs too highly evokes of as a rough euro. J . W. O' Boise. S3 Third At., JsS. A 100. N., ldluae poll. Ulna., n i I. Legal Point Which Might Puzzle Even That Wise King. If the wise King Solomon conld be again lnveed with hls robes of state and be permitted to hear evidence and render Judgment In certain vexatious cases which puzzle modern Soloes from time to time, he, too, wisdom put $night find his proverbial vO a revere test. - The latest in the Use of freak cases is one reported from Europe. X rich banker died In Warsaw recently, and ln hls will stipulated that his fortune should go to the first of hls three nieces who should marry. Each one of the blooming damsels promptly set out ln quest of a husband. Several days later each returned, and that is where tbe real trouble began lor fhe judges; for each bad a certificate from a notary affirming that she had been married at a certain hour that morning, and aU three cer monies were performed at the same moment of time, An Earnest Drlnkar. Talking about moderate drinking, said Father Lawler after he had addressed the delegate at the meeting of the Total Abstinence union, and Walked down the street toward the parochial residence, I know a physician ln this town who ordered a patient to take a glass of wine four times n each day. This patient ls a man ln St, Paul, noted for being a strict abstainer and a temperance-well-know- One-d- ay Good Things to Eat on the Lawn MM In. M 4 To, 0 Tn ! Btf I, Site Lm, MM Am VlSmKS SrUM M. Nitvral Flavor Food. Palitahl end w!io!oio. - Year grocer should hav than. 8n ftrt taaafr Libby My At'a Om4 W. 4- - HmiIhui.. blM"KwlalUkS af,b thUa ta M- lLibby, McilelU L Ubby. Ctileaf. AN A KNOT FOR SOLOMON. worker.- mm a'l jfV ti? AN HONEST BAKIKO POWDER AT AN HONEST PRICE. THREE CROWN ncoiTtKD BAKING POWDER 2 So Par PMtd CO. HEWLETT BROS. FREE TOWOr.lEril . To IM beitng and j1; prove eternising power of TiUn Soil ABttptl wo wilt mail s Urg trial pnrkwo of lnrueUoti book with abaolotely fre. This is no a tiny sample, but large on. enough t anvone of Its value. Women all over tb country a praising l'axtltie for wb.t I has don la ool Smc tti.nt of foiBBl 111, ouring 11 Inflammation and dincbargo. wonderful a nasal -clrmnsmg vaginal itvwhe, for aora thnsrt. torts catarrh, oa moutl. wash auU to rnnovo and whiten Ut tecta, bend today; S potnl card called, and, seeing little change, asked do. Does your will th wife of this patient: ov Dent ro.tp.ld by , I bold bv husband take four glasses of Win Out, drggt1 boa. otifOo IAXTI1N XHX K. CO.Bo.toa, Mu. Oh, yes, doctor, he ls regularly? very, strict about it , Indeed, be is tour weeks ahead.- - So earnest is he' over SHEET KUSIQ FRfcE It 6L Paul Globa, 0ly 0n-- ., 8rt XUJLudty Mt, M lrr f.rnti, IUUItAv. tS k i |