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Show NEWS SUMMARY. tun w 1 n ' ' strikreported (hat twenty-oners were killed by sold. era gear Ttf lis Kfla, on Saturday ('harl.es Binsfurdt. of Fulton Ky , mistook his wife for a burglar and shot fala" injurt1 g nt i Robert M Vt!rm etlrtoi of the Durant, 111, Clipper has stalled to walk to CajK L'sburue '"on the Arctic ocean, S.OUO miles Rev J L Ainsworth pastor of the Presbjtenan church of Cape Giror- deau. Mo. was drtwned while bathing In the Miss ss'ppi rlwr much exciteHigh water caused ment in orth Topeka Kang, on Sunday when the first floors in a number of houses were flooded Three persons were killed and more than a score Injured by lightning at New Hope church Appomattox county, Virginia on the 3Mh The third trial of former Secretary of State Caleb Powers as accessory to the murder of Governor Goebel, has begun at Georgetown, Ky In Vienna the supreme court has decided that marriages between Christians and persons of no particular creed are invalid in Austria. a Viceroy Curzon has telegraphed lengthy protest to the home government against saddling India with the cost of the South African garrison. The negro who killed a policeman at Evansville, Ind , and thus started the recent riots, is dead from injuries received in the encounter with the policeman. Mrs. Lydia Hancmk is dead at her home in Palmer, MasB , at the age of 100 years and one month Until recently she had been able to read without glasses The entire family of D W. Ward, a merchant of Ballah, Neb, were poisoned by eating sardines. Mr. Ward and three children are dead Mrs Ward will recover A large area of coal, estimated to contain 250,000,000 tons has been located in the Peace River oountry, B. C. Some of the seams are said to be nine feet thick. The bodies of Mrs. Sadie Booth and F. P. Egan, of W orchester, Mass., were found in a yard with their throats cut. It is believed to be a case of m order and suicide. J. S. McMellan, an American, has died of yellow fever at Sierra Blanca, Mextoo. This Is the first American to succumb to the disease, although a number of natives have dlejJ. Sentiment against negroes in southern Indiana has become so intense since the recent trouble at Evansville that negroes ere dally leaving for the south, where they will seek homes. Rev. H. D. Hilson, a negro preacher, shot gnd killed his wife in a confectionary store In Kansas City, Kans. The shooting was the outcome of a divorce suit brought by Mrs Hilson. Anthony Montanino of Boston was pursued and captured at Chelsea. Mass, following a duel with Joseph Corso, In which the latter was stabbed to death The murder resulted from It 1 e A STORYfdita-ini- Quarrel. It is stated that as a result of la qulry by Austrian and Russian consuls into the recent events at 8 Austria and Russia will demand the dismissal of the rhief of police at Salonica. At the Populist conference held in Denver last week, the resolutions committee reported an address to the public, which was adopted, declaring that all differences between the two factions of the party have been settled. Dispatches received in Salonica say that eighteen Bulgarian officers have left Sofia for Salonica for the purpose of renewing the dynamite outrages Several of them are supposed to have already arrived. The population Is anxious. Mrs. Ida Guller has been arrested nt Bunker Hill, Ills., charged with poisoning a boy by means of poisoned candy, it being charged that she oommltted the crime because his father had secured a salaried position held by her husband. The government has decided to acquire a square in Washington, between Eighteenth and Nineteenth and B and F streets, located just went of the atate, war and navy building, as a site for the proposed hall of records for government archives. The monthly statement of the public debt shows that at the close of business July 31, 1903, the. debt, lens cash in the treasury, amounted to 1930,023,208, which is n decrease of with June, 311,011,671 as compared due to a decrease In cash. r, Walter R. Condon, formerly of Mich., said to be heir to 1350-00was found Inst Saturday after a long search, employed as elevator conductor in a Chicago "bn ce building. Condon left home seven years ago to "make a name for himself.' Wilcox of Hawaii, speaking before the Home Rule con- -' ventlon, urged that congress be memorialized to grant Hawalln independence. He also strongly favored the establishment of a government for the llands similar to that of Hubs. Cold-wate- -- . ' " moan to insinuate that 1 am ) l'i it la a u In a lift at r i!' t r iuiKer d ft ae udl .t hi ' Y a e 1 tin w )f thensnv" pix assocjatm CHAPTER XIII. HEN I)r Walker had departed the Admiral packed all hla possessions back Into his sea chest, he r t ah the exception little brass-boun- d desk This he unlocked, and took from It a dozen or so blue sheets of paper all mottled over with stamps large V R 'a printed upon the heads of them. He tied these carefully into a small bundle, and placing them in the Inner pocket of his coat, he seized hts stick and hat "Oh, John, don t do this rash thing," cried Mrs Denver, laying her hands I have seen so little upon his sleeve of you, John Only three years since Don t leave me you left the service again. I know it is weak of me, but I cannot bear It. "There s my own brave lass," said he, smoothing down the grey shot hair "Weve lived in honor together, mother, and, please God, in honor we 11 die No matter how debts are made, they have got to be met, and what the boy owes we owe He has not the money, and how la he to find If He can t find it What then It becomes my business, and there s only one way for it." "But It may not be so very bad, John Had we not best wait until after he sees these people tomorrow7" "They may give him little time, lass But 1 11 have a care that I don t go so far that I can't put back again Now, me It s mother, there's no got to be done, and there's no sense in He detached her fingers shirking it. from his sleeve, pushed her gently back r, Into an and hurried from the nd seals, with very arm-chai- bouse. In less than half an hour the Admiral was whirled Into Victoria Station and found himself amid a dense bustling throng, who Jostled and pushed in the crowded terminus. His errand, which had seemed feasible enough in his own room, began now to present difficulties In the carrying out, knd he puszled over how be should take the firBt steps. Amid the stream of business men, each hurrying on his definite way, the old seaman In his grey tweed suit and hjack soft hat strode slowly-- along, hie head sunk and his brow wrinkled in perplexity. Suddenly an idea occurred to He walked back to the railway him. stall and bought a dally paper. This he turned and turned until a certain column met his eye, when he smoothed It out. and carrying It over to a seat, proceeded to read It at his leisure. And, Indeed, as a man read that column, It seemed strange to him that there should still remain any one in this world of ours who should be in straits for want of money. Here were whole lines of gentlemen who were burdened with a surplus In their Incomes, and who were loudly calling to the poor and needy to come and take it off their Here was the guileless person hands who was not a professional moneylender, but who would be glad to correspond, etc. Here, too, was the accommodating Individual who advanced sums from ten to ten thousand pounds without expense, security or delay. The money actually paid over within a few hours," ran this fascinating advertisement, conjuring up a vision of swift messengers rushing with bags of gold A to the aid of the poor struggler. third gentleman did all business by personal application, advanced money on anything or nothing; the lightest and airiest promise was enough to content him according to his circular, and finally he never asked for more than flva per cent. This struck ths Admiral as far the moet promising, and his wrinkles relaxed, and his frown softened away as he gssed at It. He folded up the paper, rose from the seat, and found himself face to face with Charles Weetmacott. Hullo, Admiral! Charles had "Hullo, Weetmacott!" always been a favorite of the teaman's. "What are you doing here? "Oh, I have been doing a little busl-neBut I have never for my aunL seen you In London before. I hate the place It 'smothers ms. Theres not a breath of clean air on this side of Greenwich. But maybe you know your way about pretty well In the city y ' "Well, I know something about 1L Tou see Tvs never lived very far from it, and I do a good deal of my aunt's business. , "Maybe you know Bread Street?" It is out of Chespstde. "Well then, how do you steer for it from here? Tou make me out a course and I'll keep to it." "Why, Admiral, I have nothing to do. I'll take you there with pleasure. "Will you, though? Well, I'd take it very kindly If you would. I have business there. Smith ft Hsnbury, financial agents. Bread Street. The pair made their way to the river-aid- e, and so down the Thames to St. Paul's landing a mode of travel which was much more to the Admiral's taste than 'bus or cab. On the way he told his companion his mission and the causes which led to it. Charlea Weat-maeo- tt knew little enough of city life and the waya of business, but at least he had more experience la both than the Admiral, and he made up bis mind not to leave him until the matter was settled. "These are the people, said the Admiral, twisting round his paper; and t rintlng to the advertisemenUwhlch had sa j fr.oi'd and ofl one Y - Ck J I ,rwn h.re A. CON AN DOYLb here will to Ft fee p ul fair and m) 111 lei M1 out u rac e tri-n- jou ( d see an old man or not " ThU is beside the question " said the j seemed to him the most promising "II mone lender with a deprecatory shrug buuni- - honest and above board does The point is that If ou died The jiersutial Interview looks a wi ere would be the security then? If (here were no trlckeij and then no I could Insure one could object to five per cent my life, and make the policj over to jou " "No, iteeema fair enough ' It is "Tour premiums for such a sum. If not pleasant to have to go bat in hand borrowing mone but there any office would hsve you, which I very much doubt, would come to close on five are times as ou mi) find before Jou hundred are mj age, YVestmacott, a year. That would hardly when a ntan must stow away his pride But here s suit jour book "Well sir, what do you Intend to protheir number, and their plate Is on the corner of the door " pose?" asked the Admiral "I might, to accommodate you. work A narrow entrance was flanked on I should send either side by a row of brassea, ranging It In another way upwards from the shlpbrokers end the for a medical roan, and have an opinion solicitors who occupied the ground upon jour life. Then I might see what could be done floors through Belong succession of "That ie quite fair. I have no objecWest Indian agents, architects, surveyors, and brokers to the firm of which tion to that " "There is a very clever doctor in tha they were in quest A winding stone stair, well carpeted and railed at first street here Proudie is his name. John, but growing shabbier with every land- go and fetch Doctor Proudie." The ing brought them past Innumerable youth was dispatched upon hla errant!, doors until, at last, Just under tbe while Mr. Metaxa sat at his desk, trim-- I ground-glas- s roofing, the names f mlng his nails, and shooting out little Smith ft Hanbury were to be seen comments, upon the weather. Presently feet were heard upon the etalre, the painted In large white letters across with a laconic Invitation to push moneylender hurried out, there was s beneath It Following out the sugges- sound of whispering, and he returned man, with a large, fat, greaay-lookin- g tion, the Admiral and his companion and a found themselves In a dingy apartment, clad tn a much worn frock-coa- t, 111 lit from a couple of glased windows very dilapidated top hat. "Doctor Proudie, gentlemen. said Mr. An table. Uttered with pens, papers, and almanacs, an Americas Metaxa The doctor bowed, smiled, whipped off cloth sofa, three chairs of varying patand produced his stethoscops terns, and a much-wor- n carpet, con- his hat. stituted all the furniture, save only s from Its Interior with the air of a convery large and obtrusive porcelain spit- jurer upon tbe stage. "Which of these toon, and a gaudily framed and very gentlemen am I to examine?" he asked, somber picture which hung above the blinking from one to the other of them. fireplace Sitting in front of this pic- "Ah, it is you! Only your waistcoat! ture, and staring gloomily at It, aa being Tou need not undo your collar. Thank the only thing he could atare at, was a you! A full breath! Thank you! Ninety-nine- ! Thank you! Now hold yout small sallow-face- d boy with a large head, who In the Intervals of his srt breath for a moment Oh, dear, dear, studies munched sedately at an apple what is this I hear?" ' Is Mr Smith or Mr. YVhat is It then? asked the Admiral Hanbury in?" coolly. asked the Admiral. Tut! tut! This la a great pity. Havt There atn t no such people," said you had rheumatic fever? the small boy. "Never "But you have the names on the "You have had aome serious Illness?7 door." "Never Ah, that is the name of the firm, you see. Its only a name. It a Mr. Reuben "Ah, you are an admiral. Tou have been abroad, tropic, malaria, ague 1 Metaxa that you wants know." Well, then. Is he in? "I have never had a day's Illness. No, hes not. "Not knowledge; but you have "When will he be back?" left Cant tell. Im sure. Hes gone to Inhaled unhealthy air, and It has murlunch. Sometimes he takes one hour, its effect. Tou have an organic and sometimes two. It'll be two today, mur slight but distinct. Is it dangerous V' I 'spect, for he said he was hungry It might at any time become eo. Tou afore he went." Then I suppose we had better caU should not take violent exercise." "Oh, Indeed. It would hurt me to run again," said the Admiral. "Not a bit," cried Charles. "I know a half roller r "It would be very dangerous." how to manage these little Imps. Be ' ' mile?" a "And here, you young varmint, here's a shilfatal." be almost "Would certainly Run off and fetch your ling for you. "Then there Is nothing elss ths matmaster. If you don't bring him here In five minutes I'll clump you on the side ter?" No. But If the heart Is weak, then of the head when you get back. Shoo' $cat! He charged at the youth, who everything Is wealth and the life is not a bolted from the room and clattered sound one." "Tou see. Admiral. remarked Mr. madly down-stai"He'll fetch him," said Charles. "Let Metaxa, as the doctor secreted his stethus make ourselves at home. This sofa oscope once more In his hat, "my refor. does not feel over and above safe. It marks were not entirely uncalled Is was not meant for fifteen-ston- e men I am sorry that the doctor's opinion But this doesnt look quite the sort of not more favorable, but thla is a matter and certain obvious preplace where one would expect to pick up of business, cautions must be taken. money. Just what I was thinking," said the "Of course. Then the matter is at an end Admiral, looking ruefully about him. "Well, we might even now do busiI have heard that the Ah, well! ness. I am most anxious to be of use to best furnished offices generally belong think, doctor, to the poorest firms Lets hope It Is you. How long do you that this gentleman will in all probathe opposite here. cant They spend much on the management anyhow. bility live?" "Well, well. It's rather delicate quesThat pumpkin-heade- d was the etaff, tion to answer, said Mr. Proudie, with boy I suppose Ha, by Jove, that's his a show of embarrassment. voice, and hes got our man, I think!" "Not a bit, air. Out with It! I have As he spoke the youth appeared in faced death too often to flinch from It the doorway with a email, brown, fled-v- p now, I aaw it as near me as you though little chip of a man at his heels. He are." was clean shaven and I TO SB COSTIXCED.I with bristling black hair, and keen brown eyes which 'Shone out very ' RIVERS OF THE DESERT. brightly from between pouched under- II ds and drooping upper ones. He adt the StrMfe Trasks They rtay vanced, glancing keenly from one to oat 4 Thea. New the other of his visitors, and slowly A large contractor la authority for the rubbing together hts thin, hands. The small boy closed tbe door statement that in proportion to the behind him, and directly vanished. number of streams, there are more I am Mr. Reuben Metaxa." said the bridge In arid regions than in anyj "Waa It about an ad- ether moneylender. section of the country. Of course,' vance you wished to see me?" he only referred to such bridge es span "Tee. For you, I presume T turning to what were fcrmerlyor ere not? the well defined channels of running water. In Charles Weetmacott. No, for thla gentleman. parts of ths southwest creeks and rivers The moneylender looked surprised. often appear and disappear so qulcklyj "How much did you desire?" that it Is not known whenco thsy cornel I thought of five thousand pounds," a or whither they go. Sometimes a, said ths Admiral. and leaves no signst stream vanishes And on what security?" I am a retired admiral of the Brit- sometimes its disappearance la marked ish navy. Tou will find my name In the by an increase of water tn ths neighit onto for Navy List There Is my card. I have boring river; sometime here my pension papers. I gel 850 a Itself a nice channel, but whatever be- -' year. I thought that perhaps If you comes of it the old bed le usually left wore to bold these papers It would be perfectly dry. These changes generally security enough that I should pay you. take place after a flood and necessitate Tou could draw my pension, and repay tbe construction of new bridges. On yourselves at tbe rate, say, of 500 a year, taking your flva per cent Interest little rivulet la southern California has as well. required tbe building of five distinct "Whet interest? bridges. About two years ago ths "Five per cent per annum. Southern Pacific railroad lost n stream Mr.Metaxa laughed. "Per annum! called the Whitewater river, which had he said. "Five per centra month, never been known to fait before. Dur-in- g A month! That would be sixty per the wet season it became an angry, cent a year. turbulent and destructive flood, but Precisely." when the rain ceased. It gradually "But that Is monstrous. and left no traces of Its tutors "I don't ask gentlemen to come to me. They come of their own free will. Those course. are my terms, and they can take It or A young explorer was sure that he leave it could find the mouth of any stream, AdTbe ' Then I shall leave it. and so selecting one whoso outlet was miral rose angrily from his chair. But one moment, air. Just sit down not known, he began hie tour of invesAfter riding , many hours and we ehall chat the matter over. tigation. Tours is s rather unusual case and we through the heat and sand, his attend may find some other way of doing what tion was for a short time attracted by you wish. Of course the security which Other .objects, when suddenly ho reyou offer Is n security at all, and Do aane man would advance five thousand membered his mission, and looked for hla river, but not n drop of water was pennies on it. In sight Well," be' exclaimed, I "No security? Why not; sir?' "Tou might die tomorrow. Tou are found that the darned thing went into not a young man. What age are you?" the ground anyhow. y "Sixty-threAn old timer says that many of the Mr. Metaxa tinned over a long colsmaller streams of the desert have no umn of figures. "Here Is an actuays headwaters or outlets, but simply an, of Ills time table," said he. your ' the average expectancy of life Is only Initial and a final ending. wlieth.r 1 m i of one Mr Saigiard was dot h pint pt "You know 1o tt r he t' to I.', oltler the are no chan e of t link & saUor , JttnfmnoNAL WilY HE WAS SORRY v toxic ' t i i out t i ? th at it amt H m- ' I rs blue-chlnne- d, blue-vain- e. .At A . ' Vi nn' nu n aa a i i e in a well unto-- , R pa-i- from 4.i ii Ui .nv ui Si gw Ml n ited that part-o- f gitung drunker and drunker and havn Bttuproam us tine. But we vu'ii t t at mod with that We ent lo a swtll establishment that seemed ' he a salons and rettauiant com-- 1 n d am! ordered a thampegne supper The waiter b.tu;ht it on. and . e were about to beBiu on it, when something appened " "What was It7 every na'oon in U iv i 1 ia last January7 s "Well I hat Kept ui tow faith full; all this time until last night." ATU turn you foil? atri aoirj to say I did" I am as sorry aa yeu are Tell me all about it " In a mormnt of weakness I found in front of a saloon self One of raj Come in my friends happened alorg and bate a drink, old man he said. No,' I said Bworn off 'That s all right,' he said, grabbing me by the arnu 'One diink won't hurt you Come In and get one drink, and then jou can renew your swearing off ' I protested but the next moment I found myself inside and the old tbrist came back 1 took one drink, and then another and another, and then my freind proposed that we go out and paint the town. "But jou didnt do that?" interposed the doctor "1 am sorry to say 1 did We ts-- Ie 1 T woke up," "Then it vas all a dream? "It was" And you hadn't broken your vow?" "I hadn't been near a saloon. Hadn't touched a drop" "Ah, well, then you haven't anything to repent of my friend, and yon have been exciting my commiseration on false pretenses and amusing yourself at my expense " "No, I haven't doctor," said Mr. Swiggard, wiping tbe iterspiration from his brow. "The worst ia to come. I confess to you, doctor, I I can't help feeling sorry, even yet, that I woke up before 1 had tasted n drop of that champagne!" Utica Globe. Once upon a time, not very long now famous Bluebeard bad embarked on hts Interesting matrimonial career, a country lawyer called upon him and requested an Interview. "What Is your business? Inquired Bluebeard, gruffly. "Alas! I must confess that I I am looking havent any business for some. I et me explain. Your penchant for alternating aa a widower and a bridegroom has excited considerable comment in this neighborhood, not altogether of a complimentary character; 1 may say that dark suspicions are abroad. Some people go so far as to say that something ought to be done. "Now, I have a little scheme to put an end to all thla. Why not establish a divorce court? Divorces to be granted on application by either party I fancy that any lady who wlshea to get In her application ahead of youra will have to start early in the honeymoon. Cause, Incompati bility. Nothing causes Incompatibility like feminine inqusltlvenesa. What a happy masculine world w should have without It! Divorce granted with or without publicity or aent by mall on receipt of return postage. I, aa the originator of the scheme to b retained aa permanent counsel tor tha husband In the numerous cases of Bluebeard vi. Bluebeard, which we may reasonably expect to arise. Alimony and counsel feea tq he paid by the wife I understand that you have . a chronic affinity for heiresses. "I am sure thla plan would suit tha ladies better than the methods at present in7 vogue, and it might even have some advantages as far aa you are concerned. It might relieve your conscience if you have any" "Well, IU think It over," said Bluebeard, "but I can't give you much encouragement I have my own way of doing things and they suit me." And the lawyer called many time after that, but Bluebeard always said there was nothing doing. William B. McKenna, in New York Times. To realize how great Now York city I; one should compare it with the great clllee of antiquity. Those great center of civilization which - have claimed the wonder of the ages or their size and splendor, were really small cities compared with Greater New York. Babylon, whose name has come to be synonymous with dense population, never had over 1,200,000 Inhabitant in its palmiest days. Rome, the mistress of the wortf, tbe great city to which nil roads led, "Rome the Eternal," did not exceed 2,000,000 in population. Gibbon, indeed, believes that it bad only 1,200,-00n and in this estimate be and agree. Constantinople, at the time of Ita greatest splendor as capital of the eastern empire, had a population of about 1,500,000. Many of the other celebrated cities of antiquity were mere villages compared to New York, not containing within the whole circuit of their walla as many people aa live in one ward of Manhattan. Athens, when she led the Greek states In repelling tbe Invasion of Xerxes, after the 0, Mil-ma- bad.oiily 30.Q00 Inhabitants, hut. Hero dotue speaks of this number as If it was something to boast of. Jerusalem in the days of Solomon probably did not contain 20,000 people, and Thebes and Memphis would have been only populous suburbs of New York. 4 New York city now, contains more people than there were In the American colonies when they achieved their Independence. It has 1,000,000 more inhabitants than tbe kingdom of Greece, over 1,000,000 more than the kingdom of Servia, is pearly equal la population to ti kkgdcm of Portugal. and also lack not much of equaling tbe kingdom of Holland. It has a larger population than any one of the Central American republics, and more than any South American nation, Brazil and the, Argentine repub 11c excepted. It has about twice the population of Denmark and more than twice that of Norway. THE SEEKER AFTER TROUBLE The really unhappy man, whose unhappiness is hla own faujt, ia the one who ia forever carrying "a chip upon bin sboulier." Perhaps his happiness is bis unhappiness, for when be to not engaged in a personal altercation he is brooding over some fancied light and awaiting a favorable opportunity to give vent to hie wrath. Tbe man with the chip on bis shoulder ia easily recognized, and Ufa society by wise people is carefully avoided. He can go nowhere without trouble following In his wake. If bb attends a theater he ia either annoyed by the usher or someone In the audience, or at tbe mau in the box office for not having sold him a seat bougnt long before be appeared at the window. He is the bane of the car conductor, and on the railroad train he succeeds in embroiling himself In a tow with tle brakeman, conductor; Pullman-ca- r porter and the passengers. Each flying cinder from the locomotive is aimed especially at his eyes, and lie succeeds in stirring up the spirit of mutiny in the hearts of the travelers. There are some women almllarlyr constituted, who manage to be in trouble from tbe moment tbelr eyes opent In the morning till they close them In sleep- .- Those people are Indeed to be pitied. If Indeed they are not cor' dlally hated. This quarrelsome habit of mind can be so fostered that the' petulancy grows to be a malignant disease and leads sometimes to the Insane asylum. Parents who notice in their children this fretful, quarreling disposition can easily find a They may not agree to the measure simply, 'a good, sound thrashing. Everyone has heard of tbe story of the child who was continually and quarreling. In despair the mother cried: "Are you sick? What do you want?" Gravely the child I thlnk. Mamina.'i want ft She received the whlp whipping." ping, and there was 'n marked improvement In her temper. San Francisco Post. Sacrifice to Science. A well known surgeon was recently called upon to perform an operation on the person of a small son of a prominent merchant of Philadelphia. Prior to the operation, his mother proposed that he should sayshla prayer. Tbtt the lltfle fellow did, after which the nurse began to remove his clothing, while the mother stood by we. ping. "Mamma, . Suddenly he asked: mayn't I say another prayer?" "Certainly, dear; pray ail you wish. The little fellow at once got down on his knees, lifted hlsface upward and, amid the silence, solemnly said: "Oh, God, please dont kill me; k tilthe doctor. Amen. rem-ed- y. whim-pori- An Ancient Tree. ng v In the orangery of Versailles Is the oldest pomegranate tree in France, In fact, bark to the establishment of tbe orangery in 1685. In exceptionally warm and bright seasons the old tree still decorates Its branches with a lew flowers, but no fruit has been seen upon It for a king tlmeh - Use Petroleum Fuel. Petroleum Is the fuel of all the loco motives in Asia. |