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Show Mill. 1 HE GREAT'S CU ' Jila-leup Ixploils of Czar Wh.0 CSarvjjsd pvissias Capital. 1 tf I tl ttfr I . ' KV VOHK mid St. Peters- ' burg rcli tin 1 their blrlh- 5 T lnn re.vnlly. Knell lu 1 IV i-oin iiia-ni'irn 1 1 us II founds. i tf- I liui recalled the name of II j ' Peter, line una Pclcr ! Xtity vcaant. the other Pclcr Hip limit, j Till- cinlii.-n hil cnpltnl nf I lie Auir- j .-na looked hack liver It -'."' yenra of 1 fcuiiicipnl li:p mill rcjntcpil In It it rle i fintii n group nf hut with ii atuckndc in Hi" ac.nnd oily In I hi. wurlil. The Imperial capital uf Hip ltulna pxulttd In the furl Hint It wna nut only Hip ynuiigcal nf tturupcnu rniillnlil. Imt luilf n century yumi-i-or tluin Ita Amcrl-inn Amcrl-inn rlMil. nml rclnld M two rcnturloa if wnrfnir ngnlnat flood, pcnlllcnep n ml InniiriiM-tliMi, in the trntiafiirninllnti nf tip Iiokm nf Hi Hlvor Neva In a clly nf pntncea nml cnthclritla Willi a mpu. ill loti nf t.'iOMXKI Thp rcmiirknhlp nrlgln nf Ht. Pctern-lung Pctern-lung hna canard a rcilvnl nf lutcrnn-flminl lutcrnn-flminl tulcrcat In Hip atlll none remark able character if tin founder. Hlntca-linn Hlntca-linn nf foreign nntliuiM wlm are wnfoli-lug wnfoli-lug Ituaaln Juat nuw with pnrtlrulnr anxiPly hnve iniimi1 In their rending nf dipnlchen frmn K IkIi lnff. Purl Ar-Ihur Ar-Ihur and Hnnn In rnnalilcr Hip klml if limn who llrnt rouacd Itoaaln frmn III ancient OripnlnllMin, who Aral nrgnn-lr.nl nrgnn-lr.nl Hh nrmr. built It (Imt ahlp mill wlm nlnrtpil Ihp rinv nn lilt career nf pxpniialoii fiuiii Ihp llnlllc to tlip Pn-I Pn-I title ntiH frnin Ihp Arrllr to thp tropica. i Much a hnckwnrd view nf Ihp llfp nf Peter lltp Orrnt rplli'i'tn a alrnhgp tfim-lilnnlliiii tfim-lilnnlliiii nf trn.l wlilrli nt Hrl necm i a iin-illcr. Ill grrnt ilii'iln, which mi clearly llliiHlrnlp tlip iere vet mice, Ihp t-uurniip. tlip niuhllliin nml thp wilt power nf Ihp Ituaalnn. nrp Intermingled with ntintigc, filimiNt frcnklah eaon-intca. eaon-intca. l-'nr cxnmplr, thin Innnnrrh xinillil devote bin nltci.llnu nt imp limp tn tlie building nf a I'nihi'itnil; nn nn-fit nn-fit tier nrrnn!iill lip w unlit wt ll(i fnnl ifur a I'ntrinn h. till him with whip, nml thm cinmp thp ilriinkpii Mrrtrh to hp pimtrl it.ln Illicit mn I iv Minimi KiiNNlnmi, Imwpvpr. nrp frnnk t In rplntlnc Imlh Hip mihlp nml thp urn Ipwiiip ni'tn nf thplr icn'nt I'inr nn In . tllrnllvp nf thp nlnifulo nf thp Hlar frmn hnrlwrinin tn thp rlvllltnllun nf hp iirpmnt limp. It wan In IVtpr Hip Hirrnt ttml Ihp fnri'pa nf Unlit nml ilnrk- , aii'M ini't and lintllpil. Nuw thp one, liow thp othiT, mmiiprpil. j I TIio4p who arp ao liiii'iillr aluilylng flip lliiaalnn nf thp twi'iilliMh rpntiiry Livanap nf hla trpuii'inlnua Inlliirm'P In jllip wnrlil'a tmlltlra flml a pi'rullar 1 . Klunlllranra In thp wllil ahlp nf I'rtpr'a 1 pliarnrtpr. Kvpn nt thp nrpurnt limp S' lha qui'IUin In nuki'il: la Itiiaala ntlll lmrtinrlcT What will aha (In npat? A . toinpnrlann of thp anvnap I'iIit with IU lliiaalnn of to ilnjr ahnwa hnw far il I heap two huiiilri'il jri'nra thp lliia- alan inlnd hna anftpmnl, anil thu fnrp Bihailowa In a cirlnln iIi'kitp lla fuliirp Uiivploiinpnt. I 'J'h tniPa tiilil of I'ptpr nttnnnd with Viiniiy iiuiilinp Piplulta, wlilih nmrp WpiiI wrltpra linvc ncin-il alianril. t iiiuim thp nlurlpa. Imwpvi'r, which nc nut nipt with maltlv rnnirn-klh'llmi rnnirn-klh'llmi llii-rp nrp inniir which wmilil com In Ih'Iiiiiii more to Met Inn thnn li hmliiry. fur i'xnmilp, It la rchilnl Jlml iliiilnt It iirllcBt liny a nf Ml. VtpKhiirii ihp Inliiililiiinia ri'vullcil intnlnat llvlim there any Innucr. In a ho llrnt yenr nnp liumtrtid tliiiimnnil lind died frmn inatllcncp mid llnnil. film alrccla and Itimra nf thp lumaca Vit ki lipnr tlip wnlcr'a piIkp llml Ifercra rnvnitcil Ihp I'liminnnlly, nml thp hitler iiild uf winter, when the mnrrnturp freiincntly mink In forty iSi'lin-pa Im'Iiiw aero, rroae to iciilh pinny a linnly t'imaiick who had heen rumppllpd to aptllp Iherp. Acciirdlnaly Ihp ieoilp antiKht thp iirlcaia to Inler rpdp fop thnn nml accnm their (U1-iartnrp (U1-iartnrp frmn thp hnlcil inn n. Thp tianr wna IIvIhk IIi.tp nt the lmp lu a wihhIcii hut. w hich la ail I II (irpmrred. lint thp irleata wnited until J'Pler wna nut nf town. Tumi they railed thp nlteiillon nf tlip mullllmlc lo an Image of thp ltd ki-i Virgin, toalch wna wivping copiously. '. "Our IIIcmoiI l.mly weepa for the Ickupaa and don Hi which mtllcta iw lh hint ua llep thla valley of norriiw." nld thp prleata. - Thp cniiiiiiiinlly had hecii left lu rhargp of Count (inlnfklii. nml tin roiinl, In alnrui, aeul ici-llmic for lila mauler There wna no time InaL I'cler wna hack heforp he nna rxiiect-xl. rxiiect-xl. An noou aa hp anw tlip weeping luiagp hp lorp off thp luick of Ita head ml dlnenvcroil a hollow tilled with nil. Which kept trickling nut through the tjrm. I Thal'a Ihp way your prlpala innkp Inola uf you," orleil l he Cnr, nml pick-lug pick-lug up thp linngp hp took II hmnp Willi lilin to mid to hla mllectinn uf curloa. H'lw Mrat liullillug. however, which J'etiir eriTted In thp city ntier thp fort twna a church. ' At a aUlp dinner I'eter vviik wont to rnnourngp drinking nud acuiHIug. na he an Hi It promoted good fellow ulilp. t'orthlapuriioae he auw tlnit ihp mhlea Vera never fin nlho,l Hllh enough i thalra to go nronml. Aoconllngly, the I, fllniipr alnrl. it oil with n free light for 1 IBpnta, Thne w ho railed to llml null i Wpr cnmpcllcil ellher to alt uu Hie 1 fhKir or go without food. Neither were Iherp pnnugh nnpkliia. nml nftcr the Rilita who nhtiilncd iliiui. n.'te aim Hi they licgiiu nmillier Imtlle. lu the mime wny there wna nhvuvs tin In-Ullllclrnl In-Ullllclrnl nttllllii'l lit ill-lir n , I klllveN, I ao Hint mniiv of the giicm ivue com' lcllc,l to .1 u i,l.. a ,uh or :,n 'inlim: Uteiull lu'lwceu Ihcm, o the ilcrMon of their more f.illnicile fclli.nn. The C'iur cheered on the cum I union, and 1 ir .'. i Ihp grmlei lit. aot.. end rnnrualPU the mure In Hii'nn.:i .! Ine t-. -Icier. To pin h ti n - ci' on n jii :H cup nf In.'ii .ly. nml tin" l.eiy p'.linu ta fnlh,c. l.r f.Mol ill lol. t.r w lie. Coit-c.if tuly. the grmiir c.i iI.mp or the in. hhite lie.-.-ime li. rii.l.lli .1 he fiue evin the 'i'i' a kcim .1. Tlirom.-lf.nl the meal ul.nl Iniinper of ilnrk leer e"e iiiniiii.l. nn I Peter, nltting nt Ihe In ml nf Hip tnhle nf hi.li'.r. am rounded with c;it peiilci , alilpwrlghta nml inc. Iniiili alioiit.il to tlip ainiitnra Mini foreign liiol.ifi.n-dnra liiol.ifi.n-dnra aintietcd icllmcll nniuud Hie nlltar ml. leu "lirlnk In in ty! Inlnk homy! Hunk It nil!" At anch illtitieta the O.nr often plnved prnellinl Jnkea nn hi gueia nlihli would hardly lip lonnl Nnd gnnd ill-iturllp ill-iturllp nt Hip prcenl time. Por et-nmple, et-nmple, hp would linvp hla conk pill inlii" In tltp anlip, an Unit the ntllmnl would not he found linlll Hie liiinipicl-cra liiinipicl-cra hnd ntiuot dnilued the tureen. Again Hip Our would nnnoiimv n'lcr a cnump hnd lieeu pntell Hint the Itiellt Wna Hint uf n rnven or wolf. Other illnneia. nccnriliiig to anmp hla-Inrlttn. hla-Inrlttn. were ninde nccnalon- for Hip ahiughtcrof crliulnnlaorlmiloia. When Peter wna In llolliiud working na a Znnmlntlt alilliwrluht an Hint he uiitfht Irnrli Ihe ahliwilghl'a art nud Intro, ducp It Into Itunaln. he lenrmd Hint n relielllou hnd lirnken out mining Hie Kirelliaea, or Itiipit in I Imdygunid. Quickly returning Imnip, lie put iloivn Hip ln,iiieetl..n. nnd then ordered n grent dinner tn lip held In cnmnipmor-iitp cnmnipmor-iitp hla victory. Tn thop who hnd been rnllhrul In him In hla ntucuee tin offered rich rewanla. The twenty Ipndera nf thp reliel. honeier. wero led Into Hip l.nininct hull nud cieeitlcd iH-fure Hip gueaia. Piter la anld In hnvp ncled na rxecullnner hluiRctf, nud after pilch tonal hp would cimfT n gln of wlnp nml then nlrlke off tlte hend nf a Htrellla. The nthcr lifiinn lion-lata lion-lata went put In dentil nil the wheel or hy Hip ne. nml llielr he.nl wera trtiiKllved nn plkea iilutig Hip alreela. Pelrr'a aojourn In lloltnud in Hi gillHc uf n nlilpltullilcr nud hla vlalt tn Kuglnml tn aluily Hie nhnrvea nud cnininen lnl llfp uf I.ouilou were tilled with mn 1 1 1 in u Incident In keeping with thp kind of mini hp wna. riooii nfler hla nrrlvnl nt .iiiimlniu crowd liegnn tn helegp hi hutulilp npnrt luetil tn aep him. t'mwila nlwnya pro vnked Peter, nml nt thla lime hp went Into a tit, aa he o'lcu did nt tlinca of high liervou lenaion. The aluhl nf I ho yuung mnn writhing nn flip tloor drovp off thp curioua Hiniiig In a pHiilc, hut It did nut illacoiupnap Ida nwu nltPtid-aula. nltPtid-aula. Ill l.nndon thp Canr piuwunterPd auch cruwda Hint on nun occnalun when a pnrter carrying a hod puahpd hint clear off thp aldewnlk hp Immediately pulled up hla aleerea fur a tight. Thp Mnr-tula Mnr-tula nf ('nrmnrllien wna with Mm, and tlip Kngllali lurd exelnliupd: "Look here, vou hliid! Do rnn know whom you hnvp inaultid? Thla mnn her la Ilia Canr nf Ituaala." Hut the pnrter did mil recoil. lualPnd hp Ilirpw out hla cheat and remarked hlnndly: "Cinr, hehT Well, ne'ra Imll canra 'erp"' On returulng from Knglnnd Peter wna alniek with the aliaurdlty nf thu nucleut conluiiip nf hla cuunlrymen which they hnd Inherited from their former tmiatura, the Tartar. Accord tugly he liegnn a cniNitdp agnlut thp great long conta nud Imgy troueta, which he anld preveiiled Hie llif.lnna from keeping up Willi their Wiaiern uclghlior. Ilia iiilniNlei nml courtlcra were tliumlcratruck. Much n reform wna not nuly reviiluttounry, they aald, hut would dealroy the nnlion ulletiy. The Ituaalnua would litlvp their eon. tail drugging uii the giouiul it tiny would pcrlh. "Yuu w ill cut on ynur tMialtiiila nr Pit cut nff yuur henda!" ahouted Peter in n ptiMalon. Thp euuiilera tlnatly dp-elded dp-elded Hint their hernia wero uf nunc cntmeiiuence nml aulleuly nticyed. Thu cuiitlnlla camp nIT. Then thp royal reformer re-former ordered the lieaida off. Till wna heaping Injury on luaull. "What wna ni'iie lienullful Ihnu a lipiird reaching tn the waNt nml cuver-Ing cuver-Ing Hip cheat like a ahnwlr" naked Ihn nohlp tinynrn. An luurreetlou waa imminent. Hn Peter chiiiiueil hla nu-Ilea nu-Ilea allglitly, hut nt the ailllic time ex-eeuli'd ex-eeuli'd n heat liualiiPHa coui liy taxing every long Hnrd on a notile f Iihi. nud Hint uf the penaiiiilry a certain auwill miiiii every time tttey pni(ed Ihp clly gale. At flrat Hip rpvenue wna a liamlanme one, hut aloniy thp hcnnla cntne off. T'oola." anld Peter na thp tax dwindled dwin-dled nwny. "Tliey hnd liilher hnvp their iHiirda pulled nut htiir liy Imlr thnn aliavp Ihem utf nil nt nine." rimilly thete wero only two long iH'arda lert nt thp court, nml (Vler cnuglit theNp trnuagreaaora oup dny nml ahnved thrill lilmmif iH'fnrp a court tilled Willi glioma nnd amlinaaiidnra. |