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Show I 1 STAKt CONFtRtNCC t ; ... - i Synorali cl Se..i.ne Held l Kemee j 1 L..I Saturday nd Sunday. Re. -'!) . I f - ' w" " ', hukf a aa li. 'I ' Kn a- lt a"i'.la n.l ."un.lay. Hi' atteiilaloe not ery larire, ' 'it lb i lial t i'n g'Ven b llir lCi.tl arte fill ul llitere!. The ratn.ilay rrornii aei-l 'ii ' npene.l t.y th 1-..inrre.a'on 'niiiiig, "Come, In anea." r ')' l'.bop ' M. K. Ilr a. Tie hvinii ' !.' 'I" hum . in n-n.-l" by ! ' l'r. a'. Tln'ii a I. Allen, in hi "ipeii- ll.t.'l..aia, eaprea.nl hi .!e.llll nieetii ihe fauna ill i latterly roiiler , rce unale r inch favorable I'rrilti.- lanca, Ill' I eipiatlle.l llie raila i.t rliai gig 'he p'ac ul hoMinf the C"li f lerei I1 al ..( 'he appearance ol aitiall ' I'lln .'.alvil. AI- nplair.r.l the tea.nnnhy l'rt'. Taylor ai ab.ent. I Willi tl..IT..rt.ot ail llie hea.l. .f 'I'- ..arttl ..'a i.1 th "a an.l . Mli'i-i Mli'i-i lira, lie piv.lriiry are mil aa'ialli'l, I an. I itii'jr appreciate ll.eir oi atol labor. Kl rr C. A. lalli aalil the c.ili"lirg remark! t rie.l. A.lell il.nlll'l t I'lT tt '' appreciate.!. He M" '" 'leatb f.f the lVpe '.I It li.' ami ol Urn ele. Hon ol : one il Ilia (.'animal lo the 1'apal teat , .wnpare.I llie maimer of electing a !'.,.. mth that nl the choice (.1 a I'.e.i. i!en n( cur 'hurih, ari-l thai aeaaa people ran iay men to (lie clmir nl j I're.iilenl "I out ehurrh, a auir h i la rtinaen by revelation. Coimaelor M. N. I'a. nelraoieil the 1 M-ipla ami lell pleaM-l that Cmfereure ! raa Uing hehl at Kama. Hai.t all the 1 ..rgauiia'biii in tli Kama ril acre in 1 trwl .orkin or.lrr. . ' Kl.lef Levi IVara.'n, on behalf ol the liigh iiMiiii il, re(iriritl the oritiiol j thai iiinriiin. HaM perfeet inlty I 11 In the quorum wiih lb Mak I'rea- J Ideucy. Th qnuriuu meal ninnllily I Iranaart bmine bruiiglit belur them. 9 Th rongregatlon tang "Hail to the j Vrlghtneaa ol ion' gla.l morning. " KMer Stephen Walter ul the high privttt quorum tail b'y In meeting with th ei.!e in ronlerance. ILIrrreil , to th Inny tlina oJ aaiil that no ilouht , " thia a lb reainn thai to liiinr ol Ih people wer atiKnt, In apeaklng ol th Idntiei ol high pried, eal.l he a,rry ..r lli..e alio d el that herauae H Ihey ilo no', hi.l.l potili.iin Intheainke or nl lt7 are loll t' 'ake a t.a'. lie lliga.l that no man tan thro oil lit jiilen'.hi.dj an.l remain i.lle, but all houlil Work and ran work il they will but put Ihfiutehu In a p. liii.m to he and, Uliliop V. 1'. Rirharda reported the Oakley ward. All oiganlxatlona, n.ept th Itelief S.K-ie'y, aiein g.M.'l rnli.liti.i'i. Tin buho. lie r making a tour ol the wur.l viillinf th IlilllH. Ciairr KIU I.auey rt p.irle I the ora-ll'g ora-ll'g ol the lt-lil'1 Kx-ietiea. I.iihup 1'eler Il'inrail rrporlxl the Bench Creek ward. Hitter IiahelU I'ai.lol I ol I'ark City, being lntroluced at relumed minion-l minion-l ar, t "Id ol hrreiperleiii'et while on her nii-ii"ii to Kngl.iiid mid S'otland. St. daell upvli th ii'intry Uitli people Diuil obtain to enable tbaui to rely on the uord lor II it goolnnt. Tha ehoir aamr "TrRit to th man" and alter bviie.lli 'ion hy Auihrote ', k I CMi tehee a at ail j 'Uroed to 'J n'.-lo. k. I'hr tui.Uy nl'ernii ill '! mi op.'tivd I y the ill ill fii.gititf "l-iirlll ii. ' the plar a here t'hri.l will dwell." I I'rayer by Khler Kula-rt Walker. Cou-tiiiunl Cou-tiiiunl by i he ror.girg.ttl. in tinning "We thank Ihee, I) ii.l, lor propl,.," I'rett. ti. W. Vi'Ung lell pleae I il uiei'liug a Hh the ieupl in uail.ily rnfereni-e and tliougli. no ilouht the people In the aoutti end of the Stake were g'ad the I'oulvreine in Wing iield at K .iii.it. Thanked the l.oij tor llie tealimoiiy ahiih he po.trt-id. Sin. I ' the Siak I'rea.itenry and high ooum il 1 had been rolitldering lha Inteiettinl 1 th oung peopi, and that a Nuke j aruuteiiient i-oii.uutlee bad len organ Ilaed, rortl.lmg ol the Nuke I'ro.l.l i.d the bra t of e n li Mnke urgalii. it on. lie reiorted the Slake a lieing in a g l bealtbr ron.lili..ii ; i- .mp'aili'i are ri ; fat iakni evil ol neignbora ; t oka ul ' raal ollVrmgt and ein'ouragrd th aiiiin j In 'l.i. 'Inn. j The llenefer ward a at reported by II ahop lla-r i, th V. I.. M I. A. i.y hitler Klicabetb Tuoinat, ami tbe L'Jn.i ) o. our out 1 1 Ken:r hr E 'tier Jaiuta 1 Wool.ieuhttlm. I A uiemtier ol the auiuaemeut routuiii- Im ol (iraoit btaa ripluined Ih I working ol Ihecouiiiil'.te io that riake. AH.tle llyrnui M. Kutiih ntat tpoke 1 .Mi til aubet ul autueiiiutB. haid I ' "" . . . - . tl-ai - '. g-. i. ate. ,,,..,., ...i Iiei p. I ue l.a.-.r.l..y j It In i-ivm.. the lord He 'iJ I ,r amtlte-a a ,'.l i ' under -he .1 re I b i. (ie-'l-.-l. i Mo' f.- .i' !. 1 "IP " ti... in I hy K. It. Mnri.by and conler- j , e. i- adjourifd to f tn.lae morning. , Ii .. enl.ng .' npentd hv In- inn-: inn-: i'.gj-i ii ..iiigiiig ' How linn a foui.ila-1 foui.ila-1 i n. I'rayer by K'rler Ward K. I'. k. ! rr.e l.tlllli, "I el.. re Jehoval.'t gh.H0 It , I tl.ror e" aat tuug I.y tl e rhoir. I I'.l.h .p Kphraiin l.arn'erl reported' j the Woodland ward. Said the bi-hoprii- j I .'.) all tl.t' org .nlr.i'iori. lire in I'l l ' i . '."I, ilni'ed, i'li'., ami 'ha' all iheoth.-.r- , 1 o rv- H,e uor.l ol ai.d.M.i. j K. II. hhead ..I the reliii'.ll i U' " k rep .r'r.l , r.ll.l t ..'. therein. l i.h .p I red Ita.plMlid reported ion d I'oi t ii. the I'ark City ward. The I'riuiary aork wai rcimrted b H iter Mary Walker. Th I'eoa a ard a at recalled be Ilit'io;. Maiaell and the Y..M..M. I. A. by Snpt. C. A. Caliit. A duet, "He will not luiiil-er" wat ung by sitteri I'ai k und Voung. I'ret. Jof ph W. M. Miirrin ol the Coiimvl ol Sevinty, taid It la highly reie.tarv lor the eldera when thee ad-re. ad-re. t the .a-ntt lo le intpired hy llie Holy spirit ol (....I. Fh pretnling an' hority ihould lee that all ar put to work, lor a'l are fifed lo ni potitlon. ' Said the religion rlattei are an aim to the rhnrrh n hoolt and la a tiiel-gieen I'.ttitution. The tenor r.l hii remark! a at In the intereat ol all the auxiliary .iiiair Hi He alto tpok ol the ne- i e.-ity ol obedience. The choir aug "An angel Iroin on mgii"ai.d lodi-r Soil! M. I'ack pro-n.-onc il th Une.licti.Mi. suii'lity alterooon the i ..ting wa .. Ine.l by the choir iiuging "The tpint ol H. el like lli la burning." l'rarer by Khler Jamea It. Khead. "Conie, .leare.t Iird, detcend and dwell," waa tnng hy the choir, alter hleh the tAe r.tuieut wat adminli'ered. The general and Stake authorliietol the church were preieuied and tuitaiiied unaniii.ouily. Tli I'ark City choir rendered niott beauiilnlly a onartette, ' ion'a City ol our Hod," Treat. Allen preaentrd regret from Treat. Taylor, who waa unable to attend conference, but w ho lent greeting to all Ih Minn preterit and lili appreciation of the work ol all th department In th Slake. Haiti the Stake Treaiilency and high council war united In their deliberation and that they bad tbe Intereat In-tereat ol the pe. pie al heart. A poll 1 Hyruin tmilk next pok. Said that wiill torn ol ut can and do hear a faithful leatimony . yet it take! a conatant labor by th leaderito keep th peopi in Ih war ol 111 and activity In thegot)l, 11 dwelt quit forcibly on llie piinciple ol tithing. S-oe ol debt, and vxhorted the peop! to get out of ibbt, and quoted Trttt. Smith in arty ins while w now live in protpenty. Ihi. condition will not always xitt. sid lo tbe people that if any are nut con. verted lo the workii ga r l the ililTi rent organization, not to tay anything againil them. Ileemphatied the priu dptl of obedience. tliler McMurrin Iru teitimony to what the prevloua tpeaker bad aaid. and ailvited young people to beL'in life aa lr.. mioi ami women, to far aa debt it concerned Spoke trong'y agamat Sab-bn'h Sab-bn'h breaking. Hio IIoIht: Jonet waa tet tp.irt aa a pitnarch ill Hie suininit S'likc, I.y ,M...'le Hyruin Smith. Treat. Allen announced that lb next auxiliary meeting woul I lie held at C.'iilvllle on Sat. Aug. 2iuh. Trituary and llt'liel Society ronferuc lb day j loll. .wing ut the -unie place. The choir tnng "All hail the gh rlona day," and after U'liedictiuu by Tatria'di Hubert June, confereiie wa adjourned lor ibre uioulb. |