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Show j why :;e was sor.r.v j j Mr. Kn Igrnrd wna ilc t 'y p..pitet, i "..il Know, d.ii-i. -r." ho . :-d to h! i : fr.cii.l nn. I pa-tor. It-'v. lr. Scow. "I aw, in- off from ilrlr'.-ins anything t:i- j lOJllclllllli; I.I Ht .Illlllllie.V?" "Well. I Inn,, kept my vow faith- ' fully all Ihis tinio-nntil Inxt night." "And then you foil? am miry to iny 1 did." "I nin as sorry aa you uro. Tell me all about II." "In a moment of wenl-non I found myself In front of a saliaui. One of tny frletnla hnppened along, t'otue In and have a drink, old mini.' lie said. No," I enld. I've swum off.' 'That's sll rUlit,' he said, grabbing mo by the arm. 'One dilnk won't hurt you. ('nine In and get one drink, and then you can renew your swearing off.' I protested, pro-tested, but the next moment I found myself Inside, and tbe old thrift ram back. I t,Mik one drink, and then another an-other end another, and then my fielnd proposed that we go out and paint tho town." "Hut you didn't do that?" Interposed Inter-posed the doctor. "I am sorry to say I did. We vis it, 'd cv.ry i.ni.uin In Hint part of I I. wn. i-e:iiim drill:! or nnd drunker and v havlig sn npionri. us lino. Hut we ' wcici.'i intltled with that. Wo ent In a sn, II e"ni.ll-hni-t-t Hint scmcd to ho a rnloi-n uml reitiimint com- Lined, niol ordered a t Ii nn, i ri.ei sop- t p.-r. The wulier In, u hi It on. and vc were about to bolii on 11, w-liva KolllethlllK happened." T , "Wlint was It?" 'l woke lip." t "Then It was all a drr.nn?" , "It Will" 1 "And yi.u hn.ln't broken your vow?" "I hadn't been near a saloon. Hadn't touched a drop." ; "Ah. well, then you haven't any- '. thing to r.-penl of. my friend, and you have been exciting my commiseration on fnlae pretenses nnd amusing your-eelf your-eelf nt my expense." "No. I haven't doctcr,' snld Mr. Kwli:gnrd. wiping the inspiration from his hrow. "The worst Is to come. I confess to you, doctor, I I can't help feeling sorry, even yet, that I wokn up before I hail tasted a j drop uf that champaguo!" Utlca Globe. j |