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Show METROPOLIS A DIG CITY j ) To rcallxe how great Now York city la one should compare It with the great cities of antiquity. Those great rcnlers of civilisation which have claimed Hie wonder of tho ages or their bIxh and splendor, were really small cities compared with (ireater New York. Ilahylon, whose nume haa come to be synonymous with dense population, popula-tion, never had over 1. Zoo, nod Inhahl-luiils Inhahl-luiils In Ita palmiest days. Home, the mistress of the worl, thn great city to which -II niseis led, "Home the Klemnl," did not exceed 2,11011.1100 In population, (llhhoii, lip deed, bellevea thai It had only 1.2oil.. volt, and In litis estimate he nnd .V!l-man .V!l-man agree. Constantinople, st tho tlmu of Hb greatest splendor as capital of Uie eastern empire, had a population of alsiut 1 .fiim.uini. Many of the other celebrated cities of antiquity were mero villages compared to New York, not containing within the whole circuit cir-cuit uf their walls as many people aa live In one ward uf Manhattan. Athena, when ahe led the Oreok statue In repelling the Invasion of Xerxes, had unly 3i mio Inhabitants, but Herodotus Hero-dotus apenks of thla number aa If It I ' waa aometlilng to boast of. Jerusalem Jerusa-lem In the days of Solomon probably did nut contain 2", mill people, and Thebes and Memphis would hav been only populous suburbs of New York. New York city now contains mora people than there were In the American Ameri-can colonies when they achieved their Independence. It haa l.ono.uiKi mor Inhnhltnnla than tho kingdom of (Ireeie. over l.iiiai.niai more than th ' kingdom of Hervla. la neorly equal In po, i.ll.i. II lii I ii' III;-, 'i'm of Portugal, Portu-gal, and also lacka not much of equal-lug equal-lug the kingdom of Holland. It has a larger population than any one of tho Central American republics, and more than any South American nation. na-tion. Ilrar.ll and tbo Argenllno republic repub-lic excepted. It bas about twice th population of Denmark and mure than twlcn that of Norway. ; t |