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Show NLW POI'E SKLKCTKI)1 succFnson to tro xm has at LAr BEEN CHObEN, Carillnnl rl... I', rlirrh nf Vt-nir. III h mi Ih llt-axi nt t-m -ll.ollr Chnri h m H-tii .f i inua of lh firrHl i tl-i(. Af(fr hfltiK In nHon four dnyn. thfl snrnvt roMc;: hnn olcrftl t mic emmar tt Pupo I. o XIII In tlio HTNin of (JnlHPppr H;irto, pnlrlnrrh (f Vn lr, a nun who In noted for IiIh pftjr and oloijiintirft, rnllicr thnn hn jhiII-tics. jhiII-tics. Rnrto now n-lKnii nt thn vatlr.m nd nvr thn ChIIk-Hc world, an Piim X. Wm'tlnnn, who know tho nw pop wll, nny thnt hn will ki ti bh ntiifh bolovnd nn Kintlff nn tin wit litit tn fitly fit-ly an tho pnlrlnrrh of thn pnr of tho Adrlnttr. In appcarnnr o l'lun X In a hnndmimn ninn. Cardinal Culm-ppo Birto wnn born at It 'fun. province of Will en. Juno 2, 1S1G. Hn van rnt.t"d card I rial and patriarch of Wnlro Jurin 12, 1S!1. lfn j la vnrjr learned In th rrrlcrilahtlral diH-trlnfn, In moilfit, wr'tlr, a K'"l admlnlxtrntor and ortfniiT, a p-ilron of tho artn and hln ntTlmiiioHn always ban ht'on provi-rttlal. 1 Karly In April I'opo Io, In a con-nrnatlon con-nrnatlon with FatbiT I'nrosl, thn ltal Ion romMinr, aald, In Hpo.ikln of Cardinal Hirto: I "ll'dd hi in vnry d"ar. fVroil. on In thn futiiro hn will ho HhU to do much for you. Wo firmly Imticvu hn will bo our ?ucccKtior." llo ha been knnwu i for many year n one of tho greatest I preacher In the church. j Cardinal Harto hetouited to the ec- clcntai-tlcul congregation of bUhoti and regular, B'icrcd right, Indulgence Indul-gence and sacred relic, llo enjoyed gro:it laipularlty In hla diocese, llo la honored by ull for hla purity, for thn strict uprightness of hi llfo and for his llberul Idea, llo I a nioderato ' and agrccahV man, highly cultured, : vtry kind henrted and sllll atroug and rohunt In spite of hla l8 year. I He has never taken ere it part In the political and puhllc lite of Ihe church, hut divided hla lime heme mi good work and study. Althnu;-,li most faithful to Ihe holy see he wa pre-aented pre-aented to Ihe king nud queen of Inly In Venice, lie wa considered ntni"n-thn ntni"n-thn more liberal member of the li il-Ian il-Ian epli-cnpite and icicri-d c..lle,;e it i I St Ited Unit I. ill Mil aided Willi lllni I on one occanlon when rt irto ills.ip- proved of lluniinlla s illcy. |