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Show TTofilth nnd bounty urn tlio frlorlr-s of twrfect wonmnlioiKl. Women who miller rniiMtiiiitly with weakness peculiar to their wx rnnnot ro-tani ro-tani their Ix-tinty. rrvaorvatiiin of prutty fiuturos mid. routukU form ia a, tint v women owo to tlieniwlws. When women nra Imuhli cl with lrroRiilar, unppresKeil or painful menstruation, weakness, lcnmnlm'a, ilisplaiTiui'iit or ulceration of tlio wiinil), that Iwarinif down fccliup, inllainniatiin of tlio ovaries, linck-clie, linck-clie, lilciatinjr (or lt.it ulcncr), general deliility, indi'stinn, nml nervous nnwtr.il ion, or tin- hrwt with mu h symploui us dizziness, f.iintncss, lassitude, cxeitahility, irritaliilitv, nervousness, xl eilissncss, lnclan-clioly, lnclan-clioly, "ull ff.uo " nnd "want-to-l-lclt-iilono" f.vlitc's, blues, und hnpo. lessness, they rdiuuld rvineiiilier there) is ono tried mid trno reineily. JLydlu i:. 1'lnklMiiu'a Vcgt-tiililo t oinpoiind reinovoS smh troubles. Case of this Prominent Chicago Woman Should Give Everyone Confidence in Lydia 12. Piiikham's Vegetable Compound. ' TtKAn Mu. I'lNKiiAm It affords mo irrcat pleasure, Iml.-.-.l. to n.1.1 my testimonial t tlio great ntlmtier who nre today praisinir l.yillit I'.. I'lllk-hitiu's I'lllk-hitiu's Vt'Kt'tlllilt) ('. impound. Three year airo 1 broke down fn.m ex-paA ex-paA ces-sivo physical and mental strain, i was unable to ' "V acoiirn proper rest, also lost my appetite, nml I became mo -?'i' "f'-'x. nervous mill Irritable t.. that my friends trembled, and yi,1 ' V, 1 wiis uiinblo to nttcud to my work. Our physician pro. Xy y "'"it! for mo, hut as I did' not secra to improve, 1 waa V. i "I advised t.i ri nHny. I could neither spare tlio time nor I A-v r monev, nml was vcrv mu.-li worried when, fortunately, lYl "I vl " "'' mv 'ri,,n'1"1 called. Slw told uie how a,o hiid tvA Lf uji bi-eneiired ofoiirimi troubles, nn.l how 111, c my ayinp- v. Sf W touts wuro to hern, seven bottle of your medicine cured V y her, and sho insisted that I take some. V l'l :-S'' V "1 did so, and am plnd that 1 followed her f IV , -ii ""Va- V. advice. Within six trrlii I waa a dilTeroiis I'C ' woman, atroiif and robust lu health, aud Uur f i TTU'iS " A nmnlKT of my friend who hav Wn yv"V j",1 troubled with ailtuenta i-uliar to our aex U.'-h-'.'f - ' ('' hare tuWen your eoinHmn.l, mid bnve also Wen " Jfnatlv Iwni'liled." Mlei Kl.i.AIIKTII llAI.KT, TO ronmN St., Clllcn70, 111, I'r.'.si.l.nt of the tit. Ullth'a t'ourt, Urdur of t or. reatera, t'atllollo. What i left for tlte women of America, nfti-r n-adinT unch lcttrra ns wo pnlili.li, lnit to ludi ve. Don't sume of yon who nre hick nod iiimt-Blilii iiimt-Blilii feed lunv wii-Ued yon aro to remain mi, maliimf lifo ft luirden fur ynurself und your friends, when it euro in easily und incxiciisivfly oliiaine.ly Don't you think it would pay to drop nome of ymir old projiidi'v nml "Try l.yi'.in I'.. IMiiMiotiiN Ve'etablo omioind, which is Is'ttcr than iill the doctors lor euro?'' Min ly tlio t'Xiericm o of hundreds of thousands of Women, wliom tlio iim-aiund Iiiuh cuit-d, bhonld ciiiviuic nil women. Kollow the record of tlili meilii hie, nnd nnnemlKT thnt theso enrcs of thousands of women whoso Idlers nit' constantly rinted in this J niter wei-o not hrom;lit nlmnt by "uomelhinir tdse," hnt by I.yilhi 'Inlcliiiin's VcKctablo Compound, tlio frcat Voni. ill's lleniudy for Woman'a Ills. 'i'hosti women who trefnsi to ncis-pt, nnythhiK rise ft retvnnled It Ltmdreil thousand times, for Uiey Ret what they want- -a cure. Jlornl Htick to the mcdicint) Unit you know ia tin) Jknt Writo to -Mrs. rinkham for odviiv. ftFftfln PORFriT 1r w riff fnrO.llh pmta ITi Hfln!l lottftr ftna tlgiiAlnr l ! I lU.Ua.UUi.l, Wll.uU Will I" " II. '..'i!k.i.imi r"T,."y'""; : 1 ALL HALLOWS ;': ',; -,-TjV- ' . COLLEGE !,' ' .' tJ"7 I SALT tAKE CITY. UTAH. ' .7 l-U-.M. x Boarccrs ana Day ScWars L -'". -- -i, ;- M. i. IIM, g. I., frrtiJclt. seieieiT TOOTH PCVMR Tlj Onlir Ilnitlfrlia of I- b riMilnnal lle.utl....l."-i J J BLHSHAKU f i Standard 2 Years Drunkenness Cured Tl KKKLKY TURATMENT, IrUlUl-rt HM ib (Uily tillily (-n.lt. rrtl i.tlilC. ltsiully I ffiH'lu! in Youtti maiX OOi Ag. THE KEELEY INSTITUTE, IH. j.I.l. IL (ALT lAkf CiTT. UTAH. J Snores SnoresJj ) HELUDLt ASaAYS. I ' I I OoW ana Miter ....tlJl 1 I tMd..... TM I." dMilr r ( .Vf.. ua j Ojjdcn Assay Co. " o"""o!oIT" ! When Anawerlng AdvertliamenU I Kindly Mention This Paper. W. N. U., Salt Lake-No. 31. I0O3. Perfumes Bad for Bingera. "Great ainxeia never wear bnuton-Dterea," bnuton-Dterea," aaya a ataKO manager. ouca offered a whlto rule to Jean da rteatke. llo turned down my offer. 'Why ha aid, 'I woulilu't wear that roae for .0. It Bilubt make me bonrao, and I'm go-I go-I UK to altiK touluht.' Then ha explained ex-plained that all ailiKora know that tli Inhalation of the. perfuma of flow, ora baa a bad effect od the vocal chorda. All flowera of pereeptlkla odor aro ahinitipd on this account by pro-fvHalnnal pro-fvHalnnal aliiRers. The vlelot la ea-pcclully ea-pcclully avulilud, for Ha eftoct la the worn of all." r. Wln.lnw'r M.Mlhlne Nyrnp.' nMiia.iuluo.KlUy.ii.ia.Gure. wluu v4.llv.'ialMlu. Legal Technicality. A Chelsea (ICnxlaiid) boaplUl ta mourning tha lotia of a bequest of 10.000 throuKh a leiial Informality. The testator nlmicd bla will In bis bedroom, bed-room, aud tha wltueaiies tbougbtlesaly carried It Into another room before nlgnlng It, tbua making tba document Invalid. Mary Proctor, who writes of "Flva Hundred Utile Worlds" In the Aumlnt Ht. NlebohiH, la a dinntlitor of tho Kreat I'roctor, the atitrouomer, end Is IIvIiik ut prenent lu Now York City. Sho la a Htnull woman, exeeeilingly quiet, almost al-most shy In manner, hut has proved a successful lecturer and wrltor In tho Held wliure hur father won distinction. King's Preferenca In Ties. KIiir Kilward perhaps wears as many different ! :? of necktie as any living liv-ing man. His predilection, however, Is toward tics that have been in ait e from some spotted material, preferably dark with spots of a light gray or while upon It, Woman Carries Dig Policy. Mrs. Inland Hinnfotd Is said to csr ry a larger amount of Insurance than any othor woman In tho world. Hot pollrlra amount to moro thau a mil lion dollars. Cheap Paasenger Rates Via "Santa ce Route" To Boston, Itiiltlmore, Minneapolis, Oct roll. Atlanta and other points. Fori particulars, address C. K. Warren. tlenetnl Agent. A. T. ft. K. Ity 411 Iwoly lllock, Halt I.nko City, Utah. Plop llm Cougti and Work llir tint t l.lil Laxative llr.mioljiiluliie'lelilela. Prion 35o. I Plan's rare ranrmt Is. too tilatilv aiwiksn or aa a rough rare. -J. W Olimss. .n Tlilro At.., I N., Ulunoais'lla. Wlnri , Jsu . WHO. Hlatory of Warwick Castle. Tho vlslinr who lias been rhnrmM with the finncir of Warwick Csatla will he glad to know that tho beautiful and hrllllntit cnunie.s owner la soon to furnish a hlatnry ot that plcturoaqua and venerable pile. EDUCATIONAL. " THE UNIVERSITY OF NOTRE DAME, INfU Wn lAMK, INDIANA. ; Hit CorpSt Jl IN CIHr, Utler. Rr-nm) Rr-nm) and MUtorv, Muhm lm. Art. Hc, l'liarmt, l,CIll. .'.ir-ch.nk.l mni blt-C- . il ml t mjintttrlnf , Arvhl(clur, ? 1 h. rough 'rcpfsitcKy mad CWfcW , Cotirtf', : IVnom Ttf lo 11 tlti.tntl who hT nnr ! rl- (" th tii.i f.inltr.1 lr .H mi talon tnlo h S .iihimni. hitiinr or bnior Y" of aj ot tital ft I'ff.M" Ctlll...!, kMMn Co krnl, mr.1r.tf rlati ta tnrlfl( A hmtir-tl iti.mLr'of ( Iml'late Th!0 (mal .-run will .. tvlvr.i Hlaprxltt fifn, hi. I Jw ard' hull, (or U v untiff limn, U ' rljn-li i!irfrvTT.i.lr1n1,rtonttif'r,l.-tnrrtt. 't .-fttttl, rmr . opm htpttmhtr A. CaHal vtrori I Trr. A.llrr. I'. O. M V, A. MUWUIsa!V, C. !. C, l'.Mrt, ST. MARY'S ACADEMY NaTRg DA SSg, INDIANA On. BM.W.at .-t-l.i 1,. u.lrr.rttT. M".; Hr.iiiilal , .M I III .!,. II, I i. I. i.tlM lr Hi. Si.i.o. r II,. II li I r.fc ( l.iri.rra I.--V Ijv J T'l. S n.llen.l a,t. ...... Tli.rau.h Kiah". tl,..ir.t S i-.lilt. .a c.mm.iii.l t.u,..; ......4 t-h.mi.Oi ri..rni..-r. K.a.ilar 0.1. "u''' rr"'r,l.r,,."'r.'rr'r "'1t"ui'.",a.ii'A!JrI th. rj-in1.'..''"'.)?' iau.Ve'lrr,1i.,l,i.fr1 nn pl.na nl II . I....I I .1,.,M.,ri.-.. Th. All ll-i.artm.al II " -I I'l sf-r I A, IS, I..-.I.. K, Ii...r. T't'ir'I' f",;'.'"'l,""''fr ',;; j1'" 'J IhiCMi-'r'i.iu' Mi-VM.,4.rVu,o.'',t! N.w "L1 I .r, ...i unl ., i ,1 nr.'. h.'im I Tha Dirotlrssi ol ST. MaHT'S At-AUEMT, I Noire Dam., tuitions. FOR BUSINCSS THAININQ ATTEND THI SALT LAKE Business College ALT LAX OITV, UTAH, roilmpnl Tir f. lit of wot l f'ttbinri M..kkr.-i.iitr.in i((Hli..rthonl. Iqpl T,m wriiinc, llii-ih. M I'-'iininMt). Kl4 r.lru afliini. Khtrlloh. MlhmlU. (aw. .tilt-null )fr; lull Irfrn. Lxj-gina, hrplutbr i. llniatriHt'il raUIOrJIKO llHi fajdlllaaat MUTj4 (ur g fasti ul. LATTER-DAY SAINTS UNIVERSITY aair tssa oitv. utah, Twrrtlt r'oitrsai Iv-lrnilrlo, flsaataal, rTor. nisi, Uni.lr.a.rl.n. H,.nir.nn Arl.. itr.'haa'a All.. (I'll Kiirlierrlna. Colli ! S.-lnirs H. ..liSri'ijlis. Hl.'iili'Snd. IVI.arshr. Civil I. so.eto. hla tiuilillnae ersrursl .aiil.).nux amir a rm-ulty ol l.irlv lr. Inns. I.TSI ali.i.M, renirsl lm ailna. mn-lriB nii'tnvls, Ur seia. tr.'Ui.l.-sl tralnns lr s tu.l -a Wins fur rlTculaia luiliies, ! rBls-'VB t,,i-'n-.. ri llr.r. Ilisr nrr ii a all yaar. rati VBim Stania hi.l.nilisr S, J. U. PAUU I'.. U .r.MID.It. J sen " Good Tilings to at on the Una I MB Bara. Brrf I Ml tars, 0. Ihis j l.kulri, V..I laal, IS.IM Haai, SiUtaa bat, ttUai kwak Bat. All N.nir.l Fi.ior l-ooda. Pil.i.bla and wlioltniint, Yuar frocrr alinald har. than. Sanaa. .limiMfw l.lhhr'.fcls AtU. ( lha W'o 14 II.,. t , ba.aU-' UaaU Maka Um1 tklea.lo t..i "-ra. I llhby, Mcli-lll a lISBy, Chle.le. "AN HONKMT HAKIKll POWI1I P, AT j AN HONIilT PHICB." f THREE CROWN MLCiSTLILO DAKING POWDER aita fr PouHtt HEWLF.TT BROS. CO. FREE TO WOMEN! i . - Diml a luiaii til.il riiirWa.-. y , s wall 1...U ot lii.lriii-ili.i.a ( JS'. Btanlolrlr free. llilalan.. jft'. "" as in jiie, but a larire I . "Kr WiillirliulluvertriBIUUI.tr t -ta,-l.n.l.n.iil'i.,tiii..rrli. f gL.Btw.---.J1e,, nl rriusl III., curies' I ll Inllnmeiiillon ... i.ll-.ui.rK. ii,l.rhU a. oil rrli"" si" uiail'L1 a "li iVniMi'.'rt-ii.'i'. Vlul"r ami wlilu.u tliu lend, beaa Uslay; B yoalsl csnl sill ilu. Siilulivdrasiclalaiirariit i-n.tpnlithr na. na 1'lllt It. t AVKIN en., 110.U1U, Usaa. S 14 Culuiiiuua A. SHEET KlTslc FREE i'L'.WS "tlalv a Oaraau.a. ' OlMI a.Si.l. Has, IkM, |