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Show SUGAR A TIMDER PRE8CRVF.R. Prolonged Esptriments Show Value of tha Process. I Among new uics to which surar has reroully been put Is In tho pre.rrvs Hon of tlmhor. Much Interest liai been aroused by tha annomiccmenl. as tho result of a prolonged series ot . uperlmotiti, of a uioihod of so treat big timber as to accuro even from nft wood a Inrr.ely Increased tuiiKli tiess and hardness. The treatment to which Ilia timber la ulijected Is. roughly speaking, that of saturation at boiling point with a solution ol iirnr, the water Lrit afterward evaporated at a hlghV4eaiieiature Tho result Is to lenvo tIT.'Suircs and Interstices of tho wood tilled In with olid matter and tho timber vulcanised, vulcan-ised, preserved and soaniiuod. Tho na tura of moduratrly sott wood. It Is claimed, la lu this way changed to a touch and hard sulmtanco, without liiltilouma, and alao without any ten daucy to split or crack. |