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Show I THE BEST MAN WON 1 I A TALC Or THE MOJAVE DEET High i)fon on (he domrt. The aim , la f.re Thiit a-nrrha, that maiWnna, that lnirrid unlo tlfnth. Aid (ho atan-e of bli fury heat higher and htchrr, Till en the gray H'ard la gaxplng tor lirrath. The jriirra no Imir.t acta gray agalnut gray; Thn vatrrthrunh hna vaiilahctl, the whim pi -iipjr flril, ! And tho mini oi-r-an alnttrhci away I and aeny O'er thn (IcKt ilntn W-agtioa of a wnrM that In dnd. Whit nlK'it on tho rtort. The xil-cimi xil-cimi minm Klnava 0'rr the tnii'tn whro two rnmp tliniiirh tho cool of iho nlgtit What maittTN the Htory of Kuril, and thrn l)foa? While women are fair, men will qtinrrrd and fii:ht. Now MaKulo Mtlli-nry waa fairer by i far Than many a maid who li known an a 1 1 . -: And Purran had vowml alia aheulil phlne a hi atar, Whllo Ihitiovan'a answnr I'd ahiitl- 1 drr to t ll. Gray dawn on tho doncrt. The aim n-nl a ray, Like a Aral arrow aim! hy a nurd-It nurd-It an fuo, And too hmlt- of I'm nlKhlllmn rr. ,t alnt.lv a!iy, And tlin rnnla with Rllr.ht, llko a flirt n.-. Bi-'nir, ; T!nn I'liU'im a"'.n, rul.lir.l Ma ( r-ypi. It nl fd n'mut No Pnnovun thorn; but a note In hla plHro: "I've taknn the watrr; I'll need It no rioiitit, And the bout man, I reckon, '11 win In the ram." High noon on the doaort, high noon onre aunln, Mid the dry Nine, of doath ahlnlnf white whore Ihoy foil; And Human, a vlotlm to thlrat and Ita pain, Willi tno I. limit In hla volna like the llipild of lull. Yot ma. Ki'rliiK on. To and fro, to and fro, lian tho wlitto fliinio of boat In thflr di-vlllxh play; And Itin lying mliaro In making Ha pIkiw of a groon land of poaco whuro tho rool wali ra play. At evn on tho ilenort one found him ai roil. Cni'ln"! down, hruton low In thnt fiirnnoo of holt; 8he found hlin. ami klfitod him, and hold to bor lir.ntl. And lavod him wllh wntor that aumll.trrly foil: And. "Mnn io" lm whlnporod, aa Opl'llld l'l 0)f What miUiirit iho rmln whon the rnrai Inii boon run? -And I uli:o ihiro In Juiltco aom-whoi-o 'm-iatli iho itkloa, Knr tiiiino tiri'iH-h liiath'a cnltlron, liio mno had won. Alfr.-.l J. W iih i In. oo, In Now York Tlmoa, |