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Show I NEW SILVER RATIO. j United States Monetary Commission Suggests the Ratio of 32 to 1. A repiill ha hi-cn received nt the Htuie department from Ihe Culiiii Htate iiioiii.'t iry commlsKlon. which Is iiivcHilgatlug the question of currency for silver lining couuli lea. Tho com-iiiInsIoii com-iiiInsIoii ha visited Iondon. lhuN. ! The Hi'gue nnd Merlin, und wa ex-' ex-' lied Ing to leave for Ht. Petersburg In a short time. According to the report the proposal pro-posal of the American commbuliiu Pr a ratio of 112 to I for n new silver car rency fur Oriental countries hn g-n orally 1 n well recelvisl. alihnu -i the Trench cnmuilsslnu Mitgi;e.teil tl,,-ratlo tl,,-ratlo of :tl to 1. which I one halt ..f the French ratio at the present time The representative., of the Chll government have i'inife-.ted a xcrv i lively Interest In the I M e sllmi- e jibe cninnil: . mil nt Ihe dKVrciil I'u-roican I'u-roican ctpll-il that have I n l |