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Show V COALVILLE JIMES. M u I UTAH. A CH. 7, Lord. 1603 should our am i'nir',l d rrc'Uii cl iLe-i- Ai STAKE CONFERENCE lopf-friii- -. hd at ike Kama 1 1 l i t . ii. ). io k under the S i w a A t text Seven MUBoe rli. itraneb, Wilbatu H. j The fattuday morning eioo opened by the congregation rngiog, Conte, let u enee." Prayer by Biabop 0'i-rit. e word of M. F. Herr e. The hyuia Dark te the E. H. Mu-a.J the reuvl jii la- - ' k human miiid" wa.eui.g by the choir. I Of. therein repir'ediond p Fret'. Thorne i. Allen, in hi openFrel Kaapband reported con ing reiueik. exprred hi p!eauie at d tiona in the Park City ward Tbe Primary work wa reported by confer-- . uieetitg the Haiot in quarterly 8 ater Mary Walker. ere under och favorable rircum-e'eoc- r, Peoa ward maerepotted be Biahop Tbe end explained th cause of Maxwell and the Y.M. M I. A. by hupt, charging he place of holding the con C. A. Callia. A duet, fie w ill not aluuiWr waa feretce, that of the appearance of amall iater the laik and Young. aung by pox in Coalville. Alo explained W. McMurnn of the Treat. Joeeph raon why Treat, Taylor n abtent. Council of raid it ia bighlv beventy, With the effort of il the bead of for when thev ad-r- e elder the neeeary enta of the Ptake and the t iihop-tlc- e, the ante to be mapired by the rf tiod. , The preauiing tl e pteodrocy are well satisfied, Holy aee that ail are put to ahouid and wotk their authority and irn'y appieciate for a1) are fifed to t"m poaition. work, labor. Said the religion claaae are an arm to Eh er C. A. Callia aid the cunolicg the church tchool and i a God-givremarkt f Treat. Alien rhonld be oy n inatitution. Tbe tenor of hi remark ii in, the interest of all tbe auxiliary appreciated. He ipoae of the death of of organ-?election f ion. He alao apoke of tbe of the Rum end of the Tope of obedience. one of the Cardinal to the Tape) aeat, An angel from on Tue choir rang compared the manner, of electing a ingh and Elder Sila M. Pack pro Tope a ith that of the choice of a Treat imuiiced tbe benediction. !en of nor church, and that we aa a Sunday afternoon the meeting wa a of choice opened by tbe cboir ringing The apirit to the amen can aay people of Uud like a fire ia burning. Prayer 1 "resident of oor church, aa we know h Come, by Elder James B. Ehead. if cboaen by revelation. ilearet Lord, deacend and dwell, waa Peek welcomed the aung bjMh Choir, after which the aac Coup a lor M. that conference rameot waa adminia'ered. and felt pleased tteopl eaa being held at Kama. Said all the The general and Stake authoritie of the church were presented and auatained errgaoiza'iooi io the Kamae ward were in uoaoimoudy. good working order. The Park City choir rendered moat Elder Levi Peareon, on behalf of the beautifully a quartette, Ziont City of high council, reported the working of our God, Treat. Allen pretenud regret from that quorum. Said a perfect unity Treat. Taylor, who waa unable to attend in the quorum with the Stake Presconference, but who rent greeting to all idency. The quorum meet monthly 13 the taint pretent and hit appreciation tranaact buiineaa brought before them. of the work of all the departments in . The congregation eang Hail to the tha Stake. Said the Stake Presidency and highcouncil wart united in their tr)gbtneri of Zion gltd morning. deliberations and that they had the in Elder Stephen Walker of the high tereat of tbe people at heart. jtrieitt quorum felt happy in meeting Apoatia Hyrnm Smith next apoke. with the people in conference. Referred Said that while tome of ut can and do to the buty time and id that no doubt bear a faithful testimony, yet it takes a thia vat the ream that io many of the constant labor by the leader to keep the people in the way of lift and activity in jpeople weit Absent. In (peaking of (be thegoapel. Hg dwelt quit forcibly on 4utie of e high prietr alil he wa Lhe. principle oi tithing. Spoke of debt, Borry fur thoae who feel that became and exhorted the people to get out of and quoted Treat. Smith in saying they do not hold position in the (take or .aid they are left to take a aeat. He while we now live in proapenty, thia condition will not always exist. Said ehowed that no man can throw off bit to the people that if any are not con priesthood and remain idle, but all Vertod to the workiug of tbe different should wurk and can work if they will organization, not to- aay anything hut put themielvet in a position to be against them. He emphasized tbe prin: r cipal of obedience. tutted. Elder McMurrin bore testimony to ; Blahop W. P. Richard reported the what the previous apeaker had said, and Oakley ward. All organization, except wdvited young people to begin life a the Relief Society are in good condition. free men and women, an far aa debt la The bithoprie ere making a tour of the concerned. Spoke strongly against Sabbath breaking. ward visiting th taint. Bro Robert Jonei waa set apart aa a Slater Ella Taney reported the wore patriarch in the Summit Stake, by Ing of the Relief Soeiette, Apostle lirrum Smith. Bishop Peter Duncan reported the Treat. Alien announced that the next Bench Creek ward. auxiliary meeting woull be held at ; Sieter liabella Tenfold of Park City, Coalville on Sat. Aug, Stub. Primary Being Introduced a e returned miaaion-Ar- y, and Relief Society conference the day told of her experience while on her following at the same miion to England andJcoiland. She The choir aang All place. hail the glcrien dwelt upon the necessary faith people day, and afier benediction by Patriatch dual obtain to enable them to rely on Robert Jonei, conference waa adjourned the Lord lor Hi goodness. for three months. The choir ssng Praia to ths man and after benediction by A robroa Pack H KNEFEH. cotif-reti- e wa adjiurue-- l to 2 oclock. " The Saturday afternoon aeaaiun an Hxsjcrgx Huh, Aug. A, jmio, op.-iivby the boir tinging "Earth i in run Ttwsa : lb place where Chriat will dwell.' ' Prayer by Elder Robert Walker. Con Mra. Carpenter of Evaraton has been tiuued by the congregation tinging We visiting relatives in Henefer this week. thank thee, 0 Uod, for a prophet. Henefer waa poorly represented at the (PreaLG. W. Young felt pleael at 'take conference at Kamae. The people meeting with tbe people iuquaitetly are too busy to make such long tripe. mofereoc and thought nodouittbe Mr. Ncotts extra gang, consisting of people in the south end of the Stake Were glad the conference was Wing held about 0 Auitriana, pattens and Greeks, f ait Katnas. Thanked tha Lord for the are working ft r theT?. P. through here, aid surfacing the track between Echo and teetimony which he poaeeed. the Stake Presidency and high council the nai rows. bad been eonaideriug the Interest of - i- I Stake T be.Ku uttwy- eefHK- p icnir- od ay prtrm-- ' boy o n g jwple, m n ffth ises tie to ' a success. muaement committee had been organ of take the iaed, coraiating Presidency Mrs. Emuia Salmon of Coalville spent end tbe bead oi each Stake organize On, a few days here this week with rrlattves. He reported the Stake aa Wing in a grod Mis Lydia AVil'is and MiCanie hearth? condition ; omp'aini are lets ; feet talking evil of ueignbort; spoke 'Ll Play ter returned to their home in Salt faat offerings and encouraged tbe taints Lake on the 2nd. in this duty. J. E. Foeter went ro rn to Sa t Lake Tbe Reliefer ward wa reported by B shop Harria; the Y. L. M. I. A. by today to attend the funeral oi George bitter Elirabeth Tooroae, and ihe22nl trbilLwho yeart ago lived at Croyden and owned at Henrf-r- . Deqeorum if Seventy hr E'der Jamas ceased wae1 property well known on the Weber, tVoolateubalma: and had ' many friends who respected A member of the amuaemeut commihim. ttee of Granite Suke explained the workings of tbe committee in that Stake. "A number of fffir young toll attended Apotl II y ram M. Smith next rpokc tha dance at Ecbo fast Friday n'tf bltaad -- o the eubject of amueementa. Said sport a good Aim. R P A N S Tabules Doctors hud I A en in-B. t - ( Coalville ition i l b tor uuil CoHlamo & fju-lia- fnUlkj go bo YEARS' EXPERIENCE KV SHOE SALE! r l are; Bia a.id iar City Her.ry Bair, lames Wooielenhuime. le a Thomas A. W bite, Jar. E. VaD I E Taraell. u i nitMa oi Waushtp Walker. WoodUud Marchan. W. Levt James HaeiUMMtaea eeiii wwiiebl TS win We have about Scientific JItncrican. 25. Branch, Pearson, sport Jchn Francis ii.. vok H. Ac. Cowv WIGHT Anron MHidlnf ft kHrh and dwniPtino mat qatefttf MKrtMa our ofnotoo Itw wbeihar mn iDYetjfknt it prvDAhif pAUMittift ( tymniuMcft fioiii itncf ly ctkCOdftnitftL ilAOdbook oo rAiritagi tm free Oitlest ftirpnry for ruriHft paifttitt. pAfviitft tuta thivuffta Muuu A C. rueetvc fptrial notut, without cbarvft, in 1 Ro sen Tradc Mamva Dtaion 11 August 10 b, Coalville SilaaM. Pack, Barley Walker h , Henefer Henry F. Augnt Barrv, Thomas A. White. bandiomeir tllafrtrtifd vuklT. I rM( fir culfttton of any 'tT.LUlc lournixl TertiJ 3 rar: fmir montlia, L ty ail tiftWBdMlerm. MUNN & Co.S8IBro-- - New York Branch Odica Jft V Wahuatoo. D.I A Parley Duncan 75 Pairs K. Lemon, Ole JenE. Rhead, John E. H. RHEAD, Hot-- t, .County n. Cieurge Smith, 11 y rum Homer Bench Creek John H. Seymour, A. I of Sumyor Summit j County. Oakle)- IJ. Richard 1pton Robert Walker, Henry Hirst. Henefer Eno h Froan, Nephi Sar-ge:- :t. Huy taville Johu Ricbma. East Coalville C. familiar with section and township corners in 'uimnit county. leoa Thomas A. Wbi.e, William Carruib. Rock port H. E. Parry, J. R. GO TO THE Palace Parleys Park and Park City F. H. Wright, Wm. liodaon."" Grass Creek Edaard Richina, Thoe. I I Which are being Sold at Shop! HALF PRICE. Razors Honed, 25 cts. W. S. JOHHSTOH, Propv Dr. W VISICK otlre. Etlray ata August 6th, Bench Parleys Park; 23rd, Kama. Barber For a Stylish Hair Cat and Clean Skate. i Eur-bld- 16-h- . Some Good Bargains. From 10 a. m. ice Hours: to 3 p. m., In Oakley pre cinct of said county. Further I have in iny poaaeeaion tbe following Until Notice which if not claimed described animal and taken away will be told at public W. FRENCH, M. D., auction to the highest cash bidder at in Oakley my corral! precinct, Physician aid Burgees, on Thursday, tbe 20 th day of August, OFFICE AT RESIDENCE 1603, at the hour of 1 o'clock p. m.: Coalville. On light red cow and calf, latter Office hour from 2 to 4 p. ut. about nine month old, blotch brand on - 11 wbocan should observe these hour left riba of cow. a near a poeeibl All Styles. All . - ati - -- - Prices. 0. Joiei-- PonndkeepPr eoAbvibLE I Hoxtin, ER GOODS EQUIPMEfiT TRUCK. Which you can buy during the coming week at your own price. M. R. Salmon. cattle Waring the alove brand and ear mark ate owned by William All McMichael, went side Weber river, Hoytsville, Summit County, Utah. End of lliifer Flglil. phvaician had a long anJ 'ub born fight with an abce on my right lung .rites J.F. Hugh of DuPont. Ga. and gave me up. Everybody thougntiny The time had come. Dr. Kings . for Oakley precinct. SERVICE, To eo-op- have a line of d-- bt, : Shoes, Paskett, Parley Neff. Cieek; Of Mens Hotary Public and Conveyancer. COALVILLE UTAH Amoe Sargent, David Beard. Ward Conferences Coop for Ail droinitB wri tbem t Broun, Parley Ktchins. or n ( Baakett, C, H. Jones, reek 'no .'argent, kicnard tp'or n. 1 Thomas Walker, ood-pescr- For mankind. Fiiih Ed.'- r de-j.a- rtii Rolert Henefer I d This post on every box. 25c. (Vtjfy ;ru-no'i- Tirhi)p Ephraim Lambert rerted the WuodUnd warii. aulthe btrlioprn-i nr in fu all the org .id. rpn od, unfed, etc., ml 'hat a'l it ei'ttu--v aoM Cure Crip is Two Days. Vi.on -- ihI Bunday. in One Day Laxative Bromo Quinine Tablets. boxes in 13 months. siCTAtlire. Take i'tn. ug I To Cure a Cold n' U'dAi .as out The attendicr iuatroc'km the Let given Very large, by iLe apealrt eere full of intereel. a K n" at p- - a IcnrUi Mun i A io iav. A an-- l I.evi 1earaon, Irwin Critj t'.e i; j'i by E. ft. Morphy and cotifrr-- I tenden. I oh n K et. adjourn d? to .indav morning, i Ot k le lemon, Frank Mart-tufie Meeting .a opened bv toe on- -: Jarnc B. RbeaJ, William grtga'l o hinging How Bnu a found Hoy fv.ile t"n. Prayer by E'der Ward E. Ia . Toe tivniii, Pefnre Jrhovaiia gli.U Kart Coal v i tieorge Smith, T. L. tl.ione wa aong by tl e rboir aung Kaiiii.lt !.t o APPOINTMENTS. Tt.e fjliowing Lome miaiionary Lave been made for r 1 CyMtttt el Shhom Hold t Km Lut lMuflv ml limd. The quarterly MISSIONARY TI w aiU.a e'.uuld He tai-- a r day COALVIIJ-E- . arc n ....gr,) .d i U.Ou. r a last report I tiled New Discovery fur Co.uaip-tio- n. VIA Union ALL Pacific FOR The benefit Irecrhei .aestrking and I .a on my feet in a few dave. Now Ive entirely regained mv hea'th. It to iquers all Coughs, Cold and Throat and Lung Trouble Guaranteed by John Boyden A Son, druggists. Price Trial bottle free. 50c, and $1 Send us vour orders for all kinds of Job Work. P(CfOB'V Eastern Points. THREE TRAINS THROUGH I anus ipolla to ; Chicago, Paul, llane- - . : St. Direct Connections for and Southeast. August 12, 1903. The only excursion at such cheap rates for several years. All will be made welcoffieT3 Train Leaves Park City at 7 a. m.; Wan ship, 7:30 a. m.; Coaiville , 8 a.m. Returning, leaves Saltair at 7:30 p, m. All other points, Fare, Park City, $1.75. $1.50. Children , halfrate, plus 15 cts: A DELIGHTFUL BEVERAGE a GOOD MEDICIXL fer Sete ia Ceelvith by . K. BALL. J-- ) i tarn .. iww.ie " A SAFE STIMULANT, ' .' it the Eist if lew igi : was ethvi-v- d ri bu forewenTPTvre w passed he jumped bis bail and .ent a. ay to Arzona, .hence be .as recently brought back bv Sheriff Joephson. Three more actions for perjury against other of Crewhleva witnesses were C "i.meiK-eand are to come up for hear ing before Jotice Hewer next -- aturday. mta stamped CCC. sold b bulk, ewait et tha dealer whs tries to sB etbbe jest as reed. wsie OF fr Wdndv ' i WITH Detailed information cheerfully fur-- 1 nished on application. Creechly Gets Sla Years. C.I. WHEADON, Apit, In Morgan yetterdav Mote Creech ley Coaiville. Utah wa sentenced to serve aix year in the atate prison perjury. Judge Marion eaux imposed the sentence and when be asked C'vecbley if he had aught to aay the prisoner replied that be waa the victim of a lot of lies The prisoner still baa several bargee pending against him fur grend larceny. The action for pet jury grew out of testimony given by Creechiey .hen he was on trial charged with steal! g cattle. He The accused are Joeeph Carpenter, rhn Whits an t Hyrnm Bird, also known as Ike Bird Herald. eisM Grand Excursion DAILY CARS City, g CommitteeswiIl arrange for the comfort and pleasure of tfje excursionists. J |