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Show j j "GHOST" SAVED THE TRAIN ! ltoccnt heavy ralna In Metttiii a aai raihetl Iho nit uniiilu hticuitia ihut unlet croelia becainn ragli toneoii which (iiroaletiod tho (iroat Notilieiu ! railroad at many p.ilnia. ( 110 rl,.h( the engii:ccr on nr. of tho paei 0. r train -a aupota.HUou follow j peetllug hla (tula aloi'g ai a prouy ailS gult and waa tnpi.lly t a-arli k a j prooarltiua itpot w lilth. at t-t 1.I111H to ienmnion rcpml. n l am tod. when he waa horror mr. I.. 11 to envUo on ) the brightly llghiol a-.n-l-Ii of (ia.-k i ahead a aliadowy rlmiro wlilt upliltotl, wavit g anna. Trained lo act pninptly ditler all clrruiiialuni-ia. ho Irailnetlvely cut 1 tT ati-niu acd aiip'led tho p iwei-rul ' broloa. Wlt'i aparka utreamlnn In. 111 It) brake a! oca. lurching and ginn-.i-Iiik In every Joint, tho ptii ileruua mo-rhai'luin mo-rhai'luin atuti ramo lo a full top. In-Toatli In-Toatli ath n ihowi-tl II lu bo but a r feet from a trhlgo which waa I hat King togflhor by only a fow Iron 101N, tl.o roiiii'atltitia hnvlug boon fiimpletf Iy -vaa'.ied away by a torrou- ! ti;il nt-rk, J 'Iho r.tdoly dlitlurhed pa.-.aoir.ira j pour'i g ti iih In Iholr u'arrii woro I 1: ..'I . iir.;ii.uiilf. with tholr pitialmliy j to ileaih la tuiti tif Ha uiottt horrtlile j f rum. Ihu vi i-jnoer. mt-anwlillo, ilea. ! i .ititu g In awt i-iilt ki n tniica on the I vlitio-t or ao klrtlly a gin i.t. Ilia oi I of p:nl o wuh rudely lutoii tiptotl hy i the t-t mint tor 1 homing out Unit he ! had dl-covorid tho ghoul. "Whore?" 'cried out Iwei Iy oager volcea. For I u:itiwer tl tit aoilato ottlt-lnl polulod lo I Un heiitllight, ami t'loro, much to the 1 illM-omMturo of Una omilnoer.'nll oyoa tll.-ioveio.l a almplo lllllo hug crawling crawl-ing ahoiit on tho Inner aurfat-ti of the If : a In hl.i olT.itia to chi-iiiio fnim a too warm pi-Uon. Ita ot'largod and I tirojot le'l uliailov had, Indeed, boon j the W'oi:tliirful ghopt. |