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Show I City Council Maellng Tne city council met in regular session Monday evening, Maor Cmft presiding and a iioruin preaent. I'raier by Coun-jcilnuiii Coun-jcilnuiii l.aiiih. Minutes of -.-rion held July 7th were read and approved, alter which the f .Mowing hills were allowed : W. i. Ilobiiison, running sprinkler KI -H koy Wilkins. killing dog . o jo W iilor l Minister, ipiarantiiie at- ten lant jy-j Coalville Tlm-s, pnntiiig uki r I.. Ileech, work on dir. h o.mi Eli Kobiuson, work on ilitco (l.oo The bill-o John Mov.len A son,i7li and I'r. French, :' vi, tpiaran'.ine ex-nenwe, ex-nenwe, were rderre.l to the committee on cl - line aa I anoints with power to act. i he sexton's report for .lone and Julv I w.. read and approved. The auditing committee repotted that thev bad found the lecorder'a and treasurer's treas-urer's reports correct. . The committee on street, alleys and brilko saa Inatructed t have the br .lse across Chalk Creek o.i.Sicond North street repaired. I Council adjourned to Aug. 17th. Benediction Ben-ediction by Councilman Walker. |