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Show JL J Qctavia's Arrest J " 1 : ()(iivlii n I in 1 r 1 I that tlnrn -ro nini.y (mi fi in lifi. Imt hi Uim Ktimo 1 liri'ittti itlii- 1 luinl Oiut Un; uiily ono ' tor li'-r w jim Uiu lirhllt iniih In IVn- I trnl park. Hfihhii. Iht rln'-'-n pariniT In thU I path liiul in vi r n kil hr tn tinvd j It with him. Ihu it niM'iuc.1 to lo an l.nlTHiiHiI r.;i."-m'it iiinn,urh un ho RlloW(l A (Iitim) triilnu tJ KOllltf with miy un.' cM. Kohl, u.ift h. r hr '. nnd () Hivln i-tit him will, It.. h' ri.lrr wu-t nut pn-tty. hut In the -;uMI.- :-1m a I I.-imii or ci.ir . nil hti"T,;ih, iumI umi j pox .-.- tl it l;ii ii;ntl(.n hoyot.it that i( tmii.y ii hullii -uu Im -iiity. I Ortmiii r 1 . ftlotio. .Nut inily ill' nhi? .,rn tn- I1 a f n r.r-.t.m IciHrlf. hut Hhn I. It li.tiilrtv.'ly tluit Hci!li wuiilil rmiNlilor liliti 11 pt'iwMial Insult. Hul,:.l.. gloried In Hi.' ki.iw!i(U:' (hut It I m ihImiii'hm wuh lutiuxti'ii KoUly to hln caro. H'MiD'tlrnt'H ) tuvln would Imnwino tht-y witm In tho upon muntry mul thnt ItiHli'iul of tho 11 ii I in f M4fMt path hffttro thorn, tlicrtt worn foiM-on und RUlloya nud all wtrtu of roimh plan-a to clear. And iVobhlr mioimd to un tl'THliind t li lit wlun oho m'ed till woll nn-hod nork nud mild, "Now, Hob-bio," Hob-bio," bo km to hup r niHKc-hflli've fonro. Onn titornlnt? ()r(n In nud llnhhln lovod tho inuriiliiK thoy i-ncoimli rod mor ttinn tho uximt numlMT of rmiKh i potH In tholr muko hoilovu Hold. TIi-tp woro fow imtmoiiii In thn path, nnd Ilohhto'n Minull, proud lioud wan hold nmro orwtly than o.or. "Now, lUlihlot ovor," nld Oetavlrv nuillltig nt Iho hIhmt foollMhticHa of It mi. . I'p In tho nlr thoy wont and i nntn down art K' archilly Um a hlnl Honrlt f truin nky to onrih. ))Vfor O.ttivtA rouhl pull lu Imt p-Ii-h lluhMo wad Hinttoittm tho hunil lu all dlroctlom and rum, in nt a hr. alt nock paco down tho path. Octuvkn nud hor mount mlht object to groom to tholr Ix urt'B (oiitnit, hut tli'' onild not, w lth roac nn, coiihu Iho hlui'toatrd man troitlntc clono hi hltid t In in nt thlH tuomont. IT thoy violated tho xpoi'd aw thoy muni tuK tho COlHOIlonCOH. All hk-ow from tho oxidictuont, Oc i n vi ii pull. d Itidtl.lf up M.r Kohl' hrown hair wax Ilyliu: iitmiit hrr lac and ttho liiuvtii'd mIii' tuincd to tho hit; ixdhcinun. Hut um hIh li'oKril up Into hid fu i tho rotor faih'l. ho pullrd hor rolm taut and nt llko u t.uuiio In tho m 1- dlo. liohlHO, lint Ul.lrrt.llliili thll inodo of inM-'diiro, did huiio actih hntlo munouvv'iH and (Urthod inally aloiiK tho junli iiKuln. Tho iHiHi'i'inan'tt woid. "You ato rid-ItiK rid-ItiK too litrti," vro HMik'ii to a duH-tlllod duH-tlllod atmi uphoro. Ho rat mill on Mi niuunt (or a moment, hcuvod a devp alh. nud nald, "Octuvtu!" Slowly ho turncil hU homo in tin opMiflto dlrocUou und tuiitord Hlowly ulT. "And to think that 1 aliuottt ar Up In th a.r they went. roMod hor. Ottavin In No York ar.d - nnd I II l.o thin. llo niilt on, hopliiK yot frannn, thnt ho wtiuhl oMTlal.o li i tn. Would khe ttpt'iik to him? ul why i-lu uld i-li.'? What Intcii protai lun would hIio put upon hut poHitmn? A pollccmun! Noiman Itucrt, hud he n hcui to ml-It'K" ml-It'K" rl h niiiiu n. Prior to that, and, Indo.'d. dmn.n his rhst few itt-t itt-t Inn a at homo, hu hud a inu h of (h'ltivln lli'l!uiii. Tin')' horiiuio vw hhkmI only to i,uiiirol ov.t a tilv.ol matter und to nmw lurihor mil tu ihcr apart. Norman wan studyhiK for the hut. In iho hint year hut one of hi colli o foil rat h'n fatlior died, not, a vvtry one mppoM'd, a rl h man, hut a lino- 4 Iiittly liitolvi-nt. . Nuriiinii dhUKofl tho Idea of npfnd " I11K tho rummer. Uh Ut va'atlon. In i un otlu o, hut ho di'tcrmliied (o uiako odoumIi money to linlsli hln law . cooro. Tin r wnn no ono di-pondont tilj!i htm, no ho mh:ht do ho liked, i And whul ho liked most of all lu tho 4 w.i. Id whm Imroohnck rldltiK- Au Id. a ihislfd thn uu.i hm mlndl In Now Yoik no one would know hi in. It wuh far 1mm hln hi imi town. Yed, la, would do It. Ho would ho a iii,tiiito, i,1m - Tn 1 n for the mmnior. And OrtuWii.' She i,tt,d llohhlo'i h'tid aKalti ul d nt'ilti, uu Hult, en ; i.-Iiik ton'i, to ijuut hnn. hut hor linilL;htH Were lit t with tho black j ' htf 'd helieii'tl , r. 1 wuh InM.u.pii-honidhle. Ho hnd j ; p'veii no oxpl.iniiilon, hut thm ho had) ; ' tin opoortiinlly. Hhe even wlnhed ho i hid arretted her, tor then hIio nilht "Arrt'it mo, please." havo talked to tilm. AnythliiK wna hotter than hor prcfenl Ktuio of nilnd. Noriiinu Iti'KoiK, n pollct ntun! tiho could not under Ht and II. he throw her heiol up wll ft " tormlnnllou to dud out. and touched ItohMc lightly wllh tho whip. llo ulioiild lulli to hor, oven If aho hnd to he nrreted. llo would hnvo to 1I0 hlM duty, ami rdio would break ull tspeeed lawn rlulil iimler It lit very none! II ho dlit not Mop her woinc other policeman po-liceman would, ami Ot tuvln felt that ho would not uihjcct hor to that hu nillliii Ion. No. not even ofter all tho thliiKa thoy had fluid to each other Ioiik oko. Hho whipped Hohhlo up until tho wiiK clone behind him on tho path. "Co, Hobble," ttho Maid, nud thoy tort p;ttt him at a lively pm o, hut no iHillceumn tollowid. Noruian waa ulwuyti atub-hoi atub-hoi n. Ootavla tried at 1 atony. 8ho rode rloho to him and dropped hor crop, llo must, nt IcaHt, bo polite. Whllo ho y uoitt.lcd to pick li up hho nild: "ArroHt me, pleuxo." und looked bo appeulliiK.ly Into hla oven thut lio mounted, took hold of Ikibhlo'a brldlo with ono hand, und with tho other, guided hln own, well trained unluml. "Norman, ho vithl, holdlim looey to tho reins. An electric thrill aoow od to plerco h r with th vory (hoii-ht that lilt hniid, too. hold tho brldlo. "Toll mo about It. Why 1 know your lather la dead " 8he Ilea-ItiUed. Ilea-ItiUed. "You didn't know hla ton waa a ikh llcemun," he flnlnhed for hor. "And you aro not to caro. Wo wo aio atraiiora now, Oelavia." Put Octavla noted tho alUht mark of lull -rroKHtion In tho worda. "I'vo ulwaya cared. Noruiun, ovor pliico thoxo uiily dnya at homo. We are not HtrnnnerH." And Uien, peril a pa hecatmo thoy woro not RtrniiKera. thn policeman und hla law breuktiiK yotitiK pet mm rodo loltoircly alouK iho hrldlo path and ovplalncd many thltiKH. And. Koinchow, they forgot tho fine nud tho arrest, and lUdiblo and everything every-thing olu but thoninelve. "Pobblo, dear," tatd Hctnvla, aa she petted him fondly when ttho mounted that day, "you re a i;md boy. You you IIUo to run fast and bo arretted, duti t you? And -mul niuybo. uftor a Ioiik. Ioiik while, Pobblo, dour, )iu and I will K t died riding all by 011 r-RelveH r-RelveH every day. and wo will have auot hor homo and rider with ua. Kb, pobhlcT" PoHton (iloho. |