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Show Mp llir oiitili I anil nmki oil the 4 old, lixiitiM Uruiuo Quinine TuhletM'tne a eok' in one duy. No Cure, no pay. P.he l!o eeiiln. 1 j A Miilit of l' i ror. "Awful amiety felt for tliew i. low of tlio brave lieiietal I on til of Mneli- iaa, Me ,wl.elithedoet,.i.aid.lieo.tl,l die from I'lteiitni.nia U'fore iiiornlnu," , writea Mm. H. U. I.tnmn, who atl,.i, , her thai fearful night, but alie kiyiied for lr. klut:' New lin-ovvry, wlilih had more than om-e aaved her life, mid curedli-'r of eotnuiii(itiou, After taking .e cl.'i't all niht. l iirtlier lire entirely en-tirely rured her." Thla uinrvellolla liiedieinu ia guaranteed to euro all Throat, Chwt ami Lung Iiae;oei. Only bk: and tl.(K). Trial Uttlea free at Juhu Uoyden & Son' drug alure. i t A WORTHTJUCCESSOR. "fwnetlilng Hew I the ." All IirfVora hav tiied lo cur CA-TAltUII CA-TAltUII by Ih ua of powder, acid gate. Inhaler and druga In -l 1'n Their powder dry up tb niuenou. membrane cauiing Ihm tuerack open and bleed. The powerful acid ned In the Inhaler hve entirely eaten away the tame membrane that their maker haveainvil to cure, wlill ple nrl ointment cinnot reach th diea An oil and iperienred practitioner who baa lor many yeiira mile a dole tndy anilapeihi'.ty of the treatment of CATARKII, ha at lt perfected Tieannent which when faithfully nied, not onli relievei at oiire, but per manently cure CATARRH, by removing remov-ing the raue, nppiiig tho dl'charg, and turiiig all Inflammation. It la the only remedy known tinM ienro that actually act-ually rearbea the llll.ll parta. Till wnnd-rful ren e.lv l known "!N1K-Hthe "!N1K-Hthe lil AH tN f KKI) CATARRH CI RK" aud i am I at the eitremly low prlre of On Dollar. eaeJi pi"kae con-taiiilug con-taiiilug internal and e'ioi,al medlrine ilflcient for a full moii'.h't treatment and everything nei-em-y t It perftct u. rtNrKr'I.K-i" l th only pern-el CATAKKII (,1'RKevcr made and ia now recognlied tha only a( and poailive rure for that annoying and die-giiating die-giiating d.eaie, Itiurei all inflamatinn qiilrklyand perinnnently and I alio woiuleahillv quirk to relieve HAY IVKV-Kltur IVKV-Kltur CI 11. ft In the II K tD. CATARRH when neglected often lead lo CONSI MITIOS-' SNUF-H.KS" SNUF-H.KS" willBivey.nl if you u.e it at once It it no ordinary remedy, hut w rnuiplele treatment which la positively guaranteed to cure CATARRH In any form or ataga if ued aecordlng to the direi t on which accompany each package, pack-age, lion' li'elay hul aend for It at once, aud write fuli particular ai lo your condition, and you will receiv pedal a-lvlc from the diai overer ol till) wonderful won-derful remedy regarding your care without with-out Coat to you beyond III regular price of "HNUFKI.Ki" the GUAR VN TKKDC ATARRI1 Cl'BE." Hunt prepaid to any addreaa In th United Ntatet or Canada on receipt of On Hollar. Addrea llrpt. KIIU. EDWIN B. titLKS & COMPANY, 2.130 and KIM Market fhrcet, Philadelphia. Thia alrniturr la en every hot nt tha mine Laxative Itromo-Quiniiic t.i.h.u ttia reinr.W Hint enr- i rol.l In we due BEST SERVICE, EQUIPMENT, TRACK. VI V The Union Pncfflc nit ai.i. Eastern Points. THREE TRAINS DAILY THROUGH CARS to ihlcago, Kansas City. St. Paul, Hlnnt-apolli Hlnnt-apolli ; : : Direct Connections for llie East and Southeast. : Detniled liifoi iiniUon dioerfully fur-lilnlied fur-lilnlied on n i I u ,, I loti . C, I. WIIKADOX, AkciiI, Coulvilln, t'tub BARBER'S Flavoring Extracts. I manufacture and put up under my own name extract of Lemon, Vanilla, Cinnamon, Orange, Cloves. Wintergreen, Peppermint, Jamica Ginger, etc. Also Bine Black, Go, Violet and Red Iaks. lUWtlWMtMIlM4l. tw eretrteteierrt a.?-' ?Hy BiBurfofDfjfliiien's King ol Palo, The Great Household Remedy. 4 oz bottle, 35 cts. 8 oz bottle, 65 cts. JOSEPH BARBER, Coalville, Utah. Always On Hand at the WASflTGHv MINE Lumpj - - - $2.25 Stove, - - 1.50 TwlfliiPiil Nn Delay. PATRONIZE HOME INDUSTRY Weber Coal Co jf SCHOOLU ( )( IUI(v llio pnrMil I ) B .hM lh Ixrv nL 1) aiKlSlrl." r7j lT I Had) by i ! J For Sale by People s Her. Co., Coalville. Pnrl EnpoHllt.m 1900. JU Fur sale by J. II, UaTl, Coalville i GEORGE M, GILBERT, Mason. Plastering, IJrlcUIav-tn, IJrlcUIav-tn, CO. vll Kinds of Mtvson Work.. Prices if Rcaonablc. HENlinCR, . UTAH. .L.: experience (mm jh . -j cJ Tot Marks rr1 CofiVRIOHT AC. Anyone trn11if rtttfh drrip"" ? lVnnin"iiy inalllfu'.'TlIui.utlioiV VCi'tu "'I'Mo'tTi Vrtki-ti Tfr'.'i'iijli' Muuu' Vu? rKVrt TcicMifSincricaii. 1 lian4la!'i.HlaMralH ..kl. ..r..l He. "1I1111..1I ..T ,,-l.m....' "J1"), J.iV'i'.ti.'.'ri j lYii'lli "ni"UU4S ."I- WMHiuaiwi. t. j ASTlii'VHAYFeVct? I - CO'.tl) y r . ',-r .. ! I TKIL IRIAL LOTTLE, 1 pa v-:. r.73 cuoistnycitv. fir U.'ir. iniM. flrli snil lllfl rMlfwrv Tiit w ytbr iMtlifriii ' IWito us l."r'') la i..' t'. Till llrC'Al!l,7'IPAXv! rm'....i. Ready-to Wear Hals and Street Skirts. Have just received the Fall Book to take orders for the Ladies' Tailor Made Suits and Jackets. A perfect fit ia guaranteed. M. R. Salmon. . When you want a good vehicle buy the COOPER :': WA601I FROM J.J.B0WENM. for Consolidated IniplwiicntCo. NEW on. NFW ruHUnns IUnl nttcTWkl.Lr YORK For ovei flftjr-eight yearn TRI-WEEKLY A DAILY, vvffkiv tSM"Mi FKn,"y Ptv" ,or TQIRIINF l" THt TUlnll farmer ami vlllanera, who InlDUnC. ciliurvr kkovs. JRIQUE. r-Jr 've rreWnid the very bealeleiuealofoai A new ami remarkably attractive puh- country population, liratlon, nrofu.ely lllii.tra.e.1 with i ,I11M)rllt , o( lh, traita ami liaif-tonea ; conuln all th r trikm; uew features of The Hail Trib- tion anil world, the niot reliable market one. Hpeci.l rtar I)e.ateliea, I)mi....- FaKlnating ahort itorl.a, an tic ana (oreign Coneaponrtence, hhort Storie. Ilmunu Hluttrailona, Inilua- unzeelled Agricultural Ppartmint. trial information. Faahlon Note. An- ririilturnl nialU-ra carefully treated, and fkientlflc and mechanical Inlormjtloai Keliable Financial and Market Kepnrta. It ia mailed at aame hour a the daily Faaliion Article fur tha Woman, flu-eilition. flu-eilition. reache a lanro proportion nf ... , , . , iiil-ribraon dale ol la.ii. and ea. h m.ron, Illuatratlon. for old ana omi. edition i thoroughly up to dati. dally j, , "Th Pcopl'. Paper" for th a family newspaper for buay people. tin Unltad State. Regular auoacrlption price, Regular aubtorlptlon price, $1.50 per year. $1.00 per year. W. frl.h I, .Ith THE TIMES for w $2.00 per year. $1.50 per year. Send all orders to THE TIMES, Coalville, Utah. fa PRESENTS for EVERY PAY USE The Lamp of Steady Habits 11 Th. lamp tlint itrtevn't flare up or amuke, or eanae ynu T? fJV U" Uiwuaxe : Ih.. Uli.p that l..k a--.l li..i f X X jV. A f"Kt 11 anil au a konI: the tamp thai you never ai A 1 . A "h lrt alUi. ..i,. juu ha.r II ; Uiat a I -af-5. 1 Wm Zbc Nw Rochester. pVf t 'J ..0,l"r lamp mT be olTered you aa ' Jnt aa rood " f" .. J V J ' '"r '. I" miiiri.iwu. fi.il f..r all around .t. PL'fl V., Ilirn-'a onlr ona. Are) K.-.lrr. To make f ' 11 "! jT auri-lta, lampoffeml youlairenulne. lk tot llie uuu f tvV ft 3 k OB It e.i'rr lamp haa It. van Varlrllaa.) F"aJsV jf&rk. Old Lnniiiii Mniln New. tVrMA JT , ' " TV weeaa nil eery lamp want. Noiuallrr whrUier ym VJ ' 1 -X ai"1 'lr'i 1 h"lVUl'''P'l'''','''ln"'', " rr''l""mt1 fn' Sk'"'" jv.-' Sjej V!i'V"1?i.?,rR,t?,?!?."r't c"" " "u 5i' V w't'i lAl'lhTin7h.'ratiri.ntolilUaalQL -J Tiai- '3l Lamna. Conaulutlon r-kLU. U I THE HOCHESTEBUMPCB., 3 Para War, a H Barrier t.,K.T.r. I ""'' ' :''"ri'- ' T' '.'f'g--'i r,t''iwr''u- fltgii" , .'. ' ;1 ' : ,-. "iinr RlpansTsbulK . Doctors Find 'SV - J ; AGoodPrescrlptlon te'hd TorManKlnd. 1 ' .rf |