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Show President1. Auulu Wltl Nut Tata. "WheCa the use of talking about that? 1 killed the president. I am an anarchiat and aimply did my duly That'a all I'll aay." ' ' Leon F. Ciolgoax, the asaattln of Preeident McKinley, ssid those words Thursday to Frank A. IHo.ennwekl, editor of lluffalloskl, a PolUh newspaper, news-paper, but would nv nolliing further about tha crime, while willing to talk freely about other autijccta. Oloxs wtki paid his second visit to Ihs Basse-aln'a Basse-aln'a cell. Ha was sent by the District Attorney, la pursuance of alo efforts to move tha prisoner's stubborn tongue. |