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Show r. IN THE PHILIPPINES. -tj Hallo Bum for Hauling Vehiriss Boys 'J as Holdlera. MaJ. R. R. Stevens, chief quarter-i quarter-i maiter In tba Philippines, thlnka well '" f the native bull, or curabao, for transportation purposes. A eart with , ' a alngle bull and driver eoeta 11.60 to ;J 1 a '.Mexican. It transpo Is about one-t) rd or one-fourth aa much an an i escort wagon. Australian or trotting J bulla are uaed on expedited llnea. The system of these expedited llnei for the supply til tmb beef anil vegetables 1 "" 1 , i,j ! J, in ,i n mm i. throughout the department has been brought to a great state of efficiency for the Interior of Luton. The chief surgeon In the Philippines object! strongly to the enlistment of youths under 21 for service there, as he haa found such boys particularly prone to typhoid fever. When the first sense of novelty and adventure wears off the boy loses heart and becomes homesick. home-sick. The chief surgeon's Ideal army for the tropics would consist of men between 25 and 40. Contrary to the general disability from alcoholism. It Is the native drink that produces Insanity among soldiers. Capt Thomas Cruse, depot quartermaster at Manila, points out In an official report re-port that the slies of clothing In ths I'nlted States will not apply In the Philippines, because the American sol. dler out there soon lose considerably In hie waist measure. A man taking s SO-lnch leg and 3(l-lnch waist on arrival will, within alx months, be wearing a 80-Inch leg and a 82-Inch waist. Chicago News. |