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Show POWERFUL KEN OF THE EAST. An IuttTrtinif Fxpianali m of Their lunnial Mil mill. Tin. Firm "f He MuMe'lont Vitndty mill Ai-rvn I'l.ri'.'.liMliniily tiiinidcd. Women ntthe Ilaicml'omp.nnda I'.lnn WIl'W It. j .V. l.milltf KlteCtS HIB Aim -I Mir,,,,,:,,,, and As-lonisheil As-lonisheil the Mo-t skeptical, 1 he fii,t,, h,,,-. ,, nil,nlr modern tester, test-er, alter the Kumilau, u( I'erproial Ynnlli. lull ..t.-aly l,,it .., ,1 Midler limn ll.r rr.ul:. -,,,,., I l,y the .,.. Hon. r. r.,..iiti.l. kno.a tl,niiil,ul Ilia r.A'l a. Kl. MOKIHK Traveller returning lo Kllrole hate, Irnm time t" time, hrotiifht a-lonl-hla tMlvn of the repife nallnaj 8. eta .r,Mluccl by Ihlt Wonder of tha Orient. I'ru.laty eom,Olitl,'l by tha Women f Uift Harrln. m.iu t.,rn,tila. hamlet ttn.n orally from relioatlou tu aeueralloii, the lerret ,il tltlt ,(- la I '11 li,i. icalnu.ly auarilcl anil ku,wii only ti. li,ii,tr...f II,.. Il.rta, anil Hi l u.in Thj-alci.n., Thj-alci.n., Kl. MllKHIK ha. been nraelleally uiiob. talnal.le.rirri.tlna by the faToreloiie. lor .h-,m Il ... Il,te,l,..l ll-ceiitly. hn.cvcr, a prominent nailre Arabian I'liy.lrlan, Imulilira. from hi. country f,,r poll! . 11 unYli.. anil deprived of hi. la.t lara-cMlo! hat availed himself i,l hi. kiiola.le. lo rain a llrtllliiKMl tannin hi. station, by ailp.lyli,( thli mar. HI,, ill eomtKiuiiil. KL Ml IK III II, to III. nubility ami .calthler (law. ill all tuff. .bo ha, rticerlslly mM hliu largo teas In return fur Ihe bcncQta recutvad Content with tlm larac lamme derived (rum 11,1. rarllre, ,hl. amM 1'hy.lrlan ha. repeatedly rtluwrd vary llbcial on.r. made lo him fr the lotniiila i,l hi. remedy, but lit lia. finally aarecrf llh Ilia Impmiuii holitccf Tna M,,vt n un, , l'riV.ol Philadelphia, to mil II an In con. Tallinn f,.rni (or aala cs.llillve'y In hr tailed fctaly., ami tht. tlrnt bavin thai arln.lio agency nn. i.lhn I, forties nut llml lo Ilia American Vihlla 11,11 llemclyniu.t nl I eon founded will, t.r n.im. run. iicr.oii. ,..l,,i.tn. I,.t ,aal,o,.l. an,l , 't,i"l1"-' "" "I'l'1' " a,,.Tl,.. ,l ,,.. , a i. i.'-'. .V." 'n" " ..! , .'i n hi"'w'u"Ii.Ll'iV.lli!n!! ?' - Ucl ran cell .,.ta. , ,,.,.r,... Kl. "i from '' '.rViV "'""J'1" '""rO.lt.'l. extract Kl. MilKKIII l.a'lJin!.."v'lur 'o'ealwclfle t.ltr--b:, I. I. lo .IrciiKlb.li ll. .u.l r,. and .re,e,it .I.cay , Mi.ii. ,'. ii,.ilu. .ffri'la l ' I',""'"" I'" "l "' "' ""' "I"'''""' aim .-I,.,,-. I. unl''"r-a7alVoiTllir KaH'tlhln' aln.na. ilnlv n- .III, Ur- f.nmlr. .. ,v,,. ""I"""-'""' ''" "" ''""W' wiiii.. in. .n .i-oiui ,!i"";"',:!,"','.'i, , a,l.nilil...,l l ,.n. Ilia a.,r.l ra ol nary.iu. n, llily. In.l n,n,,b, ,-l, rui..ll., r.k, .,,,r -.,1 y,. miii, , i ., u i, ,., J.,,, . il,im,,.i , ti, l. v r. al.in ,,., ,., all ..... ,r,.. au'l ilv,-:.,H;a ana BiHlnlaiuIng II.,' lull natural yitiornr maiilHM. ! ll I. i,l , l.,r ll, A,,., nr.,, tril.lv In lal l.l I ili, ,.i,,ly .,,.,i. ii I. Mr-I'd Mr-I'd nanll IT 'k", "" ''l'- ''lii dml) .. 1, I. ..a no ol,i in liir 'nl!!d Mia tlinil II illi .., ...a.in rrd. ... ky. ty HHw .,... au.l , r. llly .,, I ? -w .l ly lli ltm. r .hair t.h1vi.. atllt I. ll.t.n ' 1 --ai.M.kcl ii.,.l, r ll.-.al a,l m .iiiii. uimraiti... I b.mr. II. Ill h.. Mill ,M...I.I,,.,,., ,, lain r,...r ollli lnll.i.,1 ..o.lai. .i..,,l,,.. ' c.,.l ,,( l.,k,l au.l mh .lit. I., l'lilla,l,..iia. Til CI11K ll.l I" lA Tuke Laxative III, mm lniiiina Tableia. ' All diut'iiiia reliiml Ihe money if it fitils to cure. E. W, liuive'a ignalnia la on eaili I. oi. L'5,'. We can (la your job work. WAXTKD - Cai al.lr. reliable feuon 111 every roi.in. I,i i, ,re- i,t lar.- ,vi,y l aolM an-nan, an-nan, I.I rep-mall.. II, ." ''r K'. year, na.al.le weeblv Ii iNr .lay at.M, ttuly .lire aii.lallfa-r".V aii.lallfa-r".V Vr'aiahl. V.,,.-,l.l.. 'li'llnhe .alary, no HS'iSi 'jj-.IUaE.JJI Uearboiu bl .thlcano. , I Subscribe for THE TIMES. Working Yuhl mill liny. - , The btiaieat nr. Inn, lit lent little thing that ever waa minis Is lr. Klng'a New Idle I'll, a. Thea.'t ilia change weakne.e i into itrengtlr, I it r nieis into energy, bruin fiig Into ii lntal power. They're wotiderlul In l,u ig up the lieallh. Only 1'Bw per b,m,.,l by Jobn Hoyden A Sou. ' ' kluull III Hill oir. K. II. Monduy, a litw.cr of lleiiiictta, Ti-x., once fool. l the giiivi-d-gier. lie aaya: ".My brother was veiy low with iniilur nl lever ami Juiudti e. 1 persuaded per-suaded him to try Klcclric Killers, ami he was soon much laMter, but c lltintied Iheir use until he waa w holly cured. I sin sure Klcclric "itlera aaved his life." I bis remedy expels maluriu, kills ilia-case ilia-case get ins and purines the blood ; aids illxctlon, r, guUica liver, kiilueya and bowels, curca cointlpiition, ilyspeptiii, nervous .li.ea.es, kidney troubles, female fe-male coo, pliltils gives perfect health. Only 5Hc ut J . hn Hoyden A fon'e drug stole. TO Till: III AI'. A rich lady cuied of lur i-ui-.j and Noitea in the lleaJ by 1). Mcliol-oii't Artillcial Bar Dinma, gave 1(1,0(1(1 to hia Inalitiiie, ao l list deal people unable lo procure the Far Iiriima may have them free. Address No. lSloU, The Nicholaon Institute, 7Hi, Kight Aveuue. New York, I'. B. A, THE HOME GOLD CUrlE. , ; .' An la-l,oi. Treat, I l which Urnnk. f ar,l a.r llrlos I urr.l llally 1 1, "pita ,,r III, ,,,.,.!,.,, NN.'..'',,A','i-V.',,o'. ? "'"' "f"' for the I.I,,,,,,,' lui.'l'l, " "' It la now generally known and tinder- stood that lipiiikcmie.. la a ili-en.o and I not weakness. W .ly lllled w 1th pir-ot,nn.l pir-ot,nn.l neivei completely shatli'ied by peri, nlicul or con. tani ue ,,( intoxicating intoxicat-ing liiiuor,, rt'inliva an antidote cupnhln o( ii.iitialilng and eiadlcallng this ' polaon, and dealroylng tho craving for ! iiitoxicunts. Siiflerers may now cure iheimelvea at lion,,, wlihi.ut publicity or lo.. ..( I,,,,, fro,,, biisim as by Ibia woiidiulol "IIOMK tilll.l) CUKK'' ! which has la-en perfected afior many yeart eloee study and iieatiu, nl ot lu- i ehrUics. The laiihdil nan according bi dliiM-Hoiis of this wonderful discovery It Kiilively guaranteed lo cum the moat ohatitiale case, no matter how bald a diliikcr. Our records show the iiinrva-lont iiinrva-lont Iran. format Inn of tlioiiannds of Uruiikardt In'omtcr, Imltiilrlotia and cprlght men. WIVK.MCI'UK YOVIt IM'SIIASIISII CIIILIiHKNCCItKY()CHFATIlKK8!l Thla i nn, tly la In no seme a nostrum ', bm isa sprilllc for this disease only, and t, Its i skillfully deviap.l and prepaied tint It is thoroughly solnbll and plena- 5 ant lo the la.tr, so that II can las given ' in a cup of tea or cil'ee without tlin ! kiiowle.lgn of the per.on taking It. ; Tlioti.iui.lt ol Iiruiikaids hnve ctite.1 tbemielv. a with Ihlt prhvln.a remedy, and aa many more have lawn cured and 5 made toiiHierala men by having the "(X It K" a, linii, intend by loving frlendt and relatives wiihout their knowledgo In coir.-e or ten, and believe loday that '' ' they iliac, 1, tinned drinking of their own freewill. HO. NOT WAIT. Do not Im ile.liKlt.it by apparent and misleading I "Improveinenl." Drive out the diaeaaa l at mire and for nil time. The ' llti.MK J UOLI)Cl IIK"las,.ldaltha extremely ! low price of Hun Dollar, thus plricing i within reach of everylndy a treatment ,' 1 more eir.'utuul than othert oosling 'J! to 6tl. Full direcbnia accompany . t each (wckiigf Special advlcn by sklllud j pbyalelanawbeii r.gmsted wlthtint ex- . . tra charge. S, iu prcpunl lo any pari of the world on receipt of (Inn Dollar, 1 Addreat Dept. KilM. .;iV . (ill.KS A COMPANY. KKSO and 2X)2 Market StriM't, l'lllailelibia. All correaM,n,lenca atrlclly conlldent- I 1.1. A NTKll -capable, n tial.le . ra.,n tn arety uooul',"l''l,',a'lTll''r,'''''"'l, "' '.,..k'".l:jlayj'al"nrin,ip |