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Show RUSSIAN RULER VIHIT8 FRANCE. Caaraad Caarlna Wlloeos Review of 140.-ooo 140.-ooo rrench Troon.. Tha Cxnr, tha Czarina and President Lou bet Haturday reviewed HO. OOfl troops on the Plain of llcthuny, France, a atretcti of couulry six mites wide and two mllea deep. The march lasted from 10:45 a. m. lo 1:10 p. in. terinlua tine- In a maifnlHccntchnrgeof cavalry. The apectucle before the cxnr waa one of the moat Imposing ever wltncated Around the review grounds waa a deee maaa of red and blue, Itifautry, cavalry and artillery. The whole line extend ed several miles, In spite of the facl that the troop, wero drawn up ISO Blei deep. p3 A DM 111 A I, IIKK1INSON, A Prominent Wltnena in the Schley Court of Inquiry. |