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Show Till paper la lik luaribandi-e.ll 1 fur aale. If you dealt yonr part of it (topped (top-ped coin and my o. W don't lo k upon up-on a man w ith nod) Ing hat if hewant'a to atop hi paper and doe It lik a gen-Ifemani gen-Ifemani nod w don't beg hfm to continue contin-ue It either. IlUaatra'ght matter of bn-lne bn-lne vou pa vour money and take your paper. If you pay up all aubicrip-tlon aubicrip-tlon and order your paper dl, continued, it will be atopped a cheerfully 1 begun. be-gun. When you hear a man blowing alwtit hi not having I teen abl lo atop bin paper, you can bet your auieiider htiiklea that be oweahaik fuWrlplliin and when you hear him brnggng aliout how h cripple. I the paper by taking Ilia name oil the Hat, you can b.-t whUkcy enough to dioa n blm that be la a fool. Sodun't give yotitaelf nwav, friemla. A fe.v ilollart or nnenei will do no niore lownrda atopp tig puper tliaii all llie talking yon rue eapnlle of, end the nil -tor will be very glad to g I you oll'the liat I' he tvci get even with you Kg. |