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Show SLHLtY COURT OF INQUIRY RESUMES ITS SESSIONS. r...r ttllnr..!-. Tetllfr Vt km llsar.e mil, tniin, 1'nr.ned by Ailnilrrtl Srltley. The Schley court of Inquiry reconvened recon-vened Fridny mid In-fore it adjourned ' rssininrd four vitnewea The moot important incident of the day was tha , decision of the court withdrawing a ' question put by Hie court itself, asking ask-ing s witness lo giro his opinion eon- ; cernlng a point under cnnlrovcrsy. The most important wltnesa examined exam-ined donna' the day was Admiral lllg-glnson, lllg-glnson, who coinmsnded the baltleahlp Massachusetts during Hie bombard- j menl .May 31 of Hie battleship Colon, ' then lying In the outer karbor at Han-tlago. Han-tlago. Admiral Higginaon aald, In hla Judgment, Admiral Schley had not done all poaalble to destroy tha Colon on that date, and that the Colon could have been destroyed had tbe Americas fleetclosed iu and attacked at cloier range. The Spanish shore batlariea tha Admiral considered, did not amount to much. Major Wood, who commanded tha marina force on the Massachusetts, trail lied that when attacked by the shore ballrriea Admiral Schley had given this order: "Starboard your helm and lets gel out of this." They were in, ooo feet from tha batte'lea. Ho considered the dlalancc too great for effective work. Captain llarber, second lo command com-mand oo lha Tenia, (Captain Phllllpa dead) leitidcd that when the equadruo went to Celnfue-gos, Celnfue-gos, earthworks tveru discovered, but no attempt was made to destroy them. Ha had heard of no general order! or dlrectlutii having deen lasued regarding regard-ing conduct of a right should tha Rpsnlsh Beet ho engaged. He) alao thought ahipa might have ooaled at sea Instead of going to Key West, aa : they did at this lime, by orders of Ad- 1 mlral Schley. I ! |