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Show PNfll ANH'; WILL USE ASIATICS U1UUA1US AND AFRICANS IN NEW HOVE HER WARS One of tha moat important announce-1 Bt that have been made In the IlrtUsh Parliament for many yeara la the recent declaration by Joaeph Chamberlain, colonial aoerr'ary, that the Kngll.ii government will not he.l-tate he.l-tate henceforth to employ In Ktirope or elsewhere It Indian and African troops. It la an announcement ot moat profound interest to the entire civilised world, but more especially lo thoae nation na-tion whlrh hav millions of aeml-barbaroti aeml-barbaroti rarea subject to their rule. Illtheto there ha been a stronn sentiment tiKiilnst the me of seml-clvll-Ised race In the wars of Christian stntea. . 11 la a sentiment that found expression in the eighteenth century at Westminister, when the great I.ord Chatham denounced with such eloquent elo-quent Indignation the employment by the llrltlah commanders lu this country coun-try of Red Indian tribes against th American revolutionary forces. The- nre few newspaper, either In lite United' Slnlca or Europe, that did not expreas their abhorrence of the use of Cossncka and Clrcnaalnns by Russia In I auppresslng the Hungarian tnaurreo-llon tnaurreo-llon In Ik's, and of the HulUn' action I In endeavoring to put dewn th rising In Rulgarla In IK'tl by means of Irregular Ir-regular llashl-llatouka, recruited from the most barbarous portion of hi Asiatic Asi-atic dominions. Beveral year afterward, at th time that Kngland aeemed to be on th verge of wur with Russia, a amall contingent con-tingent of Indian cavalry waa brought to Malta, which created such an outcry out-cry and storm of proleit, even In Oreat llritaln. that the men were quickly shipped hack to llouiliay. Their visit to Malta, however, aerved to rmind Contlnenlul Kurope of tho fact that the mllttnty renources of Kngland were not restricted aolely lo hr Handing Hand-ing army at home, and Hint her force In India must be taken Into account. This la probably all thnt Lsird I) aeons-field aeons-field hail In view when he brought the Indian contingent to the Mediterranean. |