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Show 000 AND COON WERE OHUMS, j Queer Anli-.l men. HP Hslstl.f t Knslanit Tow, At Derby. Conn., (leorga Mechter-I Mechter-I arhelmer hss i raccoon which I about the most Inte'l'.gcrit animal In that vicinity. vi-cinity. He c.nijtht It while out hunt-i hunt-i Ing one day la.t spring nnd he hrO'ig;i! It borne to exh b.t It I't hi friends. The rare on w.i a little fellow, bara'y able to iv .ilk nnd w in put In a ca-" and placed ut the h.n k of the aaloon "Ihe little fellow would flund no fooling, fool-ing, however, and at the leat attempt to approach him would snap and bits like a wild cat. lie waa wall fed and everything done to ninke the animal comfortable, lu time he became mors tame and at last he was allowed th llbetty of the saloon He became favorite with rverytxxly who cam to contact with him and soon learned how to do a number of trick, lie eat a doscn banana a day and will go through the pockets ot any on. whom he knows, usually finding aome. thing. Ha anil Rap. George' spaniel, are great chums and It I comical to watch the two together, the dog letting let-ting the coon get on hi back and drive him around the place. Th other night two dog entered the (nloon and the minute they aet eye on Pete, the coon, they went for him. Pete barked Into a corner and. standing on hi hind feet, used bla forepaw like a prlia fighter, and got In bo many crnsa-awlnga, upper cuts and atraight blow that he had both dog licked In no time. They turned tall and ran out of th plac for all they were worth, with Pete after them. He landed on the back of th larger dog and nearly drove that animal crazy by scratching and biting him. It waa a victory for Pet and ha eemed to realize It, for he walked up to where the banana were kept and would not go away until h had on. |