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Show The Ah.etire of It. 1 If there la any truth In the anylng that happiness Is the absence of all pain, mental ami physical, the enjoyment enjoy-ment of it can only be found In heaven. hea-ven. Hut an far as the physical Is ion- cerned, It la within easy reach: at i least measurably so. ss far as cure will go. The sum of human misery In thl line 1 made up of greater or leas da- F gree of physical suffering The minor I che and ptilna which afflict mankind are easy to reach and aa easily cured. There are none In the whole category, 5 which, If taken In time, cannot h I. ' cured. They must In aome form f- j, flirt the neivea, the bone, the muscle I and Joint of the human body. They ti are all mora or lea hurtful and waate- I fill to the system. HI. Jacob's Oil Is mad to cur them, to earch out hid- den pain spots, and to cure promptly I In a true remedial and tasting way. r Very, very many have not known hap- plnesa for yeara till they used It, and C ' very many are putting off cure and I bapplncaa because they don't use It. I |