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Show DEATH'S HARVEST Threa Funerakla Here In On Waek Mra. Huffman Cons. The grim reaper, death, baa been yetting yet-ting In hia work in full f,,r. o here thia W 'ek, f, r no h'ea th in three Inn rriuente h ive taken place! In oiircetnetery In that tl'lte. On I riilny night of In t week l,e Ihree in. mt ha ul. I baby la,y ol Mr. and Mrt. S. J.l'adilieadledat I'aik City from Inll iiiiinntloii ot the b.wela. The re-inaitia re-inaitia were brought lo Coalville Sunday morning and the funeral waa held fiom lb" rethlenre ol Samuel Fad, Ilea thai day at U o'clock. Appropriate and con-tollng con-tollng tcuitirkt weio made by Klder J. Alma Smith anil euitab'e music ftiin-Ished ftiin-Ished by the choir. On Sunday word waa received here from Scoflelil to ihe effect that the thrt e-year-ol.l Uiy ol Mr. and Mrt. Oeorge II. Huff had died there liotii an attack uf spinal mengllla. The I ttle fellow had only been ank about a we k and hit death waa a ha-,1 blow In the pa rent a. Tbe remalna were btougbt lo Coalville Coal-ville for Intrriiiienl, r'Si lili,g here Toes-day Toes-day night. Tl.e futiertil waa held from 1 the residence ot Mr. Calderwood Wed-, ntnluy at 1 o'cl'Kk. The speakers were Klder J. Anna Smith, I'tesideut Tuilor and lliahop Croft, each of whom delivered deliv-ered consoling remur. t. The people of the community were gteutly shocked Tutaday morning when It waa announced that Mra. Klixalieth lluflinnn waa dead. The lady had liecn lick only a week ami until fun. lay lew people knew of her Illueat. The cause ol her death waa a rupture ahe rece.ved tome yeart tgo, which brought on nthcr tiotiblee. Mia. Kllxiiholh Friaby IIiilTmau wat born in Birmingham, Kngluud, sixty-I sixty-I eight years ego. SJieciiue to tlii.cu iiry In the ye.ir IWII ntt f s-ttle1 In Coalville. She was baptized Ilia aame year Into the Churcholjcua Chrlat of Latter-day Sulul! by Jacob lIufTinan, whom the aktiiward married, To her was Imm ten children, nine ol whom survive her. AI., r her marriage to "Uncle Jake" she moved with hitn to tbe ranch up Chalk Creek, abere they made their home un til hit deiilh, about two yeart ago, when I she moved back to Ca1vi!ia and waa living with her brother, I'avid Frlsby, ut the time nf her death. She waa preparing pre-paring to I, mid I. or a home and had part of the luuih, r on the gio ml. Mra. llII,i,Hii wataell likel by all who knew her; ahe waa a go. .1 clmicli tueuiber and lu nlwiiya willing lo at-tiat at-tiat llioie in i.i cd. lU aidi s tier children and miitiy sorrowing friends, she leaves (our brothers, four ti.lerii to tin. urn her los, all of whom have sympathy of die a hole lomuiiinlty in Iheir heieavcinent. The funeral waa held Ibis afternoon from the Tabernacle and wna l.irg-ly a',-fnded. |