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Show t " V , ir ! Emptjiag th , by geographer that ik the sea were emptied of It water and all the river of the earth were to pour their present floods Into the vacant space, allowing nothing for evaporation, 40,000 year would be required to bring tthe water of the ocean up to its present level. A hqj been computed The Typewriter Iarentiao. A Statistician has proved that the In. section of the typewriter has gien employment to 600,000 people, but he fails to state bow' many cases of weak stomachs and dyspepsia It has Induced. All peoDla Of sedsntary occupation need Hostetter s Stomach Bitters. It is a wonderful medicine and helps nature bear the strain which ensues from confinement It also cures dyspepsia. Indigestion, constipation and flatulency. Be sure to try li and ou will not he disappointed. They Wsol the Herb Doctor. The happiest hunting ground of the herb "doctor Is not London but tht big manufacturing districts jf Lanca hire and Yorkshire. There the peo pie place the greatest faith In him a no he thrives and flourishes marvelously (t la eald that one man, who studied botany when a poor boy, subsequently became a herb doctor and met with luch success that today he Is a man of fortune, owning valuable house prop-irtin London most of the herbalists live In the eastern and southeastern districts. Some of them have well-ti- t ted and commodious shops, but a few tarry on buslnees in private houses. A Old tivrnan llork. An Interesting exhibit at the Smith aonlan institution Is an old German clock that was ticking about fifteen years before the birth of the great American republic. It keeps good time and la 140 years old. It Is made of hardwood and the work was all done by hand. Every piece of the mechanism is highly polished, and it is put together with handwrought rivets of brass. The parts show very little wear and the timepiece la eo carefully constructed that It does not vary a second In time during twenty-fou- r hours Ab IaeompleU Hobm We run wild over the furnishings of a house; its furniture, carpets, hang- ings, pictures and music, and always forget or neglect the most important requisite. Something there should be always on the shelf to provide against sudden casualties or attacks of pain. Such come like a thief In he night; a sprain, strain, sudden backache, toothache or neuralgic attack. There Is nothing easier to get than a bottle of St Jacob's Oil, and nothing surer tc Th cure quickly any form of pain. house Is Incomplete without IL Complete It with a good supply. I nacres University Ita Students. Giessen University insures Its students against accident, paying $3,009 In case of death. Medical, chemical and veterinary students pay 20 cents n term tor Insurance; for the others no charge . Is made. " Are Ton Using aliens Teot-Knee- T It It the only cure for Swollen, Smarting, Burning, Sweating Feet, Corni and Bunion. Ask for Allen's Foot-Easa powder to he thaken Into the shoee. At an Druggists and Shoe s, Btoree, 25c. Samples sent FREE. Allen S. Olmsted, LeRoy, N. T. e, Ad-Ires- Trooaera Without Bottom-fringePuffins answered an advertisement In which somebody offered' to sell him s. the secret for preventing trousers from getting fringes around the bottom. "What did they tell him!" To wear knickerbockers.' Boston Courier. SALESMEN Reliable House wants I traveling salesmen,434. permanent position, Box StaDle line. In Chicago. Words That Begin with A." fifty years the words and phrases the English language lexlcunUed under the letter- - "A have Increased, from 7,000 In number to nearly 60,000. Science and invention requiring new terms are largely responsible. Of . Hall's Catarrh Cars Is a constitutional cure. Price, WlM M 75a. b4iUBIOB Two ladles contended for precedence In the court of Charles V. They appealed to the monarch, who, like awarded: "Let the older go first Such a dispute was never known afterward. Argonaut Sol-om- oa ' I an sure Plso's Cure for Consumpt'on saved Maple Street, Norwich. N. Y Feb. IT, 190a Edward Dlslikss Fnor English. King Edward VIL haa a violent dislike of poor English. His own words some slowly, and be frequently corrects bad grammar that comes to his Mrs. Winslow's Soothing Syrup, rsducss In Far shl Mrsn taethl ns. soflous hs SnmaaUmllays psioourus wise soils. Mss botU- Houoy Balsam la Hardship, The bee and honey raisers of North Germany are having n hard time. They , feel the'com petition of the artificial honey factories very much. The artificial product contains often no. more than It per cent of natural honey. THE CHEAPEST PAINT Thk. economy in using Devoe ready, paint is in results more than price. It covers more and lasts longer than lead and oil, two fo one; ten to one of some paint. Use Devoe; and figure cost by the square yard, or year, not by the gallon; its the cheapest paint made figured that way. . the nearest dealer for Devoe; Insist on having it Our pamphlet on painting free If yon mention this paper. fAsk GOOD-PAIN- T DEVOE, CHICAGO. Redeeming , A Bill Will thau So b CURRENCY Is Kavwd -- Work f l iprrts Is Kuln4 vtu of Hills. la Drtsrmtnloc s Tiiv liuieau of Redemption at WashubUh redeems mutilated performs some astonishing uoik Tiie agencies by ahlrh money L destroyed are many, but usually the commonest one is fire, for hlrh.of course, the owner of the money Is not alaayb responsible. Often, however, the ouncr Is responsible. The Missouri man who puts $1,700 in the stove over night for safe keeping, and then lighted the fire before he remembered the trivial occurrence, certainly had only himself to blame for hie loss. He raked up and carefully collected the burned remnants of the roll of bills, and sent the package on to Washington with the required affidavit. One of the most expert workers in the department was set to wok on the task and in ten days had restored four-fiftof the original amount. This was all that could be redeemed, but the owner was so overjoyed at faring so well that he sent one of the crisp $100 bills back to the clerk who bad done so well for him. The man who carried something over $300 in his pocket when he went out to feed the pigs was also from Missouri. The pigs could not masticate the leather wallet, hut they made short shift of the bills, and paid for the deed with their lives. The badly mutilated bills which were recovered after the slaughtering were sent to Washington and $30 were redeemed. But no one btate can lay claim to all the careless owners of money. Iowa has furnished her quota, and her favorite agent of destruction seems at present to be the goat A man In Ogden, la., hung his coat upon a fence while working out of doors on a warm day. As there was no one about he paid no further attention lo It until his work was finished, in spite of the fact that in one of the pockets were six $5 bills. When he went back for the coat he found it lying on the ground, and a sedate-lookibilly goat waa grazing near by. The bills were gone. A neighbor who happened along at the time wagered that the goat had eaten them, and as there seemed no other plausible explanation of thetr the goat was killed. The bills were found in the form of a lump In the goata stomach, J)y the time they reached the treasury department the mass had hardened, and no one would have mistrusted that the brown lump waa worth $30 of Uncle Sams currency. But the experts placed it In water, separated the particle, and Verified the value of the mutilated remnants. Another inquisitive goat ate a more expensive meal than thla. He discovered the tin can hidden under the house In which the tax collector placed the government which he had gathered the previous day. It amounted to $S00. Fortunately la thla case the collector discovered the goat a the last bill was disappearing. This goat also' was killed and in similar manner the badly disfigured money was reclaimed. A pauper (supposedly) died In a New York almshouse. - He was burled In In a pauper's grave. Later some relatives came from the old country, who were aware that he had possessed some money. The grave was opened, and in a secret pocket of his undershirt was found more than This money was sent on for $2,000. redemption, and the task, for th? experts was one of the most dlsagreeabfe that has- - ever bees undertaken. - Recently the department received a package which had been in a detective safe. In the package were both silver, which had suffered from the flames, and charred bills. During the travels of the box In which the money wai sent the sliver had worked shout and had reduced the bills to fine ashes. No one would suppose that these fine paper ashea could ever be identified, and the task was an unusually difficult one, but the head of the department with two assistants had within an hour identified two $50 hills. None of the pieces of which these bills were made up werg larger than tpis-hea- d. The work Is done by means of powerful magnifying glasses. When all the pieces that are aent In have been pasted in place, a bit of glass of the same size Is placed over the card. This glass is marked off Into 40 of the bill squares.- - If three-fifth- s have been rescued the amount la made good by the government, but if lees than, this la saved the bill cannot be redeemed. Utica Globe, ington. cui-renc- y, hs ng dlaap-pearan- ce Ooilte la OUv OIL H7 putting a clove of garlic in the bottle of olive oil when It copies from tbs grocer, a palatable flavor Is imparted, It should only' remain about twenty-four hours, which will be sufficient ' time to do' its work. Koala Fraa the Eleetrle Are, A London electrician, Mr. W. Dud-del- l. recently exhibited a novel musical Instrument, composed, Of a aeries of electric are lights, which played a popular air. When the current Is passing through solid carbons they give off a musical sound, and by placing a shunt across the carbons, connected with a keyboard; Mr. Duddell waa able to vary the sounds through the scale of two octave. The keyboard served to vary the and capacity in the shunt circuit, and by employing tour arcs the Intensity of the. sounds was made sufficiently great la there anything better in a stats than that both man and woman be rendered the very best? There is not Plato. Anteoal Now Maligned er Rudrrmsd If Less of It Thm-flfth- l who . fields. A "great white-winge- birds d the injustice that came from greed d, the best they had and gave it freely (or nothing, and were as kindly as children. When the cruel Spaniards beat them and misused them, the Indians naturaly enough believed that all whit men were cruel and dangerous. Cortes In Mexico and Plzarro In Peru found the aborigines a gentle people, hut That dlf not decrease the relentless cruelty that always grows out of lust tor gold, and o, for centuries, with all their continuous generations, the Indian was taught that the white man waa his heartless enemy; and he accepted the lessons. There was no way to teach him that not all white men were greedy and cruel. Vice will go much further to assert itself than virtue. But, coming down to this very day, the unsophisticated red man of the well-rais- MataL d ENGLANDS NEW HOVE One of the most important announce-iBMt- a that have been made In the British Parliament for many years Is the recent declaration by Joseph Chamberlain, colonial secre'ary. that the English government will not hesitate henceforth to employ in Europe or elsewhere Its Indian and African troops. It Is an announcement of most profound interest to the entire civilised world, hut more especially to those nations, which have million of races subject to their rule. Hitheto there has been n strong sentiment against the use of races Jutbe wars of Christian states. .It is a sentiment that found expression In the eighteenth century at Westminister, when the great Lord Chatham denounced with such eloquent Indignation the employment hi the British commanders in this country of Red Indian tribes against the American revolutionary iarceajrhe'a are few newspapers, either .In the United States or Europe, that did not express their abhorrence of the use of Cossacks and Circassians by Russia in seml-barbaro- us dredging machine which is expected to handle gravel at small cost and extract the gold by a dry process, was lately put to work near Turns. If it proves successful therelir a big field for it In Arizona. Over in New Mexico Thomas Edisons scheme without using water has been undergoing s test tor nearly a year. - A- company capitalized at $3,000,000 has bought s tract of land In the Oritz plazer region of that territory and hope to make Immense fortunes out of If by The IBS of Edisons Invention. aeml-clvll-la- ed - Paris Is "Frif. The Parlsiennes have a sew English word,'- - They think it more piquant than either "flirt or "higlir or $ oclock or sportsmen." This time it is "prig." A bonnet is prig, a how of ribbon is prig; it la prig to go motorcarring dressed in white leather packets which can be cleaned with pipe clay, etc. An American, woman hearing the proud reiteration of this upside-dow- n among her expression French friends, threw cold water on the enthusiasts by explaining wbsttbe new word meant Of course, dropped at once and replaced by another one vlngtleme a hich seems to comprehend and express all the possible records, the various perversities and modern nervous complaints. On Is vlngtleme, and that means everything! sMtVAJVVTfUVlAAAAAJVArifkVkVkVi benefit of laundries and porcelain baths, but he Jumps Into the water and washes himself every time he has a chance. He does not livewhere there are napkins and finger bowls, and he would not know exactly which curious little fork to use for ihla or that, nor the precise manner In which he should carry a spoonful of soup to his mouth. He has not been taught these things. Neither does be guage hta neighbor's respectability by the number of ponies the neighbor possesses, nor does he lie awake of nights thinking over schemes to win his neighbor's goods. He thinks that one who Is able to pay and does not do so Is a worse man PRICE. 25 c. than he who Js not able to pay. He i Is all does not say to the former, "He The rapes Parrot. right because he has money, though he One place in the Vatican gardens to does hot. pay Juat debts nor practice which ths pope invariably bends his deed of charity.' steps on hi dally walks la ths Uttls , menagerie, where he rewards ths loyal parrots cry, "Viva II papa! with a double ration of so gar. WILL USB ASIATICS "Near York City, June 13th, 1901. I heart- - ; By recommend GarflaltlTaa for lit or trouble. . AND AFRICANS IN Our family nhyek-iaprescribed your Tea. end after taking four package my evetem . HER WARS te in pertert condition and iiy coniplrxlow It he bwo ilcnontrt-- j ha become dear. ed by yeereof nee throughout tl world that , UarfleM Tea o'eaneee the syetein and pnriflaa ( suppressing the Hungarian lnsurreo It would oeent tha blood; front ell tlon in 1848, and of tb Sultans action that noth log ran equalreport thi npia herb modr In endeavoring to put down the rising (clue that cure In Nature1 w a f, , in Bulgaria la 1876 by means of irt (Tew Tark 1 Pape an. recruited from regular There are more people (14,000.000) in the most barbarous portion of his Asi- New York and Pennsylvania than ia L atic dominions. V rginla. North Carolina, South Caro- Several years afterward, at ths time llna, Georgia, Florida, Alabama, Lon- - i that England seemed to he on the talana and Texas. verge of war with Russia, a amall conPain relieved, sickness prevented, hr i' tingent of Indian cavalry waa brought use of Wizard OIL Keep it si- timely to Malta, which created such an outin tha home. cry and storm of protest, even In Great ways ' Britain, that the men were quickly Aowrieaa Cement In Mexico,' ! finds mara shipped back to Bombay. Their visit cement good American to Malta, however, served to remind ket tn MexlcoMexlca Imported last ! Continental Europe of the fact that fiscal year (closing June 30, 1901) more j the military resources of England cement from the United States than, were not restricted solely to her standany other country. ing army at home, and that her forces What Is the u or employing some one , In India must be taken into account. to do your dyeing for you, it yon nee This is probably all that Lord Baacona-fiel- d PUTNAM FADELESS DYES you can had In view when he brought the do, it just as well as a profemlonaL j bold by druggist?, iOc. per package, IndJ&fl Cpptlngent Jo ibe Mediterranean. Alfred Vanderbilt riey Teaate. Alf red ' Vanderbilt,' who ts now ths The man who la imprisoned for life beau of hla family, is one of ths best no longer dreads being found out amateur tennis players in New York. . He Is a good racquet player, too, and i , during the winter is an enthusiasts ' devotes of the latter game, ' I ' '' Indio Coo Wear Shoe. One size smaller after usingAlleas Foo t--, Ease, a powder. It makes tight or new i shoes easy. Cures s wo lea. hot, sweating, aching feet, ingrowing rets, corns ana j bunions All dm :g ate end sbee stores, 25c. package FREE by malL Ad- - ! with n stick. Ths little animal was a dress Trial Alien Id Olmsted, Id Roy, N.Y. the famous India cobra mongoose, Tobacco t'howlng larraaeae. fighter. As soon as the snake was IL fied to Its hiding place and ws !A3I;;msnuIactTirenL9tplufohacc9 could not coax it ouL If I aver felt art said to be overwhelmed with horn grateful to man or beast it was to the and export Orders. Tobacco chewing is on the increase. little mongoose that saved my life. n 1 Bashi-Bazouk- a, " iiiy has been enwork in Indln in engineering gaged brings home this story of an exciting adventure" with a cobra "We had just finished a hard day's work and were preparing to take a good resL We were far from a village, on some bills, and took tbelter in a deserted huL We did not reach Collegiate Dogroaa. the hut until after mldnlghL and conOnce every - seven or eight years next sequently we slept late into the perpetrates an ingenious somebody day. The first thing I remember upon fraud in collegiate degrees. Ths vicopening my eyes was a flood of light tims are supposed to be educated men, The Ckoorful Gives. wa There a very rich man who through the door. Iwas nearest, and but they are as easily gulled as inwent about enjoying himself. He pos- my two companions were behind me. nocent tnossbacks. Hitherto the desessed magnificent palaces, and his On a second glance my blood almost gree most in demand has been M. D. stud costa him hupdreda of thousand froze. There on the floor of the hut Every quack in the country could get a of dollars a year. One day, after his and lesz than two feet from me waa one for a few dollars. A Professor ever have I the cobra, largest horses bad made a particularly fin large in Massachusetts sold thousands some seen. It Was colled to strike, and It No on ever thinks of showing on the track, this man threw venomous neck swelled with poison. year' ago. the bearer of honors by wbpm $40 to popple in the street who were asking The little eyes glittered like beads. I were conferred. The question soliciting tor charity. Then there was never moved n limb, but gazed at it in they a furore. .Long reports of the act were would look like an impertinence. Thf horror. My perfect stillness probably telegraphed to all parts of the coun- saved my life, for if I had made a latest victims, tb "reverends, are unmana try. The portrait waa hunted move the snake would have struck. As deserving of sympathy. Every on up tor publication 4n a hundred pa- It Was, it seemed id be enjoying the buying n "D. D,; should be retired pers. Editorials were written in his triumph, and slowly moved its head from the pulpIL if tola thing conpraise, and he was referred to as "one backward and forward. I dared not tinues1 I shall expect to see all degree Meanwhile, of natures noblemen. utter a sound, as I knew that it would men required to append the name of their university! to their honors, as after giving to charity, he entertained seal my fate, , Hed wards, LL. D., Yale; Jonathan n few friends nt a little dinner, which "I waa Just revolving in my mind cost him $350. It Isnt the Lord aleas what to do and had determined' to Charles Elbert Cartwright, M. D., Harwho love n cheerful giver. Chicago k a quick leap, when there was a vard; the Rev, Beecher Darby Vanriiah from a far corner. A small ani- dyke, D. D., Princeton; Ph. D., Colummal about the size of a rat darted out bia; D. C. L., Cambridge; D. LlL, Oxfrom behind the snake and like a ford. etc. New York Press. FoMkM ef Osork Keglo. flash seized him by the Beck Just above One e million peaches. Seventy-fivIn tbs year 1900, out of ljKt raids on the hood. And then commenced the child woman and for man, every peach illicit stills, 673 were mad In Georgia, fiercest struggle I- have ever witnessed. In the United States. This is the is a prohibition state except as which The and snake plunged, writhed ' which the Ozark fruit belt, of its cities. to four twisted, but the little animal clnng to centering in Howell and Oregon counL At length Its orator An r wesk-may spout like n whale struggles grew ties, has made to the worlds peach and I was enabled to dispatch It and still be only a shark. crop in 1901. SL Louie ; A SL Louis man who it-w- as Recotd-Heral- pain, mental and physical, the enjoy ment of it can only be found in hea ven. But so far as the physical Is concerned, It is within easy lyach; at least measurably so, as far as cure will go. The sum of human misery in thin line is made up of .greater or less degree of physical suffering. The minor . aches and paint which afflict mankind are easy to reach and as easily cured. There are none in the whole category, which, tf taken In time, cannot he cured, ' They must In some form afflict the nerves, the bones, the muscles and joints of the human body. They are all more or lest hurtful and wasteful to the system. SL Jacobs 011 la made to cur them, to search out hidden pain spots, and to cure promptly In n true remedial and lasting way. Very, very many have not known happiness tor jeers till they used it, and very many are putting off cure and happlneea because they dont use 1L D--w Howelte Writ Slowly. William Dean Howells, ibe novelist, erl tea very ilowly and, although (ta hand looks like a hurried one, it la really almost laborious. At the tame ' - me he finds dictation impossible and therefore depends entirely upon hta the ships. courteous, may be seen among the men of the streets of all cities. Real men do not do such things, no more than all Indians do beastly things than those who do not know them suppose they do. The Indian has not had the The white-farestrangely-dresse- d people who came out of them were to the simple natives supernatural beings But when they saw that those were people who were hungry and could eat. then the Indians brought ta Separate newly-invente- ad- 1 How to get the precious metals which lurk In the beds of rivers la the southwest is a problem which mining men are trying to solve with the dredge. A canal Is being dredged through the auriferous grtrel beds along the Colorado river, just north of Turns, and the gravel from the big scoop Is washed at the rear of the machine in the water that follow from the river. Tests show that the dirt contains about sixteen cents worth of gold per- - cubic yard. With a crew of ten men the dredge can handle some 4,000 cnblc yards dally. Although little waa known of the Colorado river gravel deposits until a year ago placer mining has florrlshed tor fifty years along the Colorado tributaries, which are rich in gold. Water has been so scarce tor the last ten years that tbs miners have had to practice dry wash-in- g. This year, however, there la a plentiful supply owing to the heavy rains of last winter, and thousands of men are busy along the sandy shores The richest stream, perhaps, is the Hassayampa river, which drains sev-e- rl gold has cheated him, has taken vantage of his ignorance to make UTS The most cruel of all Injustice and he hard lot harder, he has killed. The grumbled and fought. The Indian is Indian is a child of nature, and he Is supposed to be selfish and brutal by therefore candid and ingenuous. When those who do not know him. .There ta wronged he knows It, and says so, and no human being on earth who will his onh way to get satisfaction Is to more quickly divide his last mouthful fight There no chance (or him to of food with a friend. No Indian that "lay low and wait (or another deal. ever lived would crowd a white-haire- d He can only see what la in sight. old woman out of the way to get ou a When Columbus came to America the street car first That sort of thing, Indians were at first alarmed at the and everything akin to it, that is dis- GOLD FROM RIVER BEDS. Machine lavaatad Gravel and Pronto that Indian iharaiter ha been greatly west, hating a liar, tells the truth; the game maligned Sa MaJ Jt.hu M Burke, having been surrounded, haa killed exterminated uselessly-- he bo ha made a tud of the red men. and thinks It Treat her so often tharged against no way to get a living only natural that the government them ha no part in their make-up- . which took away his opportunities fo$ The Indian has fought the man who sustenance owes him fool and raiment. mistreated him, and he has always The government eays It doe, and (ought openly He has been the sends agents to look after and provide friend the unfailing friend of the for him. Some of the agents former msn a ho has been kind to him, and ly accepted their places with the hegiven eldence that he wished to ller that they had a right to rob the help hint The Indian was the friend very class that they were appointed to of Pere Marquette and Father De protect. Of course, not all Indian Smet The man who has shown him agenta were thla way, but many of "foiked tongue he has treated as them were, and the Indian was blamed he would any other snake The man because he refuted to be treated with cross-swing- New It there is any truth Vice VhJck Today Are Attributed to Him. Indian Is a Frtea 6'4 Kliitii Engtead Tow a. Mechter-schelmAt Derby. Conn., Georg has a raccoon which ta about the most Intelligent animal la that vihuntcinity. He caught It while out and brought he last one spring day ing It home to exhibit it to hie friends. The raccoon as a little fellow, barely able to walk, and ass put In a cage and placed at the batk of the saloon. The little fellow would stand no fooling, however, and at the least attempt to approach hlni would snap and bite like a wild cat. He wa well fed and everything done to make' the animal comfortable. In time he became more tame and at last he jy as allowed. the liberty of the saloon. He became e favorite with everybody who came in contact with him and soon learned how to do a number of tricks. He eats a dozen bananas a day and will go through the pockets of any one whom he knows, usually finding something. He and Rap, Georges spaniel, are great chums and it la comical to watch the two together, the dog letting the coon get on bia back and drive him around the place. The other night two dogs entered the saloon and the minute they set eyes on Pete, the coon, they went for him.' Pete backed into a corner and, standing on his hind feet, used his forepaws like a prise fighter, and got s, in eo many upper cuts and straight blows that he had both dogs licked in no Urns. They turned tall and ran out of the place for all they were worth, with Pete after them. He landed on the back of the larger dog and nearly drove that animal crazy by scratching and biting him. It waa a victory for Pete and he seemed to realize it, for he walked up to where the bananas were kept and would not go away until he had on. qxmt UNCLE SAM GIVES GOOD FOR BAD. ABMRf mi It In the saying happiness is the absence of att Tti DOQ AND COON WERE CHUM mosey; WEATHERWISE ' OTHERWISE! WMTcimwma rcOTiiEI? LICKED tlACft mdmeptiamcarl haw or mtawnj ums ros wvt CATALOGUE! fREE Showing Full Line of Garments kwam 1 Via M a--i IMn d. ' en Post-Dispatc- h. A end H&tA j AJ JONES CO.. IQSTON.NAhS. W FREE bwUMUMki 1 te hml Cm imI) Dawn - - xie ,.!. Mm - Wi nnflDOV O 1 xatekfalMaadearMwana (J ( mtw PISCO VEST; 1 COMO. rasa. W. Sock , . 4 q I UaManat a nunewiAkiAM SB. tOOl N. U.Talt Lake-N- o. - ewnaiMrr14 1 'i |