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Show Uhc XVccKJy "Panorama. Hyena 1ol from 1h Tram- i)aat When the news spread through Her- i tin tbe other day that two hyena dog4 had Jtiat been ncelvcd at Ihe xoolngtcat garden In that city there waa a rush It' to see them, for these animals ate not f often found In captivity. The iwo were Imported from the Transvaal, and are quite young. Hyena dogs resemlile hyenaa, but, , unlike those Indolent animals, are extremely ex-tremely alort and active. Their ears are large and black, Ihelr bodies arc black, white and yellow, and they are about the slxe of a pointer. Originally they were distributed over the greater part of Afrlrn, but during recent years they have become extinct In some districts. dis-tricts. They are, however, still numerous nu-merous In the Transviial, the Congo and Herman Kaet Africa. There they live like all other wild do namely, by hunting In pucks during the day. 1 When they rind the track of an antelope, ante-lope, a gnu or a xchra, scire nionibers of Ihe pack fellow II. while the others lie In wait for the animal ul a spot which they know II will Iry lo paes. As they are very swift and possessed of great endurance, any animal which they pursue Is doomed. True, some of the African antelope have In their sharp horns admirable weapons of de- HYENA DIMIH FROM TRANSVAAL, fenae, yet theee In the end avail them little, for, though they may gore to death several of the dogs, the others are not In the least frightened thereby, but rllng to the prey until tbey have dragged It to earth. Indeed, native hunters say that not only antelopes, hut also leopards and Hons, are hunted and killed by hyena dogs, and this Is very prolinlile. since Mongolian hunters hunt-ers In tbe southeast of Siberia say that the terrible Amur tigers and the gigantic gi-gantic bears of that region are frequently fre-quently killed by packs of wild dogs which closely resemble hyena doga. In former years the Hons were much annoyed by these dogs, lor they killed thousands of tbelr sheep and oxen. One would think that the negroes . would be afraid of such fierce animals, but they are not, for they claim thai the dogs will never attui k a man unless un-less they are very hungry. There are from alx to ten of these doga In every litter. The young ones, which are kept In captivity, speedily become attached to their owners, but, nevertheless, are so fierce that they cannot be allowed ut large. Attempts have licfn ninde to cross hyena dogs with ordinary domeatlo dogs, but they bave not succeeded, which la to be regretted, aa those wild dogs are fearless and swift, are possessed pos-sessed of much endurance, have the sense of smell admirably developwl and hence are. In these respects, Ideal hunting dugs. The bark of these, doga Is carious, being be-ing sometime! harsh and loud, sometimes some-times llko s cuckoo's cull and sometimes some-times like the sound mailo by men who talk while their teeth are chattel lug with cold. No matter bow much enre Is taken of them, hyena dogs rarely, If ever, live long In a foreign climate, and that la one reason why Ihe two now In Berlin Ber-lin are being viewed with so much Interest |