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Show lldlaf lanulila IWeo-.il ales ('losing of Oae of the Aesronits Mleea, Tha alidlug movement which baa been doing considerable damage to building and other proierty In differ ant parte of liutte for aeveral ycara, haa made It necraaary to cloae tha Never Nev-er Hweat mine, the iargrat of tha Anaconda Ana-conda propertiea. It haa been atated that the deep ahaft of tha mine la ..ten Indira out of plutnh, and the foundation of the gl-ganllo gl-ganllo englnee employed to oierata the inlue haa liecn to badly dlaplaced that It haa become unaafe to work tha enginra. Tha foundation waa con-alruclrd con-alruclrd al a coat of (tu.uou, and will bava to be rebuilt. The mine will remain re-main oloaed for aome time. The entire Anacomfa hill, aa well aa Ike hill epon wblofc the city la built, haa glveu frequent evidence of tha atranga movement of lha aarth, but the movement haa been ao light and gradual that no damage haa aver been done by It. (leoloirleta claim that tha entire range of mounlalna about Hutte la eonntanlly eliding and chauglng, and haa been doing ao for ajrea, lo which fact la due the cruahed and faulty condition of the velna aud ore bodice uf the diatrlct |