Show HI'tHIAN I'KKSJl ON M'HINLKT. Leadlug Ualllea Shaw Deep Brsspethj far Nation's Itsreavenusiit. Th all-abtorblng tuple In St. Petersburg haa been lb death of Prealdent MrKlnley. Tbe ton of th preaa waa uniformly sympathetic with the American people In their bereavement bereave-ment and uulformly Juit In estimating Mr. McKlnley' character. Th Novo Vremya say: "He was a man of rare talents and a beloved ton of th country for whose welfare h unceasingly unceas-ingly and successfully labored." The Bvlet aayt: "Let us hope that tha death of a talented and energetic president will rouse those lands which for tbe aak of freedom of conscience and thought harbor bad elemeuu and become th breeding ground for plots to action against ths snsmles of civilisation." civ-ilisation." Th Boerse Claiotte say: "Mr. McKlnley wut one of the must popular figure In American hlttory and on of th beat representative of American ideals. Society Is defenseless defense-less sgslnst th propaganda of murder. It la scarcely probable that mean will ba found to prevent tha repetition of such crimes. Th seml ofTiclal Journal of Commerce and Industry aaya: "Mr. McKlnley waa not an extreme protectionist. protec-tionist. Shortly before hi death he a poke out agnlntt crude trust protection." |