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Show Tha Typewriter Intention. A etatl.ilclnn ha prnved thnt the Invention In-vention of the typewriter has aun em! pl.iyiecnt to (. .e.,,le. 1 ,. ,,'?. etatehnw many caa.-, f weak et..nuicha and dyeiwpsla It ha Indued. All n,ni! of se.tenlaiy orruiMtlon need lE,",",."' . Stomach Hitters. It If a wonderful Icln and helps nature oenr ihe strain which ensues from cfinnn-ment li -I... cure, dv.pep.la. Indigestion, rcn.t .,u and flatulency. Its .uie to try It an.i en., will not b dl.aiMolnieJ. ' u I Arm Tarn Using Alleia rool-KaaaT It la the only cure for Swollen, Smarting, Hunting, Sweating Kent. Corna and Bunlnna. Aak for Allen' Foot-Kase, a powder to be ahaken Into the ahoea. At all Drugglata and Shoe I Stores, 2nC. Hamples Bent KHKK. Ad- t Ireaa, Allen S. Olmsted, OKoy, N. Y. BAI.KHMKN-ltcllahle House wants I f I traveling sub-smeii. permanent (HiaiUon. yi staple line. hex a:t. t'hlcago. M Hall's Catarrh Cure f la a constitutional cure. Trie, 78a BI am aura Plso'a Cur for Consumption saved say Itft three years ego. Mrs. Tho. hv iBaiae. Maple Street, Norwich, N. Y., Ksb. 17, 1WJ0. M Mrs. Wlnalow's Boolhlng ayrup. M Pnrahlllrantaathlns..often.theiifni..n'aBaeafn Hj flas.aMon.allarbelii.ouie.wlauouUe.2aalaui- THE CHEAPEST PAINT Th. economy in using Devoe ready paint is in results re-sults more than price. It covers more and lasts longer than lead and oil, two to one; ten to one of some paint. Use Devoe; and figure cost by the square yard, or year, not by the gallon; it's the cheapest paint made, figured that way. Aak the nearest dealer for Devoe; Insist on having- it. Our pamphlet on painting- free if you mention thla paper. GOOD-PAINT DEVOE, CHICAGO. -: PRICE. 25c. "New York I 'It v. June IK'h, I'.MII .- I lienrt-lly lienrt-lly recommend llarttsld Tee, for lit r trouble. Our family pliv.tclan preM-rllaMl your 'l ea. and alter tnktug four package, my system la in perfect condition ami ley i-omplexloB) t haa lawoiue clear " It lia. t.-en .evon.t rat- ad hv yearsof n.e throughout It a world that . UarfleM Taec'aaiiMuilba.y.leioand purlllae I the bliMsli from all r-ul II would aeem , that nothing can fsiital this .1 cpte herb tueuV icllie that cures In Neture'a ,ir. Pain relieved, sickness prevented, bf ' I timely uae of Wlrard Oil. Keep It al- I way in the home. E What is the tl eof employing- Mime on in do vour tlvelnif for you. if you uso Pi: M'NAM l'.Ml.l.l;s DYES you can , do It Just its well lis a professional, hold by druggists, lika. p.-r pacUag-c. laMlla. Can Wear ahoea. One atu' aniallerafteriisinH'Alteu,a Foot- , Khbv, a powder. It makcMlliflilornew , aluieseasy. t'urusswo le i. hot, sweating, aching fect, lng-ron-in pslia, corns ami ; bunions. All iltu if sts nnd nIk atoree. '. Hfio. Trial paeaage Fit EK bv mall. Ad- -dress Allen S olm.te.l. I.e Hoy, N.Y. WEATHERWISELI OTHERWISE! WW SUCKER Va.s" AND Hi? DttYl BCWAAX OT IMITATIONS 10OS PUS ArOVt HAM tlU' - CATALOGUE rate 3how1no full Line of Garments and Hats. I A y.TOWCB eO.EOSTON.riA. W DROPSYSSM j (-. h.j.k ut totiimifiti.il ml ! VAi tritiwM VkLU. sVtt. IL ft. WlUaU'lt MJfta. .Wft I. AtlMU. H W. N. U tall Lk-No. 8W. tPOf PJtau"i "'Sitato"" jl : |