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Show Parte la "Prig." -The Parlslcnnes navo a new KnglUh word. Tbey think It more plquaul than either "flirt" or "hlgUf" or "$ o'clock" or 'portainen." Thl time It I "prig." A bonnet la prig, a bow of ribbon I prig; it U prig to go motor-earring motor-earring dressed In white leathet packets which can b cleaned with pipe clay, etc. An American woman hearing the proud reiteration of this upside-down expression among her French friends, threw cold water on th ontbusiaau by explaining what th new word meant. Of course. It wa dropped at once and replaced by another an-other one vlngtleme which aeem to comprehend and expreas all the possible pos-sible record, the vurlous perversities and modern nervous complaints On I vlngtieme, and that means everything! |