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Show Jml Jeiemlah Wilaon, rhiel roan' I lut A'luiirel rVhliy In th preant rmirt iiiarti.l, who died ll Tueadey, oi: ol ihr fiireiimt ol .merlraii lawyer.. Ilii area at one lime attorney for the Mormon clutr. h. Th .peech before tint Jury lr Ju-'n t.ewi. Inilifenee of t'l !'. th il.rer of l'r..l'1'nl Mi'Kllller, a an ehle nn ami will rln ninrli to blot cut lynch or mob law. The trial of the murderer of til preai-rlrnt preai-rlrnt apeedy one mill rtllicli (rml credit upon the rourl. Hin-h ely Ju-tire Ju-tire doe. mora than anything ela to-waide to-waide enppreeaiiif rrlm. Th lulloin It an Important intv tlon In th nilml of many p"p' rla.a: "How mnrh food will h accnw-l.li.liedhy accnw-l.li.liedhy lh trial of Artinlr.l Schley?" In our upii.lun there will In non. A reat many dlfTi-renl puhliahlng tinniea ara already ail.ertlairf for gent to anil booki on III life of I'rfl-' I'rfl-' drnt MiKlnley, and mdnibl tli country coun-try will toon tw fluodid with Kiitri. a'rnralily tunny Ood volume will I gotten out ami dlelrllinled among tli ! people. Car ahould I taken, however, to gi'l tli very Wat bonk. Now that tha fnrmar In lb county hav about all herveeled their crop, w would like fir ho ar owing Ol to bring In wheat, potato, oill or an; i other product! to aettl up their ac- . i in. - mmuKlm, We .re Jot eed much thing and will b fld to Ink them on ub-arrlptinn. ub-arrlptinn. If any on want' tli paper and d.in'l hav Ih money, tiring along your proilur and will put your Heme on Ih liat. 01 tli hundred! of million of prople who have lived in 1 1 1 la) w,rM, not a thuii.iMiilth of on per rent have Im'cii aim n oii'aid their iiuiiiriliate ih'IkIi-li.irlioo.1; ih'IkIi-li.irlioo.1; (ewer have dun nnyihiiijt auf. fli leiitlv out ol the ordinary to attract ' m n h n'tmtlnn; ami mill fewer have K lined any coii-M rahlo nmouiil ol muni). Itiievideut thai, II a Inline, IT. at i. i d r wealth ate reaenlliil ol a uivevlill llle, lliot .eiiie Inivo lililed. The lam of many ha lieen inliinun ily ' bad. tin.l I hull wv.ihh lli-gotteii, otlmt tint number w lio havu lei'n luiiioii!) for their yood deed, or lime lecoiiitf lich Witliutti ilinhonesty or o.prt'enion of oth' ere, ia eieeedingly iiiuill. (In thinkiim over tht'ee tlilnui n'mie eo)ile bei-olne ili.iii',fi'd. They glv up nil idea of al-tiriiiiiie al-tiriiiiiie iinytliintf K'ent, mi I are u reti.l -Hi b.'eaueo they ean't, tlittt aildit g luinery toiliM'oiiraui'ineiit, T.iku thrrie tltili VH : iiood rluuiirtiT. llloiiny. and Ihiik, The lltil la-ts, l wlihiu the reueh ol nil, nnd k1,oI, U hn.ked nr..n aillieon Mlituil. HI the two hitler it If .i(i. to ,.) (lint one .l,.iul,l (i'I in n.ilrli . he i.ni :;h doe r. rail.,, i l,,i otheri, und the fact tlmt io few nve attaiiH-d Ihi-e two tmi. h-lo-he-deilied llnnit" flioal.l .nr him mi Inimt, yet intelligent ellorta.- l-'x. |