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Show J . a m rip JL - POWERFUL IES0F THE EAST. LETTERS KlltKIUIIT. Kocd'osT, Utah, Sept. Editor Tim is : re scarce thia week. New FROM Explanation of Their Unusual Mreugth. The ?eerrt of tie Mariedona Yita'ily ami .Nerve Force Jea lonely Guaided. An Interesting 25, 1901, IlsNxraa, Cub. Editor Tim as: . vrsit yr - I Minn H Viii DEATHS- - HARVEST. jo t. THE HOME GOLD CUBE. , Three F unerwla Here In On Week Aa lagan toai Treatmi at by h roh Drank Mrs. Huffman Cone. nil arc Kclng 4 nrrd Hally In CORRESPONDENTS. Jessie Scliaff r ti Ogden is visiting IhraMcIvaa. Tl.e grim reaper,death, haa been getfriends here. In full hia force this work here in ting NoNi.iloirelW.. Na Wcakaalac af the Henry E. Seamona fcas gone to Salt Women of the Harem Compound a I, t on Barra, s rivinm and Care Arcniid tte for no lees than three Interrmenta Seven in Mra. Dinah Fjil 1, tho hat week, Conntj far tha Llqaur Habit, quite Lake on business. Ktfrc-- t hope Rrj ivei.Mtmg are , sick with tvphoid Almo-- t Mbacn'ous and j, now fast re- have taken place in our cemetery in that It it now generally known and underMrs. Carrie Williamson of Marion wai the Mot bhepticid. 1 Dajs, time. t covering. stood that Drunkenneee ft a disease and L week. visitor here this Thef.mdeat hop-- g of ancient or modern tree of la t week ft noT a eal nets. Ab dy filled w ith poit-o- o, w ns fairlj x OrTFridsy night ITenefer era after the fountain of tVrpu.ual outh, cun tTreprerefltrd ai Mias Susie Stembridge has returned Ts(CBDiLgsof tte FesF and nekvea completely shattered by months-oliu ararrely here im, il higher than the resul baby boy sof Mr, and Mutual the lild- -t Hoyts-wi- ll three tdBoulderville. visit a from or constant ns of intoxicatperiodical neluetedby the marvellous compound. known Told 1b Detail by Efficient Mr. S. J.Faddiee died at Park City from on Saturn y lud 8uhdy last. throughout the East pa EL MOKBlft ing liquore, require en antidote capable Cos eey is painting and fixing op J. inflammation of the bowels. The re- of Tntretlera returaluf to Europe hare, iroai time neutralizing end eradicating thia Correspondents. Several of oar strep men to time, brought aatouuhiag tales of the rejure hit store for the winter trade. her, for mains were brought to Coalville Sunday poison, and destroying the craving for hating Jeflccts produced by this Wonder of the Jesse Beamons has gone to Castle Chicago on the IS h. Tiwy took with morning and tbe funeral was held from Intoxicants, Sufferers may now cure Orient KAMA!. them aeven cnrloudi of umttona for the themselve at home without Crodgljr compounded by the Women of the Rock to teach school this w inter. the residence . ol Samuel publicity ' Kama, Utah, Sept. 25, 1901. Herein, from tune ultra handed down orally from or lose of time from buaineis market. by this A panaroma show was given st the generation to generation, the secret ol thti prep- Editor Times : day at 12 oVlock. a ondet lul UOM E GQLD - CUKEf are 1 u thus jealously guarded and kuowu only Tfca threshirgw u delayed here The attendance hall Monday night. Toe, soling remarks were made by Elder J. which has been perfected after many- to the inmates of the Harem and the Court There are no new cases of diphtheria was small on account ot the storm, EL MOKB1R has been practically UDob day on account of Iks storm. Rain and Alma Smith and suitable music furn- years cloee study and treatment of intsinsUc, excepting by the favored ones for whom reported in Kama. e ebriates, The faithful use according to chofr. William Staker and w if, Edwin Sta-ke- r snow to the ainoprj 0f .72 fell during ished it was intended The threshers are still busy; another direction of this wonderful discovery la ur twenty-fohours, Recently, however, a prominent naifra Arabian and wife and Mrs. James Vernon weeks work wiil complete all the joOain Physician, banished from his oountry for pollt On Samlsy word wss received here positively guaranteed to cure the most have gone to Idaho to visit the daughter obstinate case, no matter how bard a eal offense, and deprived of his v ast posaesslot , this valley. from BcoBeld to ihe effect that tbe three- - drinker. has availed himself of bis knowledge, to earn a Our records show the marveotMr. Staker. Grouse Crt-- mad a brief vif.it of . lope, livelihood befitting his station, by supplying I Dr. Lynch was called to Oakley last Mr. End Mra. George II. lous transformation oT thousands J,eir - U of this marvellous compound, EL kfOKBiK, to tbs The threshing machine started on the here during the vrek among their many Ruff bad died there from an attack of Drunkards fmo eoler, industrious and Frazier, nubility and wealthier classes of all Europe, who evening to attend and frietls. relatives will be The 24th. They left on tbe grain crop this year bate cheerfully paid him large fees la return for who is quite ill. spinal mengltla. The 1 ttle fellow Lad upright men. the benefits received it on hia way to WIVES CURE YOUR HUSBANDS! I light, as about twenty per cent was (eat- 25tb. Br. BeUer-JjA large number of the only been skk about a ae k and hit CH ' Coutent with the largo iacoma derived from young folks of en out with the heavy hail storm that fill a mission in Erglmd. ILDREN CURE Y0URFATIIER8 ! t this practice, this aged Physician has repeatedly Kamas blow to the parenta. death was a attend the M. I, convention at visited us in This rem. dy is in no sense a nostrum , refused vary liberal offers made to him for the August before the grain The Henefer baas bail team left hete Tbe remains wera brought to Coal- bnt is a specific for this disease formula of hU remedy, but he has finally agreed Hoytsville last Sunday, ouly, and was cut. with a number of our ville for interrment, reaching here Tues it Ki last Tburs-laUhthe linpoihng house of Th Novrs-Ptn.Ldevised and skillfully prepared Kamas has experienced a foretaste of CoiirxgY, of Philadelphia, to pat Huplaeou- young ladies for Milton, where lhe; dxy night. The funeral was heU from that III thoroughly aoiubil and pleas--a- nt venient form for sale exclusive y la the United winter this Week in the snow storm and ORAI CREEK . lo the taste, so that It can be given Eta tea, end this firm played a game an J took the laurel from the residence of Mr. Calderwood Wed having the excluaiv e agency Grass Creek, Sept. 25, 1901, cold ' aow offer it for the first time to tn acep of tea or coffee without the v the American the .. A ispell following. the team at that f mv, but in the gams neadayat I oclock. The speakers were know ledge of the person . public A teacjieis institute will be held in Erirroa Timkr; taking ft. at Peterfon on $a!tmla; ti e; were de- Elder J. Alma Smith, President Ta lor Thousands of Drankardt This Remedy must not be confounded with the have cuted numerous nervous exhauston, hwt manhood, and Kamas next fcaturdajr. week. last full mine time worked The of Schools Supt. feated. They all ifytk In high terms of and Bishop Croft, each of whom deliv- themselves with this self abuse remedies which are advertised under a priceless remedy, variety of Dames, as there ie a number of oar people have the we; in whi- - b nothing Nelson will give a lecture on Friday Quite aud as many more have been cared and which scientific chemistry hasabsolutely jie; were entertained ered consoling remarks. been able to pro-- ' duce which can even approa. h the peerless EL evening. made temperate men by visited Coalville this week. and they did not g--t home until Sunday having tho NOKUIK, e purely vegetable compound, extract- a cd from rare tropical roots and herba CURE administered by loving friends Mr. Bucher and will to new for live commenced Several hands .. The people of the community were EL MuKRIU lea Remedy for one apeclftc pnr- -i family night, 4 and relatives without their knowledge' poae, which ia to strengthen the vital force aDd the winter at the home of shocked Tutsday morning when in coffee or Bishop At- work at the mine this week. greatly T preieut decay in Men, ite marvellous effects In . tea, aud believe today that j arresting decay of the vital priunplea. especiallv wood. The bishop and his family will A hl and ia the male, being miparelled end it was announced that Mra. Elizabeth they discoutinned drinking of their own The advanced grade religion clast met Day, UrklD$ I and ea its use ia universal . all over the East, where t , o Salt Lake tor the winter. strong, itnle men with large families of deaoeud- -j go Monday night under the direction of xThe busieetn-- mightiest little thing Huffman was dead. The lady had been freewill. DO NOT WAIT. Do not be ante are the rule, there must bo no doubt, either " deluded by apparent and misleading ' , as to tie Joe Pack end wife ol Wyoming ate Supt, Joseph Barber, evetem. efficiency or benefit to the that ever was nW- - is Dr. Kings New lick only a week and until Sunday few While it is an absolute epeotfio general "improvement.-Dri- ve tnl out the disease positively here I'll-H . Tlies-Life to cure tua worst ease of narrow visiting with his relative and they change weakness peopleltnew of hcr lllneas, Thecauae at once and for located inside The tbe tbatia engine j; guaranteed ailtime. The HOME lost or debility, similar weaknesses due manhood, eness into j into la to excess of youthful error", it is also need with like Kamas srvwell they have decided to strength, energy, of her death was a rupture ahe received GOLD CURE 1 sold at mine run tbe first trip of coal dtwn-th- e the extremely the greatest success as a viUlixer, giving power ki brain-fainto me H power. Theyre some home make tor their it eak all time to tome aad and parts, developing years ago, which brought ou other low price of One Dollar, thua placing t maintaining slant new last and Monday evening, In be. wonderful the full natural vigor of manhood. g np the health. within reach of everybody a treatment It is put ap for the Aiueriean trade in tablet come. troubles, i t 7 worked flue. Only 5c per b by John Hoyden form, and though extremely powerful. It le permore effectual than others costing (25 Mrs. Elizabeth was IluffuiAn harmless and n fectly v I e.taiij taken, oue tablet being . The presidency of the M, I. AssociaFrisby Sabbath school and meeting were not A Son, . dose and doing the work at once, and so eve to foO. Full direcions accompany born in Birmingham, England, dently as to leave no doubt m the mind of the tions met last eveuiug and prepared a well attended fail paokegft. Ppedul a hico by skilled last so will so care It as very to Sunday, eared. many yon star patient tt o. Fhecimetothisc-'UstrEvery package ia epene end carefully program for MaI. jtaeial Ucla-givvi ian n b 1( r r, i a J v ' attend the W. L coriven- bv the imjasro-- t whWVecetveT and IS tile tf ""re an I the settled tra fa in I80t Coalville, year the at on fvsyssofeed under their aval and positive guaiantce hout chrte." Sunt prej tu ! to any part of mEetTtijf Friday evening, tiou at Hoytsville. te cure H will be scut prepaid, under plain cover , One of the tnM intereating and welShe was baptized the same year into tbe the world on receipt of One Dollar, with full and complete directions, on receipt of October 11th. the Price, $1 00 per package, or six packages for Addreei Dept. E014. EDWIN JJ. GILES Tuesday morning, the 24th, tbe white come cailr ra tionr office In many a day Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-da- y soo Address Tug hoves-E- i uKa Courage, Most of our men and boys are busy at A COMPANY, 2J30 and Market and 24th streets, Philadelphia, 332 Market crystals covered the ground td the depth waa brought in Wednesday afternoon by Saints by Jacob Huffman, whom ahe woik, many at Bishop Lambert a mill in of four inches. One Street, Fhiladelphia.' of Samuel Brlnlon in same the the judge Oakley year ago afterward married. To her wai born All correspondence strictly confidentA thoughtful huisness mao once said Weber, some at Packs mill, which ia day the ground waa covered with one person ofMr. Joseph B, Stump of Myra, ten cbildrefi, nine of'whom aurvive her. ial. now running, and a number hauling Abat the neglect to pa; small bills Is the foot of snow. Lincoln ctunty, Weat Virginia, After her marriage to Uncle Jake ebe for J. U. Lambert. lumber WARTED-Cekle, reliable paraon In -Associakd with the above name there moved with JinpardoDableaiu. Inch neglect certainly him to the ranch op Chalk eonoty to reprerent larp-- mmpany ot a, lid flu--very cial The canal WAnSATCll. repuialluui pit alary pur yaar, surveyors are not much In ie an intending etory, which ie about e 2 does at times cause serious annoyance, ur and all vx I Creek, where they made tbeir borne un- Mpv day (3 -- finite evidence these days. There is some peureas atraight, 1xma-ttifolio we : aalaivg no Waiidatcb, Utah, Sept. 24, 1901. 'I J if not emoarraesment, but to our mind til his death, about two years ago, when enroaiiaatoni anlary paid retell fialunlny and ex talk of work" being commenced on the Editor Times': - blAMiAKO ekto the much About Mormon wrong the greater dispute eight years ago JJtjg she moved beck to Coalville and waa 110LHR, m Di'artxjrn $1 . Cfiiuao. If it goes tbiougb it will f the b.li in technical gioirds after the canal shortly. in Wret Virginia railed Eldera The of which laboring is all crop hay, In, nearly s living with her brother, David Frisby, Howl, you howlers! Curse the trusts at tbe home 4f Mr. Stump and tanght to , service has been rendered. One may undoubtedly le a good thing for the ie a light u.e thia season. at tbe time of her death. She waa pre- end the minute you get 10 ahead aend f excuse the man who, with an honest pur- - people up this way in furnishing work The ranchers h,ere are busy riling him and bit family the doctrinee of the paring to build her a home and had part in a and an for order all market to Sears Roebuck, Mont- -, kinds of church they represented. 111 wife and of produce at and rounding up their cattle. poe to pay his bill, neglecs fora time the lumber on the ground. but I to do so, but there can be no excuse nigh prices, when the aster is turned gomery WarJ, et al , and hep to sup- children became converted to the retMiss Ltzie Ball left here on Sunday Mrs. Huffman was well like i by all tort tiiebigge-- t trusts In the couniry, for the wilful dodger. This insn, after into the canal next summer no doubt did not be at but that time, lie who knew ligion, a geed ehnteh TVhat for Logan to attend the AC. College,. frr i w ill if you do gel the goods a little general fi uprising Jake honest and received lor place made his bom aTidtrie among the Elders, member. and w- having worth; always, willing to asA'anox stum la- - Xo progress at thia Abe nettle fiom Ggden That is just what the trosts Kamas. cheaper? io the- - bill- - foe evident slid more tTiaif a hundred have been sist those in need. Besides her children is the first, snow ol tbe which writing, claim they do. They crash out,eonpef-tio- u taken care of by him. After Blodying purpose of forcings com premise which and many sorrowing friends, ebe leaves season. MARION. a ith low prices, and if you take the the.creditor will often consent to rather thoroughly all the books, pamphlet and four four sister to mourn her brothers, Ball of benefit you simply sustain them iu their Coalville was here a literature bearing on the doctrines of the ..Melvin Marion, OtAh, Bept. 24, 1901. than go to the trouble and expense toss, all of w htfm ;ave s mps thy of the few days ago and accompanied a ship- Latter contention. Every dollar sent to a mail . of a lawsuit. A favorite tiick of this Editor Times : became he convinced day (aiuts, w hole community in their bereavement. order houe,ia that moth contributed to- Mrs. Julia Redden is recovering from ment of sheep to Omaha. was class of debtors is to propose an arbitrue and concluded that the gospel The funeral was, held this afternoon ' wards building np trusts, ' Montgonury a severe off. Illness. rs to choose j man, the Hatch Brothers have been busy tbe it was time to obey th same. Among tration 41e from the Tabernacle and was larg-l- y at Ward is not philanthropist in any eeuse choose another and, in esse Mis Myrtle Pack of Kamas it behind past week dipping their several herds oftho many Eiders who had been provided r creditor te tended. of the word. Heisashiewd businessman J they do rot agree, they to choose a the counters in J. for nnder his hospitable roof was oamue ti. Lnm belts store sheep at their dipping pens. " who by advertising has built up a trust ( third. This is an alluring anddceplie now. Thomas Wright, has beeuen Brinton of Balt Lake, who did much to Stood Death Off. bids fair to wreck many iegitimato that i proposition. It would be fair erongh if an teach him He male a Mormonism, Several of t he people from here at- - gaged for some time banting lumber i E. B. Mundsy, a lawyer of Henrietta, but of if ll mfference he ever became con- honest from the saw-mienterprire.sin the smaller town. If you to Evanston, wbeie promise that opinion existed, t , is ." 1 1e F,dedih.COBVentlOD t llojtsvilie last Tex'.NQifti4 fooled theTrsv-d'keyt-desireThlf lendhTiuyourckshand get apparently-a-goothera'ia lolzcale market Ico verted to the hew re tlgon IB atli e' wouT J d JMxle btotialei tnpl jt.iw orkin g Suudayr says: "My brother was very low with credit of that noproduct. home I,et yout be baptized by Mr. Briuton if he had to malarial fever and down his just obligations, fie has A)u awakenjug this jiundit. I per at loin your for merchant, we were morning speak you and prac.tve wrha 11. who exBurton of N. and to lose and Electric him Kansas, to Bitters, to to have euaded to it Utah gain. done. try go everything thing much surptistd to see the ground cov you preach. Ex. changed positions with J. D. BogarJ A few week ago he concluded lo come he a a soon mmli Letter, but continued The repretentslive of the creditor can tied with snow. is now domiciled here cured. u4iUUiea I agitaLolly hefrwse recently, waf - y demand only b ia just due, - w hi-e- he to TJuhTor tM e x p r e - p a r poreTof be ng Jury List. Mra. Annie Oalsin and son Albert of tion agent, and has everybodys wishes am sure Electric Bitter saved his life. A with a sometimes debtois man, proFodowiugs tbe lietof Jnroti drawn baptized into the Church of Jesus Christ This remedy expels malaria, kills disfor his continuance in that position. Winahtp were visiting with Mrs. Julia from of Latter-dathe jury box yesterday for tbe Ocblood and aids on Saints, the and ; mised share in the epoll?, can demand a 7th tbe ease purifies germs day Condies and McCraig are holding a Redden the first of tbe week. and tober liver, term of district court: of kidneys mouth he the regulate hree reduction. Of course, they do digestion, reached Salt present of number sheep at Wahsatch ready for T. fcimpfoa and Mrs. feadie cure for dyspepsia, the thins1 bowels, constipation, j not mature and the was to U? Lake eastern F. Burbige are F. markets. on J. agree, Satur shipment FarkCUy baptized J, Hanson, City. They kidney trouble, feA. D. Richards, W. H. Miller, third man to do .is split the difference slJ daughter spent bondayaud Monday awaiting tbe appearance of the sheep in day lai, the "1st, by Elder SamutlBrin "Bervous health. male compLint ; gives perfect before they 'can - load, and bave John McSoiler, George Hall, Archibald ton in Salt Lake City, and tbS keptthe and close the dispute. A strictly hon- tuiung with rvlativea and friends Yu spector 50e at Jchn Bojden & rWadrug Only been tbna since last. waiting Friday Alkinaon. a time hi for bills est maa may neglect Wilaon, Thomas L. Powers, J. J. Coffee, tore. promise made some years ago. j Several of our men and boys went W. Gulliver, James Ftirre 1, . Joba A G. is a Invention. man WoridrfiI of Mr. 67 Stump though the habit is a l ad one, but a up nearly year Corvfer-n- cRato. thick ster or a rascal will attempt the tbe Weber to work yesterday. Thi They cure dandruff,lair falling, head- he served as a rebel soldier and waa in rayan,Tim Donovan, G. H Wilkinson, A tpeciai rate of one fare for tbe round John Deertemore, with will cbop-an- d haul lug to Buhop Lnm ache, me , yet coats the tame as an or- many important conflicts, other cor-- e of compromise receiving will be given by the Union Pacific for Electric severe wound. At ttfs dinary comb Dr. White berla saw mill this season. Rock port John liortin. intent to steal time he trip Utah present Comb. " The only patented comb in tbe the Mate,Fair and the Semi-A- n of the ia Coalville V Orson AmClJ, A. D. Bower, school board of hia nual Mormon Conference from Laremie president Joseph llliams bad tbe miafortuue world. People, every w here it has been TO CURE A COLD IN ONE DAT to lose bite of bin work horse the other introduced, are wild with delight. You county, and a deputy sheriff, and is one aud points weit, Ticket will "be sold Jame Salmon, W. D. Robinon, W. L. Bromn Quinine Tablets. Take night. The animal gotcut in the barbed simp'y comb your hair each day and tba of the most prominent men in his stale, Oct. 1st to 6th, inclusive, with final Hanson. E. H. Rhead, llyrura Fringle, " AH druggists refund the money if it fails wire fence and died from the iusa ol comb does the rest. This wonderful known everywhere for hia good deeds limit Oct. J5tb. , C. I. Wheadou, Agt. W. If. Branch. 'to enre. E. W. Groeaignatur is on j Uood. comb is simply uakaUeana is made and ' Kamas J. R. Burbidge, W.S. Harder, nerodty. He ha. defended tha ' each box. ,25c. so that it is absolutely ..impossible to , Elders Mormon from George C. Pack, J. A. Pack, L. H. Carmob violence, TO THE DEAF. Neatly all tbe ihrething in this place cat or break the hair. Bold ou a written and has at last become -- a and penter. is done. It looks like t!ioe w ho hare guarantee to give perfect satisfaction in Sheltered them, We can do your job work. A rich lady cured of her I- Woodland John Dan every resptet. Bend stamps for one. convert to their teachings. Benson, Noises in tha HeaJ by D. Nicholon not gotten their threshing done yetare Ladies size (Ou. Gent size 35c. Live to will remain in Utah until Artificial Eai "Drnras, gave 10,000 Mitchell. Mr. Stump ' of out lack as the wtather Is getting so A erwm aTJrJr rellxfcl WASTED.--CansWmen and women wanted everywhere to of after the October conference, when be hie Institute, o that deaf people onable Urge Wanehip George Moore. county to reprereut law like. anoier Sells have on sight. introduce this article. JDrums may iaUry per year, lyWe reputation; to hie, home in West Vir- to procure tbe Ear Park O. O. Snyder, afieolutely enre and ell weekly: lx per daybone-tidwild with success. (Sea want will' return Address definite salary, no No,' 13103, The . Parley free. Agantsare them eiroigiit, ex- and carries II William k -with Upton xoWiMhn: Ury !.d him the best Nicholson Institute, 780, Eight Avenue. &nrd.yAEDAR Boyer. ad in another column.) Address D. N, ginia. Subscribe for THE TIMES. witbee of all the Saints. Oakley Hyram Mcacham. ROSE, Gen. Urg., Deeatur, HI. New York, T. 8. A. la-e- VV Avt-y- M lh d o-ver- by-th- , op s bd y 4 L , '-- v aever-failiu- 1 i -- -- 1 g tixty-f'lghtys- exam--nc- d ara 1 ei 1 t u. paVabl-week- ' ly, - hae Jr, Ns e J I -t y J -- 1 Ltive a e, e-- ' t 5 t |