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Show DENVER 8 BIO CARNIVAL. ediielrlel reran. October I Wilt aereaee Anvtblne Beer Attempted la the Waet. Aa tha the plana and delalle for the coming Fall Fcatlval al Denver begin to unfold, It la evident that the celebration cele-bration thla year will far ontahine anything ever attempted In Kansas' city or St Louis, and even New Orleans will have to look to her laurels lau-rels when It comes to magnltnde and plendorof tha display. It Is now thought thst the industrlsl parade on the Drat day, OcL I, will be at leaat five mllea long. Among the novel feeturea in thla parade will ba forty-five forty-five decorated aulomobilea. A feature introduced thla year for tha Brat lima le tha Hough Riders tournament. A Oliver belt coating 1300 will ba awarded tha best rider. In sddltloa to thla will be liberal aaah prlxea. Tha moat daring riders and most vicious horses have been engaged for thla event. Hpeclal rates ara being nude on all railroada. |