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Show CZOLOOBZ NOT ALLOWFD TO PLEAU OUILTY flee of Wot ll.lllf rm.-ed lesiraelleoe fraMia.tn.rl Jary f.1erd. I-eno V. t'rolgosx was placed on trial Monday chsrgrd with lha murder of I'rraident William McKluley. Il entered en-tered a plea of ' guilty," which waa subsequently ensnged lo not guilty" by direction of the court. All the areata of the dsy Indicated that the trial will be abort. ourl courened at 10 o'clock and early In the afternoon tha twelve Jurors hail bern aecured. Teeholcalltira were not raiaed by the examining eoliuael. but It was slgnU-cant slgnU-cant that every man who said lie had formed an opinion on the caaa waa el-euaed el-euaed by the dint net atuirney. Thoaa who acknowledged that they hail formrd an opinion or stated that they were prejudiced, but admitted that their oplolou could he changed by evidence, evi-dence, were accepted by each aide. The work of aecurlng the Jurora waa then undertaken with a celerity that waa einsing llrfore the day waa over the entire panel had been aworn, the Jurora had llataned lo a description of the Temple of Muaic, where the crime occurred! had aean photngrapha of lha luterlor of that atructure and bad Wen told by three aurgeone what canaed the death of tbe preaideut and effect of the aa-aaaaln'a aa-aaaaln'a ihnt upon the varioua organa of the body. It la out probable that any defanae will be put in, owing to the character of the prlaoner and the refusal to help bla atUirneye In any way to pruenre evidence which they could una In bla favor. Tha Idea of aa attempt lo enter en-ter tha (juration of hla aankty la not thought of lo view of tha report, of tha two allenlala who have recently aaarnlaed him end there la ground fur tha belief that tbe trial will be concluded con-cluded with a teuton of but one day mora |