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Show OSIshouis M.n I.i.nlt the Flag and are f slobh.il. t One man was dragged through the ) It reel a of Oklahoma City, Ok la., Thura- i lay by in angry crowd for maligning J. hia country and president and narrow j ly escaped lynching, and another, who poke III of the police, waa compelled i to Oca for his life. H, M. Ilradshuw, a contractor, who , bad declared Hint be waa an anarchiat t and would neither respect President ) MaKiuley nor the American Bug, waa F tripped of his coat and hat and drag ' ged to the public ainare. He had re- j fused to march In a memorial parade, t and American Bags were placed In t his handa and ha waa forced to head the proceailon of leveral hundred peo . pie, and klsa and cheer the flag, lie was advised to leave town. A school ; bsacher who denounced the police for ! not protecting Hradshaw had to Bee for hla llfo. " |