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Show Evideaete of I'Uit to AetaMlnela MeRlotar UUeiivered. inveellgalion made by Police Detective Detec-tive tichiuutik uf Cleveland, 0.. reveal the atartllug potailiillty that a plot to ataaaainato Preeident Mclvlnley waa laid a year or more ago, before ha waa elected for hla eeeond term, and that It may have lieen laid In Orauga town-ahlp, town-ahlp, where the Cxolgoas fumily lived. A remittance made to the aaaaaain by hia bruther, Waldeck Cxolgoas, about a mouth ago, led to the Investigation lliitl way have an lutjiorlaut bearing oa the caee. |