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Show Haeeevell loee Not Weal node Ueard. Prealdent Haotevelt's Brst Sunday In Washington, aa chief executive waa comparatively uneventful. In tha morning he attended rellgioua aervlcea with bis bruthsr-lo-law, Mr. Ikiugleee Robinson. When leaving church a bicycle bi-cycle officer, under Inatruollona prevloualy prevl-oualy given, alerted to follow, but Mr, Itooaevelt turned, and with a wave of hla hand, aald: 'I don't Deed you." Tha officer thereupon turned back, aod tha president and Mr. Itubinaon eootln-ned eootln-ned their walk In a roundabout way to Captain Cowle'a houae. Many peraone passed and recognised tha Prealdent, tha latter pleaaantly reepondlng to their ealutallona. Two bicycle policemen police-men who kept at a respectful dtstaoea In tha rear, bad followed the President when ha wsnt to church |