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Show -- 1 v CASEY AT THE BAT PubltU4 It looked extremely rocky for Bouton nine that day; The score stood two to four, with an inning left to play Bo when Cooney died at second, Burrows did the same A pallor wreathed the features of patrons of the gan.e bv Rqwi theatmcal topics. SAYINGS AND DOINGS OF PLAYERFOIK. THS opens upon Herts as' mt gnlflcentiy furnished apartment in the castl The Princees has commanded Iiulda the slave girl, to inveigle John the Baptiat to appear before her unattended. She has previously arranged with the Roman guard to fall upon John a followers and destiny them and their homes In the lowly quarters of Tiberias if she give a signal The signal agreed upon is a gleam of light Djn the window of her apartments When the exhorter from the wilderness appears before her Herodlaa appeals to him for some sign of affection She tells him the story of her life She oh era honor, wealth, fame to John If he will but signify that her affections are not wrongly placed John rejects with vehemence her offers Parjr of llenMHaa I el h. She then threatens him w th torture and death and goes toward tbe window to draw the drapery that 111 permit the" glow of light to signal the soldiery to do their work of butchery, all of which she has explained to the preacher, but he stands unmoved Just as the curtains are drawn and a gleam of red flame flashes up sign.fytng that the carnnge has commenced. Herod, who has been an unobserved witness of what has transpired, thrusts aside the draperies behind which he has been etaadlng Herodias cowers at the apparition gnd Herod advances and gives to John bis ring which he is to use to protect himself and his peo- But one scornful look from Casey and Tha HIM. riays Hmim to bo in Unwl Ko,r Robert UonulDf Hooate Hria the audience was awed; but Out a "t oica front tha W tlrfarnaaa" in saw his face grow atern aad They shirt. saw his muscles strain. Whltb Hr Appear aa John tha Haptiat. cold, they Then when the writhing pitcher And they kuew that Casey wouldat and giound the ball Into his hip let the bill go by again. (San Frsnclsco letter ) the Defiance glanced In Caaey'a eye, a HE biblical from Casey lip, The sneer is gone sneer curled Casey's Up. Is drams hia teeth are clenched In hate. his coming A atraggllng few got up to go, vengeance cruel with leaving And now the lealher-- c oveied sphere He pounds "Ben Hur there the rest bat upou the plate; came hurtling through ths air, was the first ball, the With that hope which spungi eternal holds her now the plt stood it in hnd Casey of It. it within the human breast; and now be lets it go. haughty grandeur there; won out In the For they thought, "If only Casey could Close by by shattered is now the And air ths sturdy batsman the ball York New get a whack at that. force of Casey's blow. unheeded sped, by means of They'd put up even money now with That aint my style," said Casey circus its land ' Casey at the bat. Oh, somewhere in this favored Strike one," the umpire said. propoi.Io n s the sun Is shining bright, and E. J. The-banIs playing somewhere, and It Morgan somewhere hearts are light; was a fore And somew here men are laughing, and of runner somewhere children shout. what looks But there is no Joy In Boston; mighty like the new 'I Casey has struck out. fad of the "Ihlnney Thayer. coming sea son. The Biter Oxford. Rkliard Mansfield Is to open his seafaThe river, undoubtedly, stands son with a splendid scenic production cile princeps at the head of all re- laid in Judea at the time of the coming amuseout-dosources In the way of of the Redeemer. That's one. ment at Oxford; nor Is the reason far W. A Biad; baa taken In hand Clay considto seek, when one takes into Greene's Naiareth. It will be put eration the almost endless variety of the east with all the help that oujn cool seek "who Its charms For those the scene p&inter c&n furnish. That'S shade or the peace which a pipe and another alone can procure, the a yellow-bac- k Robert la about to produce narrow Cherwell steals softly under ita a biblical Downing the at Central theater. play halarch of green trees The broad Thats a third, and Its the nearest boundafford lows of the upper river at hand , . less scope for the eccentricities of the "Voice From the Wilderness" la the a in himself tyro, whether he disport name of the piece and Robert Downing skiff, a punt, or a sailing boat; whB la to take the leading part, that of grim slaughter may be perpetrated by John the Baptist The play was writthe wary saloon gunner among the ten by Edward Ellsner at Downing's water rats which abound In any of and was made as big aa posthe numerous backwaters. Little won- request, "THE SNEER IS GONE FROM CA8EY'8 FACE, HIS TEETH ARE sible In point of scenes and number of der, then, that readlngman, cricketer, people. CLENCHED IN HATE. footballer and all the other "era" at Joha But Flynn preceded Casey, and like- - From the benches, black with people, times forsake their household goods to Dowralag Baptist. g Is It about written the character of pfesld-lnwise so did Blake, there went up a muffled roar. to the their great homage pay And the former waa a puddln, and Like the beating of storm-wave- s on Baptist and abtdM pretty diety of Oxford. To the boating John th the latter was a fake; the stern and distant shore; man proper who seeks tarns 1 the doeely by the Scripture story of hi Bo on that stricken multitude a death- - "Kill him! kill the umpire!" shouted broad reach from Balter boathouse career, The exception to this Is in the like silence sat. some one In the stand. to Iffley lock, they may. Indeed, appear tale Inserted concerning Herodlaa, the For there seemed but little chance of And lt'a likely theyd have killed him as so many trifling interlopers, to be consort of Tetrarch. She Is made in had not Casey raised his hand. Caseys getting to the bat. assailed with fierce shouta of "Look th play to become enamored of John and on this tact hinges the plot ahead! "Confound you. air I ate ' But Flynn let drive a "single," to the The first act shows John and hls Good Word. wonderment of all. followers In a rocky wilderness skirtAnd the Blakey "tore ing the River Jordan. Mount-Oli- vet The Moan tala DevU. the cover off the ball; In th distance. The sleeping la th appears During his explorations And when the dust had lifted, and pilgrims are discovered by the Roman 'Sir of East Africa, Henry mountains they saw what had occurred, guard which comes In quest of ths Johnston, with 100 Zanxlbars, was at- preacher. Aa daylight appears the pilThere waa Blakey safe at second, and tacked by a very much larger, body of grims gradually awaken from their third! Flynn Masai. The enemy "made f slumber and are held In aw by th charges and' were beaten bach with presence of the soldiery. "Toward feyknto, great' difficulty. 4 net f h : Bible Play. said- Jobnatori, telling Hhe stiAy; ' The guard, not finding John, prommen were losing heart, and it looked ises to return. After their departure very black for us, when I had a brilliant Idea. I remembered I bid a box the Man of God appears before bla of Tom Smith's cracker and fire- follower and Is about to preach to works. I really dont know what mads them when they are startled by the him me buy them, but I added them to my approach of a leper. They stone - John unclean." VUnclean, felcry: and, "AND NOW THE AIR IS SHAT- other stores in London. I told my and going TERED WITH THE FORCE OF lows to go on fighting and all would commands them to desist, to he the outcast, glvM him crouching climbed be well, and when night fell I CASEY8 BLOW." thou np the mountain side, unseen by the comfort, saying: "Never ehalt With a smile of Christian charity Masaf, with a Zanzabart to carry tha be a scorn In the eight of heaven." The Roman guards then reappear great Casey's visage shone; box, and half way- - up I let off the and ths captain reads to John the He stilled the rising tumult, he made various squibs; and when the enemy, the game go on; who are very superstitious, saw tha mandate of Herod prohibiting blm from preaching. John sends back to He signaled to the pitcher, and once streams of blue ahd red light blaxe Inmore the spheroid flew. Prince hls determination to carry the to the black sky from the mountains But Casey still ignored It, and the they instantly fled. It was, they (aid, on hls minion and to tell of him who the mountain devil fighting on our is to come over under the very gates empire said, Strike two." of Herods palace. A Brilliant beano. EYES WERE "TEN THOUSAND The second act opens upon a brilON HIM AS HE RUBBED HIS liant assembly gathered In the gardens I ft HANDS WITH DIET." - . ..While feasting and games are In progress the assembly Then from the gladdened multitude denounces John tbe Baptist for hls went up a joyous yell. treasons and hls teachings, which be It It jumbled in the mountain tops. Is then delivering outside the very rattled in the dell; gates of the palace. Herod in anger It struck upon the hillside, and recommands that he be brought before bounded on the flat; him, but when John appears his comFor Casey, mighty Casey, was admanding presence and spiritual bearvancing to the bat! ing captivate the Prince. He Is loth to heed the clamors of hls" courtiers, aa manner In There was ease Caseys and would set him free were it not he stepped into hls place, that John refuses to cease preaching. There was pride In Caseys bearing, The nobles and' slaves surround him and a smile on Caseys face; him down, and Herodlaa, and strike .And when responding to the cheers, that he be turned requests appearing, 11 hi doff ed he gh tly bat, over to and torhsrforpmxlahmettt No stranger In the crowd could doubt ture. She, too, recognises in him a twas Casey at the bat. mysterious power which ehe la unable to rMist, and as her spouse departs with hls court she falls on her knees before the prophet of She begs that he will not denounce Jka aad Harodlaa. ber and that be exhibit mercy for her. John tells her that an must return to her lawful husband andlook to heaven for grace. He spurns ber offer of affection, and In the midst of this scene Herod returns. John upbraids them both for their sinful association, and this rouses Herod to such a pitch of anger and fury that he commands that the conscientious preacher be given over to tbe tortures until be re"THERE WAS BLAKEY SAFE ON SECOND, AND FLYNN "AND NOW THE PITCHER HAS THIRD." peat. ' BmdlH Ptoods with Blm THE BALL." "Fraud! cried the maddened thou- side, and- - they didnt stop to argue rack Is brought in and John is The Ten thousand eyes were on blm as be sands, and the echo answered with him, you can be1 sure." London to Us painful Inflictions. All J subjected Truth. i "Fraud ! rubbed bis hands with dirt- ,ths while Herodias, in a frenzy, begs of hint to repent and forgo hie teach' soldiers.- IN THE PHILIPPINES.; Capt. lng, but John refuses. During this throughout the department ha been insanity among brought to a great state of efficiency Thomas Cruse, depot quartermaster at scene, the followers of the prophet ItST Balls fM Bsalias Vahlrtae Boys for the Interior, of Luzon. The. chief Manila, points out in an official re- have gathered in fore and crash In objects port that the sites of clothing In th aa SaMlavs. surgeon In the Philippines the gates to the palace yard. They United States will not apply In th make aa onslaught on the guards, Maj. R. R. Stevens, chief quarter- strongly to the enlistment of youths master In the Philippines, thinks well upder SI for service there, se he hae Philippines, because the American sol. whom they drive away, and rush to5 to dler out. there soon loses considerably ward Herod and Herodlaa, whom they if the native bull, -- or carabao, for found such boys particularly prone first Sense in his waist measure. A man taking threaten with death. The curtain fails When with the cart A fever. typhoid purposes. transportation waist on upon the scene with John standing beleg and n a single bull and driver costs ILSO to of novelty end adventure wear off n S s d Mexican. It transports about the boy lose heart and becomes home- arrival will, within six months, he fore his followers, his arms outstretchh as mneft a an sick. The chief surgeons Ideal army wearing a one-t- l leg and a rd or ed, commanding peace, while the terror stricken prince and princess of Ju-le- a Meort wagon, 'Australian or trotting for the tropics would consist of men wIst. Chicago News. crouch behind him. bulla are used on expedited ltnes.''The between 38 and 40. Contrary to the Ths most difficult thing for so system of these expedited line for th general disability from alcoholism. Tbe Wo waa Searaad. to remember is the poor. s supply of fresh beef and vegetable It Is the native drink that produces people The third set is very emotional and the Five thousand tongues applauded when he wiped them on his . 0., or -- -- , much-despis- f - 11 z&m the-Mess- lah. 1 36-in- 30-ln- one-fourt- 32-in- ch n'wy TSheWceKiy "Panorama. Hytna Doj-- t reel th Traru- - When the news spread through Berlin the other day that two hyena dogs had just been received at the soological garden in that city there was a rush to see them, for these animals are not often found In captivity. The two were Imported from tbe Transvaal, and are quit young. Hyena dogs resemble hyenas, - aat, unlike those indolent animals, art extremely alert and active. , Their ears are large and black, their bodies .arc black, white and yellow, and they are about the size of a pointer. Originally they were distributed over the greater part of Africa, but during recent years they have become extinct In some district. -- They are, however, still numerous In the Transvaal, tbs Congo and German East Africa. There they live like all other wild dogs, namely, by bunting in packs during tbe day. When they find the track of an antelope, a gnu or a zebra, some members of the pack fellow It, while tbe others lie in wglt for the animal at a spot which they know It will try to pass.,--- : As they are very swift and possessed ple. of great endurance, any animal which Herod and Harsdlaa. they pursue is doomed. True, om of When tbe herald of Christianity has the African antelopes have in their do- departed there ensues a strenuous sharp horns admirable weapons of scene. Herod, with drawn dagger, vows to kill Herodlaa He upbraids her for her disloyalty and Infidelity to him, and grasping her by the throat Is about to plunge tbe dagger Into her bosom. But she Is an adept at diplomacy and vehemently pleads with blm and defies blm, then proclaims ber love for him. In tbe end eh convinces Herod that she was only tempting tbs Baptist, and Is again restored to bis favor and affection. HYENA DOGS FROM TRANSVAAL, A Sean la Bnualia. In the fourth act a view Is given of tense, yet these In th end avail them the market place In Jerusalem where little, for, though they rosy gor to John, surrounded by tbe traders. Is death' several of tbe dogs, the others exhorting them to a spiritual life aad are not In the least frightened thereby, Inculcating in their minds the teach- but cling to the prey until they have ings of tbe new creed. He Is hidden dragged it to earth. Indeed, natlva from view by the populace as Herod hunters iAy that not only antelopes, but also leopards and lions, are bunted and Pontius Pilate appear, accompaniand killed by byena dogs, and this la ed by an escort of guards. huntThey decide upon the arrest of John, very probable, since Mongolian who steps forward nd --surrenders er) In the southeast of Siberia say that tbs terrible Amur' tlgersandthe gihimself Into custody. There are two scene In the fifth act gantic bear of that region are frethe first represents the castle where quently killed by packs of wild dogs John is imprisoned, and he appears which closely resemble hyena dogs. In former years th Boers were much on tha wall loaded down with chains by these dogs, for they killed annoyed and attended by a jailer. Here he U thousands of their sheep and oxen, visited by Herodias, whom be vehemently upbraids tor b er wan too mumi .fine would think that thanegroes would be afraid of such fierce animals, She depart In wrath. but they are not. for they .claim that Th Doom of Seloeie. th dogs will never attack a man un, Ths second scene is a view of ths less they are very hungry. Interior of th palace, where Salome are from six to ten of thes There has just completed the historic dance, In every litter. The young ones, dogs which so delights Herod that aa a reIn captivity, apedlly ward be promises her anything that which are kept become attached iq their owners, but, she may wish, even to th half of th nevertheless, are so fierce that they kingdom. Herodias, filled with anger cannot be allowed at r . large. and impelled to do vengeance, prompts cross made bedn to have Attempts her daughter to ask for tbe head of with ordinary domMtie John the Baptist Herod at first re- hyena dogs bsvs not succeeded, but dogs, they as admits ha fuses, being strangely whicb la to be as these wild regretted, fascinated by John, but upon being dogs are fearless and swift, are possessed of much endurance, have the sense of smell admirably developed and hence are, In these respects. Ideal hunting dogs. Tha bark of these dogs Is curious, be-Isometimes harsh and loud, sometime like a cuckoo's call and sometimes like the sound made by men who talk. wMlf their teeth are chattering with cold, No matter how much care is taken of them, hyena dogs rarely. If ever, live long in n foreign climate, and that ts one reason why th two now In Berlin are being, viewed with so much inng terest fft " ' if ROBERT DOWNING BAPTIST, reproached for breaking hls promts be orders the execution of th lmptt. oned exhorter. -- 10-in- ch ariiTitnn CO.VDICTO Fad. . Call Glaj-tt-- t a Tbe glasses here represented ar intended to supplant those ordinarily used for wins or liqueurs, and, as they are designed In a specially attractive manner, they are quickly achieving ihl object to certain European can readily he seen, themoet notable feature of some of them Is their extraordinary height The stems of such glaases ere naturally very slight and rail, yet they are wrought so skillfully and are so pleasing to th dr-c!es.- AKD ORCHESTRA. When Richard Wagner waa conductor of opera In Dresden, the orchestra of that institution, though one of tbe best in Germany, waa far from being as good as It is now, and Wagner had a good deal of trouble In making It follow bis Intentions. Some years later, when be was living as an exile in Zurich, he undertook to train tbe local orchestra. After a tew atbe exclaimed: "Gentlemen, tempt yon have Just given me a great pleasure; you have played exactly aa badly as ths Dresden orchestra." Tbe Zurich players laughed, and the Idea that they might play better than the royal musicians In Dresden so fired their seal that they actually succeeded In doing it the-Roy- SOCBRETTK TO STAB. . ' Alice Warren is a clever aoubrette, who has for the past two seasons been connected with Phillips Lyceum Stock Company, Brooklyn. She la now haring a three act comedy written by a well known author. In which she In3. Mini tends to star seaaoa of Warren is also credited with creating a number of song hits. Owing to Inducements she Is still retained this season - with the above named company. 1903-130- ... - ,, eye , TALL GLASS FAD. that many now prefer them to the old fashioned glassdL As these glasses are really works of art In their way, s high price Is- ob-. tained for them. Th - Jfijro a Striou Troblem . I Nashville American. Tbe negro will not voluntarily emigrate.' He will not He la here to remain be deported. until possibly hls final 'extinction a remote possibility. He Is but on generation removed from slavery. Two generations hence hs final status and destiny will be more clearly determined. In some respects be has made marked progress stow the wa- - In others he ban grievously deteriorated. He the Is still n problem a problem treatment of which calls for an exercise of the highest th night, courage, and patience. |