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Show MOt'RN M'KINI.RV IN IIKHI.IN. Otrmanii llrlllah and Anierleans Units la M.uurUl Swvlrs. Tb aorvlces of mourning for th death of President McKlnley held In the American church In Berlin. Germany, Ger-many, waa very Impressive. Tbe edifice edi-fice waa heavily bung with crap and crowded with Oermana, Brttlab and Americana. Among those who attended waa Haron Von Rlchthofen, German minister of foreign affair. I'nlted States Ambatsadnr White, Mr. Jackson, Jack-son, secretary of tbe United Btat' embassy: Mr. Maaon, United States consul general In Berlin, and the membra mem-bra of th family of Commani'n Been-lar, Been-lar, the United State naval attache. Tb paper treat of th death of Mr. McKlnley, the anarchist danger, and th political outlook under Mr. Rooaevelt Rooae-velt Th Krein Zeltung describe him ss anti-German In hi tympathUa, but othsrwlse give him credit |