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Show ha Her Plant ee Labor leiler. fee rallare of Kleel Work.r-a Irlke. Frealdent Hhaffrrof tha Amalgamated Amalgamat-ed aaaociatlon haa prepared an eihaua-tlve eihaua-tlve eta lenient, reviewing the IncUlenta of Ike lata atrlka of the ateel workere-The workere-The Intereatliig feature of tha atata-menl atata-menl ia the leadcra aevere oriUlam of other labor organliallona for their failure lo come to tha aid of lha Amalgamated Amal-gamated men. To thla ha attrlbulea tha failure of tha atrlkera to gala their point. Ha la aapeeially aevere agalaat Uompara. |