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Show SAVED BY A MONQOOSE It Attack on a Cobra Prevented a Fatality... A flt. IOUla man who ha been engaged en-gaged In engineering work In India bringa home thl itory of an exciting adventure with a cobra: "We had Just finished a hard day' work and were preparing to tak a good reat. Wa were far from a village, vil-lage, on aome hill, and took shelter In a deaerted hut. W did not reach the hut until after midnight, and consequently con-sequently we slept late Into the next day. Th first thing I remember upon opening my eye waa a flood of light through th door. I wu neareat, and my two companion were behind me. On a second glance my blood almost froze, Inere on the floor of the hut and leaa than two feet from me waa a large cobra, the largest I havo ever seen. It wa colled to strike, and It venotnoua neck awelled with poison. The little eye glittered like bead. I never moved a limb, but gazed at It In horror. My perfect stillness probably saved my life, for If I had made a move the anake would hav struck. Aa it waa, It seemed to be enjoying the triumph, and slowly moved Ita head backward and forward. I dared not utter a sound, I knew thnt it would aeal my fate. "I waa Juat revolving In my mind what to do and had determined to "'Ik a quick leap, when there wa a rush from a far corner. A amall animal ani-mal about the alio of a rat darted out from behind the anake and like a nah seized him by the neck Juat above the hood. And then commenced the fiercest struggle I have ever wltneaaed. The anake plunged, writhed and twisted, but the little animal clung to It. At length Its struggles grew weaker weak-er and I wa enabled to dlapatch It with a atlck. Th little animal wa mongoose, the fumou India cobr fighter. As soon a the snake was dead It fled to Ita hiding place and we could not coax It out. If I ever fell grateful to man or beast It wa to th little mongoose thut saved Biy life." |