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Show UTAH STATU NEWS. Nowilhslsnding tlx drought, the heel yield In the t Iclnlly of Hprlngvllls It up to Hi. average. A Hall Lib policeman bad hie pack He picked while watching a parade at the Klk'a rsrnlval, loosing 110. Never Id Ilia Malory of lh Slate have wlater ranges been a. food as they ere now, and stockmen are fallal-tallng fallal-tallng themselves. 1)tick hunters complain that moat of Ilia amstl lekee frequented by ducks ere dry and that duck hunting will bo vary poor thl. year. Tin ', t. T. I', of Halt l.ak will co-of-erate with tha lreeret Sunday School Union In Ita attempt to atop Sunday liquor eelllng. On of tha novel fealurre of the alete fair will l a buffalo park, with aoma of the uiaguitlcirul anainiata oo Anil liqie lalandon exhibition. Tha character of thi exhlblte to be arrangrd, and the general lutereel taken warrants a belief that tha atata fair thl. year will surpssa all Other! In afery way. Two eroe of grasshoppers have beea raised la Henpete county thla year, and a record orup la aipaotad neit year nnleaa a wet winter drelroye tha gs that hate been leyed. Captain Charles K. Htauton and hla alark, Frauk II. Shelly, formerly with lha Utah battery, are on the ocean an rout to Halt I.aka. Mr. Hhelly baa been eery alck for aoine months. Tha aontraclora for the publie build, log being erected at llolee, have order- ad twenty caraof Utah eeinenl to be aed lo the foundalloiia of that struct are and lha Y. M C. A. building. Heveral earloada of sugar from the Ogdea faalory have been marketed. Tha Utah county factorlea began to f rlud thla week, and before the eloea of tha week will be mark. Hug IU product. Al tha bicycle track at Halt Lake Saturday night, John l.eweoo aalab-Ilahad aalab-Ilahad a new world'a KHMnlle record, making the distance In 3:D: II 8-, twsoty-uue seconds faster than tha beat previoua tliue. A atrlke ia reputed la the Weak Century mine, la I'ark Valley, Hoi Klder euunty, where a large body of ro haa been uncovered that gives mill return! of lilt gold, 1J ouuoee allrer and 10.4 per cent lead. Foarteea loohee of oro that will average 10 per eenl copper la reported In the Columbia of lliugham. Id the meantime le.a.ea are taking out eon aldrrabla milling ore which la belug treated at the linger, mill. llecauaa It waa pmpoaed to hold a blejrole race meet at the Halt Lake aaucer traek Thureday ntglit of laat week, the day of President McKluley'a burial, both the manager aud official league representative reelgued. The Oregon Short Line haa plaeed an order fur 3ml aleel goudole car a, 10t),llOU poutida rapacity, with tbl Pressed .Hti-el Cur compnuy. The ean will be 41 feel o Inch., loug end will be at Una a auy turned out of a shop. TbeOld-Tlmu Telegrapher, aud tha United Hlatra Millltery Telegraph oorpa will hold their tweuly-aacund annual meeting lu Halt Lake aeat year. Tha tweuyt-Hrat annual meet lug baa Juat baeu oloaed at Moulreel, Canada. A tliree-y ear-old child of Mr. and Mr a. A. V. Taylor of Mill oreek, died laat week from a ahock uauaed by fall-a fall-a lug lulo a pall of hot water. Ilia back and anna were severely scalded, but aol, la tbe oplnlou ptiyeloiaue, sultt aleat to eauae deatb. Ulshup Irooa of Moruul, Sanpete aouaty, died laat week al the agaof Tt years. Illahop lruna oame to Utah In Hot aud aettled In Moruul euon after, which baa ever ainoe beau bla huine. lie had ocuupled hla euulesiesiioal po-alllou po-alllou for abut twenty yeara, A motion for a new trial la lha eaaa of aire Annie Hilton, wife of Chief lllltoa of Halt. Lake, agalaat tha lata ' Dr. John U. I'ark, wherein aha aought to get a portion uf hie eatale, waa overruled leal week. Au appeal to the eupreiue court will be Ink. a. Mood white wheat la now bringing In lha Halt Lake market M ceute per bu.hel, but a email decline la eipeuted ' within a abort time, aa many fanners ara holding for a bigger price, and when they commence to put their stuff oa tha market, there will be a great deal of oompetltlou. The Slate contention of the W. a T-0. T-0. will be held at Ogden on October 17th, lath, luth aud 3oili. Mlaa Mary Brehm of lllluoie, national eupsrlo-teudent eupsrlo-teudent of the sutferago department of tha W. C. T. II. will be preaent throughout the couveutiou aud make aeveral addresses. i A company baa been formed to leaae or buy enough laud al the north end of Ureal Halt Lake, and the Promuo-lory Promuo-lory country, lo juellfy extensive ax-ploratioa ax-ploratioa to determine to a certainty whether or not oil abounde la that vicinity, aa baa long been believed. ' |