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Show Tht A. it of th World. it I safe to predict that th neit correction cor-rection of the EtiKlleh version of th scriptures will alter on word In order to bring the text Into harmony with established science. The word Is "day" Id th story of th creation. It Is true that tbn lCugllan translators transla-tors did not mean the solar day, but, unfortunately, readers unacquainted with melophor and other flgurea of rhetoric have aaaumed that "day" meant twenty-four hours and thus generations Imve tiled to believe that th Creator tolled by the aim and created cre-ated th material world on th Installment Install-ment plan of daya of th week, resting after sli day' toll. Tha neareat equivalent 11 htvo for the Indefinite dlvlalon of time meant by th original arrlpture narrative of creation la "eon." meaning a long but unmeasured Interval. The next correction cor-rection of tha English version will doubtlea see "eon" luhatltutetl for "day," and that uhatltutlon will enable en-able many to cling lo the Illble, which otherwise will continue to lose believer believ-er whll aeenilng In conflict with physical truth. Th correction Is lha more necessary heeauao science hat corroborated the scripture along Ita wain lines of averment, while drawing scientific ttiitemeiits mure and more toward iireclalon, allhooKh mill unatile to fix the moat Important ilutce authoritatively. author-itatively. Dr. FllniUua Tetrle, who wrote during dur-ing th winter a aunimary of his Eypt-ologlcnl Eypt-ologlcnl reaenrctics hits classified mon-umentnl mon-umentnl evidence from Kgypt alone, for example, allowing that the world I sat least 9,000 yeir old and probably much older. |