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Show BRAINS BEAT MUSCLE. I What a aelaatlna raraier 1)14 wllb I Worn Out Land. A little over a year ago we mad ( torn extended comment upon an II- I lustration or what might be don on an abandoned farm by a man who knew his business, says th Boston I Transcript. Such a farm has been purchased and redeemed In the Ilttl ! town of Ptxton, about seven miles j from Worcester, and away from th railroad by a Long Island man, who I brought with him a thorough know- ledge of truck farming. Ills success i' th first year does not seem to have been exceptional. We hav heard a j great deal about the sinallnes ot th C potato crop this year, and undoubt- i eilly tha condition have been less fa- vorabla than usual, but our Paxlon J farmer put tblrty-sevcn acres Into tba tubers, from which he expects to pro- I due a crop of some 4,500 bushel, or from 126 to ISO bushel to th acre. j In fact, he ha now for some tlm I been sending potatoe to Worcester, f th neareat large town, and receiving from M 60 to 5 a barrel. Even at tha loweat yield mentioned thl will stand him in a return of over 1200 an aor from land that probably did not cost hltn a twentieth part of that sum. Of course, there Is a considerable debt account, but allowing for all that th profits are fat. Farmers In his neighborhood neigh-borhood are beginning to think that their troubles tre nut entirely du to worn-out land and gunerally chtngad conditions. The fact that they do not know how to make th moat of what they have had aomethlng to do with It |