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Show f'ollrslale Urgreea. Once every seven or eight year somebody perpetrate an Ingenious fraud In collegiate degreea. Th victim vic-tim are auppi aed to be educated men, but they are aa easily gulled a Innocent In-nocent mossback. Hitherto the degree de-gree most In demand has been "M. D." Every quack In the country could got one for a few dollar. A "Professor" In Massachusetts sold thousands aoms year go. Nu one ever thinks of asking the beurer of honor by whom they wer conferred. The question would look like an Impertinence. Thf lntet victim, th "reverends," are undeserving un-deserving of eympathy. Every on buying a "D. D." should be retired from the pulpit. If thla thing continue con-tinue I shall expect to sen all degree men required to append the nam of their uiilveralty lo their honor, as Jonathan lleilwarda, I.I.. D., Yal; Charles Elbert Cartwrlght, M. D., Harvard; Har-vard; th Rev. Ileecber Darby Vandyke, Van-dyke, D. D., Princeton; Ph. D Columbia; Colum-bia; D. C. I... Cambridge; D. Ut., Oxford, Ox-ford, etc. New York Preas. |