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Show M. 1. Conventlain. The Mutual Improvement convention ' held at lloytrvill l.iat Suturday and Fnn lay win out ol the mint Interesting gathrring ever held in the Stake. The' alter, Utiee waa very largo their being a I good rrpreaenlaliun from nil lb war.li. I'rol. Ilriinhult waa tn have been pre a- eut but on ( count ol alckneaa he could not attend and I'rol. II. H. Hinkley waaj here' inatrail. At the afternoon n-aaiup oil Haturday . Supt. C. A. Cnllia waa the Ural apeaker, ! who delivered a abort addreai of wel : nome. J, M. Calderwiiiil next roke on the aiibji ct ul "(trading the Aarorlatinna." ! Keinuma were made by I'rol. Hinkley and I'reat. Taylur. "Miaaionary Work" waa the aubje t apoki-u oil by I'reat. T. I.. Allen. The remainder ol the aeaaion waa taken up in taking and answering lin-Hirlant lin-Hirlant ipii-aliona. The evening teaaiun wai addrurred by I'reat. C'allia, I'rol. Hinkley anil reveral othera, and tunny more n,ueationa were anrwereil. ai aiiAv'n aanainNa. The morning Hireling waa npentd Willi lb uauiil eercin, and W. L. Ilanaen waa tb llrat apeaker, Ilia tub-Jact tub-Jact being "Cnnjulnl Keaalona." Conaideriihle tlm waa aient to good advantage in aniwnring quealiona, Keinarka by I'rol. Illaklry, Freal-denta Freal-denta Taylor and Young, tb latter'a subject being "li-jneral lutprovenient Kilud." At tb alternoon aeaaion I'rol. Hinkley waa ttie Hrrt ajieaker, giving a sample li-iron from tb manual. Two other lc ratine were iliretiaaed by llifiinp A. J Crnnon and lieoiguT. Judd. Mure ipicrtiona wore arked and an-sweretl. an-sweretl. In the evening a public meeting war held and una lurgcly attended. The principal aieiikrr waa I'rol. Hinkley, who delivered nil intereatilig dlacuiirie. Mra. J. A. Smith aung aroloand a trin wua rendeied by (leorn ItcAld, J. W.Sitniaier arj K. II. Wr.gbt. |