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Show M.KIaley Teller Toward tlat-aea evill B C'arrlerl (lal. Oeneral Leonard Wood, mllltar Oovernor of Cuba, left Watliinglon Sunday for Havana. The axirolatien of General Woo. I la that ha will beetle to complete arrangemciila by which affaire In the lelauda can be handed over lo the Cubnua by the flrtlof uexl May. The elcclorul tuw which the Governor brought with liliu for the Inapectlun of the authorlvici hare la aullafactory to the ailmiiilatrallon pro-Tided pro-Tided eome miHlltlciillone are niadc. Aaarraulluf hla talk with Hie officiate of-ficiate Geuerrtl WoimI etprcued tha opinion that there would be no change la the altitude of the adiulnta-traflun adiulnta-traflun toward the Cubttua hut that the policy Inaugurated by Mr. SloKlnley would be continued by hie aucueaaor. |