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Show GOLD FROM RIVER BEDS. Mew Machine Invaoted to geparat tlravol and Precious Mate. How to get th precious metal which lurk In Ihe bed of rlvera In th aouthweat I a problem which mining min-ing men are trying to (olv with tb dredge. A canal I being dredged through the auriferous gravel beds along tha Colorado river, Just north ot Yuma, and the gravel from th big coop I washed at the rear of the machine ma-chine In the water that follow from th river. Test ahow that th dirt contain about alxteen cent worth ot gold per cubic yard. With a crew of ten men the dredge cn handle aom 4.000 cubic yard dally. Although little lit-tle waa known of th Colorado rlrar gravel deposit until a year ago placer mining ha flovrlshsd for fifty year along th Colorado tributaries, which ar rich In gold. Watar baa been so care for th last ten year that th miner have had to practice dry washing. wash-ing. Thl year, however, thar Is a plentiful aupply owing to tb heavy ralna of laat winter, and thousand of men are busy along th aandy shores. Th richest atream, perhaps, Is th tlaasaynmpa river, which drains sever! sev-er! gold fields. A newly-Invented dredging machine which la expected to handle gravel at amull cost nnd extract ex-tract the gold by a dry proceaa, was lately put to work near Yuma. If It proves aucceasful there I a big field for It In Arliona. Over In New M-xl-co Thomas Kdlson'a scheme without using water ha been undergoing test for nearly a year. A company capitalized at $3.0o0.000 hn bought tract of land In the Orlls plazer rcxlun of that territory and hope to mskt immense fortunes out of it by the aid of ICcllson's Invention. |